October surprise!

Sounds like some major oppo dropping on Harris today as well. Let’s get in the mud.



Every founding father were progressives. So... Never?
Lincoln was a corporate lawyer who represented the railroad for a quarter century.

And no we don’t want open borders, cops, defunded, climate reforms bc they sound good devoid of plans, equity of outcomes, reparations, cradle to grave welfare, gender reassignments for minors, dei determining hiring, and crt in schools.

Progressives are a fcking disaster
Both Roosevelts, Eisenhower, JFK, Big Willy were/are all progressives. So... Never?
And sticking to modern times big Willy campaigned as a progressive then before even year one was over made a hard right turn to the middle.

Never progressives
Lincoln was a corporate lawyer who represented the railroad for a quarter century.

And no we don’t want open borders, cops, defunded, climate reforms bc they sound good devoid of plans, equity of outcomes, reparations, cradle to grave welfare, gender reassignments for minors, dei determining hiring, and crt in schools.

Progressives are a fcking disaster
First time l read that headline I thought she was saying she played a game of Twister with Epstein and Trump....
That’s what I thought. I can’t see Trump & Epstein being nimble enough to play the game. Lol
Jeffrey Goldberg is the same one who laundered the "Sucker & Losers" hoax into public view. Always with anonymous sources, always with dozens of refutations after the fact. The guy is no better than a reddit sh*tposter. Don't call him a journalist.

BlueAnon is real.
Yeah. BlueAnon. Nice!
Lincoln was a corporate lawyer who represented the railroad for a quarter century.

And no we don’t want open borders, cops, defunded, climate reforms bc they sound good devoid of plans, equity of outcomes, reparations, cradle to grave welfare, gender reassignments for minors, dei determining hiring, and crt in schools.

Progressives are a fcking disaster
Why do you hate Lincoln? This is sad.
Lincoln was a corporate lawyer who represented the railroad for a quarter century.

And no we don’t want open borders, cops, defunded, climate reforms bc they sound good devoid of plans, equity of outcomes, reparations, cradle to grave welfare, gender reassignments for minors, dei determining hiring, and crt in schools.

Progressives are a fcking disaster
Yep. Abolition wasn't progressive at all.
Jeffrey Goldberg is the same one who laundered the "Sucker & Losers" hoax into public view. Always with anonymous sources, always with dozens of refutations after the fact. The guy is no better than a reddit sh*tposter. Don't call him a journalist.

BlueAnon is real.
My bad, you’re right. He’s just a reddit sh!tposter.
Jeffrey Goldberg is the same one who laundered the "Sucker & Losers" hoax into public view. Always with anonymous sources, always with dozens of refutations after the fact. The guy is no better than a reddit sh*tposter. Don't call him a journalist.

BlueAnon is real.
Guess you didn’t notice that Kelly confirmed that in his own voice. He was the primary source and it was especially memorable to him since his son was KIA.
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Guess you didn’t notice that Kelly confirmed that in his own voice. He was the primary source and it was especially memorable to him since his son was KIA.
Kelly is just another butthurt “Never Trumper” right now. Show some class and let the two candidates determine the outcome.

I am ducking for the incoming from your big guns!!! 😂
Guess you didn’t notice that Kelly confirmed that in his own voice. He was the primary source and it was especially memorable to him since his son was KIA.
His opinion must be weighed against the denials of others who were also there that day. He is one against many. Could he has an axe to grind.
Kelly is just another butthurt “Never Trumper” right now. Show some class and let the two candidates determine the outcome.

I am ducking for the incoming from your big guns!!! 😂
There's nothing classy about smearing General Kelly. Why anyone would take Trump's word over Kelly's is a mystery to me. Trump is a serial liar. Even his TDS inflicted loyalists defend his lies now by saying, "you just can't take him seriously."
There's nothing classy about smearing General Kelly. Why anyone would take Trump's word over Kelly's is a mystery to me. Trump is a serial liar. Even his TDS inflicted loyalists defend his lies now by saying, "you just can't take him seriously."
Kelly is a butthurt fired staffer for Trump. Being a General in military doesn’t exempt him from being butthurt and telling a lie.
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His opinion must be weighed against the denials of others who were also there that day. He is one against many. Could he has an axe to grind.
You get it wrong all the time. No one that was actually in a position to hear it has denied that it was said. What has been said was "I didn't hear it" by people that weren't in a position to hear it. One of those was Bolton who said exactly that but qualified it by saying it wouldn't surprise him if Trump had said it.
Kelly is a butthurt fired staffer for Trump. Being a General in military doesn’t exempt him from being butthurt and telling a lie.
I'll never understand this kind of steadfast defense for a man that absolutely does not deserve any loyalty.

It doesn't matter if what Kelly was said was confirmed by 15 Boy Scouts, he would still be a "butthurt liar" to those afflicted with TDS. Kelly resigned from his job as COS.
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Guess you didn’t notice that Kelly confirmed that in his own voice. He was the primary source and it was especially memorable to him since his son was KIA.
There's nothing classy about smearing General Kelly. Why anyone would take Trump's word over Kelly's is a mystery to me. Trump is a serial liar. Even his TDS inflicted loyalists defend his lies now by saying, "you just can't take him seriously."
If that was all Kelly said, he would be more believable. But Kelly rambled on with constitutional and other criticisms beyond his expertise . Nobody corroborates Kelly. As far as I am concerned Kelly’s comments are a ‘“she said, he said” argument. To test both party’s credibility, we have evidence of Kelly’s pecuniary interest in a Trump defeat, and clear objective evidence of Trump saying and doing many other things totally inconsistent with Kelly’s accusation.

clear objective evidence of Trump saying and doing many other things totally inconsistent with Kelly’s accusation.

True dat. Kelly has also said that Trump did not want to be pictured with injured veterans because it was bad for his image. This is not true evidenced by the plethora of pictures Trump has taken with injured veterans.