Official debate thread

Have you ever listened to hear speak for more than three minutes... Last night with Anderson was the first time she's spoken coherently on any topic over the past three and a half years... She may well be missing quite a few brain cells herself...
Yeah, but per the constitution, she is it. My main point is that nobody can believe that Joe is the person making the calls. That means some group of unelected (and basically unaccountable) people behind the scenes are. Like it or not, Harris was elected along with Biden. He can't do the job and no matter how stupid you or I believe she is, she is next in line, so she should be in charge until January.
I think those who only watch biased liberal news shows were stunned by his poor performance, whereas Fox viewers are more familiar with his incoherent “antics”.
Oh no, I could tell he’s slowing down almost exponentially, as of late, even watching the “liberal news networks,” He was able to show some energy during the SOTU address, but since then he’s continued to diminish further. By Election Day, if he makes it, he’ll be barely able to speak or at least string a short sentence together. It’s the vacant stare, when he’s not speaking, that’s most troubling to me. Frankly, I think it’s urgent that the Dems demand he step down and try to get a replacement by vote on the convention floor.
Oh no, I could tell he’s slowing down almost exponentially, as of late, even watching the “liberal news networks,” He was able to show some energy during the SOTU address, but since then he’s continued to diminish further. By Election Day, if he makes it, he’ll be barely able to speak or at least string a short sentence together. It’s the vacant stare, when he’s not speaking, that’s most troubling to me. Frankly, I think it’s urgent that the Dems demand he step down and try to get a replacement by vote on the convention floor.
Over on Fox and Bill O’Reilly’s they’ve been highlighting his gaffes and stare downs for several years now. Biden’s SOTU address was an aberration of just the right “cocktail” formula. He looked horrible last night. That said, I thought Trump could have done better, too. He keeps harping on his same old shtick.

It’s too late for the Dems to get a replacement candidate. They waited too long to replace him, hoping for the first black female POTUS. I anticipate a landslide victory for Trump in Nov. The Dems have shot their wad.
Over on Fox and Bill O’Reilly’s they’ve been highlighting his gaffes and stare downs for several years now. Biden’s SOTU address was an aberration of just the right “cocktail” formula. He looked horrible last night. That said, I thought Trump could have done better, too. He keeps harping on his same old shtick.

It’s too late for the Dems to get a replacement candidate. They waited too long to replace him, hoping for the first black female POTUS. I anticipate a landslide victory for Trump in Nov. The Dems have shot their wad.

It’s not too late for the Democrats to replace him.

Doing it would have some complications and difficulties - campaign funds, ballot access, the whole Kamala issue. But the alternative for them, at this point, has to be seen as unfathomable.
It’s not too late for the Democrats to replace him.

Doing it would have some complications and difficulties - campaign funds, ballot access, the whole Kamala issue. But the alternative for them, at this point, has to be seen as unfathomable.
I think the Dems would get a boost. A fresh face. Fresh air. A reprieve from the fatigue that is trump and Biden. Start over.
He dominated the conversation but he told so many half truths, falsehhods and exagerations that he had a poor debate. Had Biden been awake and coherent he would have called him on them. He also refused to address some of the most important questions.

Don't confuse that with having a good debate
I see you're not deviating from the 'Trump lies' playbook.

Care to cite any specifics? You know, like Biden's false claims - as noted on Snopes - what Trump said at Charlottesville? Or when Biden claims inflation was 9% when he came into office?

Don't even try to pull that shit when Biden lied every time he opened his mouth.
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They’d get more than a boost. They’d likely win.

It would be like Brad Stevens (or any of about 20 others in a Brad costume) coming in for Archie Miller.

If they nominate the right ticket, I agree.

But I have my doubts they’ll do that. Harris would be the worst choice. Newsom would be better, but still not great (bc of swing states).

And chances are good it would be one of these two.
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Eh you knew what they’d be anyway. Biden was exactly what I have been saying he is: a cadaver. Mushy peas. Being hidden etc. I knew this was Biden. I was actually disappointed in trump. Personally I thought trump did a terrible job. He didn’t zone in on the top issues, prices etc, and plans to address same. That was just one example. He winged it. Not cool.
Trump was terrible and he just can’t be honest. It’s impossible to get past his constant lying.
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Trump was terrible and he just can’t be honest. It’s impossible to get past his constant lying.
He was terrible. My suspicion is that the people running the Dem party are far lefties and if they swap Biden out it will be Harris or Newsom. So I’ll vote trump
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It’s not too late for the Democrats to replace him.

Doing it would have some complications and difficulties - campaign funds, ballot access, the whole Kamala issue. But the alternative for them, at this point, has to be seen as unfathomable.
Desperate times for desperate people. Good luck with that one.

O’Reilly has been predicting for months he has a feeling some big event is going to change the course of the election and I don’t think Joe’s poor performance last night is the incident he had in mind. A Trump assassination attempt Oswald/Ruby style wouldn’t surprise me at this stage. Liberal Democrats would lose face if Trump was to be voted in again. With Trump it would be payback time and they know it.
As Trump might say, "Historians say I am the greatest president of all time, and Joe is the worst".

Meanwhile looking at the bewildered Biden on the split screen one could conclude Trump is correct.
After what we all watched last I don’t see how the democrats can even allow him to finish his term. To me it’s gross negligence on their part.
Yeah, but per the constitution, she is it. My main point is that nobody can believe that Joe is the person making the calls. That means some group of unelected (and basically unaccountable) people behind the scenes are. Like it or not, Harris was elected along with Biden. He can't do the job and no matter how stupid you or I believe she is, she is next in line, so she should be in charge until January.
Absolutely 💯 and the Democrats are not doing their duty to the country if they don’t place Harris in as President.
O’Reilly has been predicting for months he has a feeling some big event is going to change the course of the election
Bill O'Reilly has a show of some sort?

Confused Bill Oreilly GIF
To be fair - right or wrong - this administration seems to have kept her on the bench so we haven't had much of a chance to plead her case on any number topics.
You do realize Joe put her in charge of the border at the beginning of his term. I won't call it a presidency. She really did a bamg up job. Trump didn't even bring up the 7 charge stations South Bend Pete has gotten built with 7 billion dollars of our money. That is the other thing, Democrats believe the governments money is not the cutizens money that was confiscated.
You do realize Joe put her in charge of the border at the beginning of his term. I won't call it a presidency. She really did a bamg up job. Trump didn't even bring up the 7 charge stations South Bend Pete has gotten built with 7 billion dollars of our money. That is the other thing, Democrats believe the governments money is not the cutizens money that was confiscated.
Like Joe's dementia, all that went right over his head.
You do realize Joe put her in charge of the border at the beginning of his term. I won't call it a presidency. She really did a bamg up job. Trump didn't even bring up the 7 charge stations South Bend Pete has gotten built with 7 billion dollars of our money. That is the other thing, Democrats believe the governments money is not the cutizens money that was confiscated.
She's also reportedly a master debater.
Absolutely 💯 and the Democrats are not doing their duty to the country if they don’t place Harris in as President.

Are you suggesting the VP and cabinet invokes Section 4 of the 25th amendment? Because, other than impeachment (which shouldn't happen, and isn't going to), that's the only method to forcibly remove a POTUS.

I just don't see that happening. For one thing, POTUS can fight it and require a 2/3 vote in both houses for removal.

There is going to be a lot of pressure on Biden to step out (there already is, but it's not super hot yet). If he decides to do that and he wants Harris to take his place, then it's conceivable that he'd resign the office simultaneously -- in order to give her the benefits of being the incumbent.

But, if he does step aside, will he want Harris to take his place?
Are you suggesting the VP and cabinet invokes Section 4 of the 25th amendment? Because, other than impeachment (which shouldn't happen, and isn't going to), that's the only method to forcibly remove a POTUS.

I just don't see that happening. For one thing, POTUS can fight it and require a 2/3 vote in both houses for removal.

There is going to be a lot of pressure on Biden to step out (there already is, but it's not super hot yet). If he decides to do that and he wants Harris to take his place, then it's conceivable that he'd resign the office simultaneously -- in order to give her the benefits of being the incumbent.

But, if he does step aside, will he want Harris to take his place?
At some point you have to accept that beggars can't be choosers. Almost anyone is better than these two old farts. Even Harris.
Are you suggesting the VP and cabinet invokes Section 4 of the 25th amendment? Because, other than impeachment (which shouldn't happen, and isn't going to), that's the only method to forcibly remove a POTUS.

I just don't see that happening. For one thing, POTUS can fight it and require a 2/3 vote in both houses for removal.

There is going to be a lot of pressure on Biden to step out (there already is, but it's not super hot yet). If he decides to do that and he wants Harris to take his place, then it's conceivable that he'd resign the office simultaneously -- in order to give her the benefits of being the incumbent.

But, if he does step aside, will he want Harris to take his place?
That’s what I was suggesting. But I am wrong. I forgot about the votes in house and senate. No way that happens.
Desperate times for desperate people. Good luck with that one.

O’Reilly has been predicting for months he has a feeling some big event is going to change the course of the election and I don’t think Joe’s poor performance last night is the incident he had in mind. A Trump assassination attempt Oswald/Ruby style wouldn’t surprise me at this stage. Liberal Democrats would lose face if Trump was to be voted in again. With Trump it would be payback time and they know it.
As far fetched as this scenario seems, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility.

Trump is going to be on a revenge tour if he gets reelected. A lot of people would be in deep doo doo if that happens.
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As far fetched as this scenario seems, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility.

Trump is going to be on a revenge tour if he gets reelected. A lot of people would be in deep doo doo if that happens.

I don't think he understands the nuances of how to use the levers of executive power to even do this....not lawfully, anyway. Brute force won't get this done.

So I don't think this is true -- except in the synaptic gaps where dark fantasies lurk.

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