October surprise!

Can you explain that?

Also I noticed that Anita Hill was part of the call. You may be too young to be aware of it, but hill was a very conservative woman and great admirer of Thomas. She really had no reason to make up false accusations and prior to coming forward with the allegations she was highly enthused by the idea of the man she worked for becoming a member of SCOTUS. She claimed that it was his sexual harrasment of her that changed her mind...

To Biden's detriment he sided with Thomas.One of the worst moments of Biden's career...
Williams states that in winter of 1993 she was on a walk down 5th avenue with Epstein from his UES Brownstone. There is a problem with the timeline. Epstein bought that brownstone in 1996 and did not live there in 1993.

Sylvester Stallone GIF by Warner Archive

Dime store psychoanalysis is a common tactic when one is losing/ has no argument. We did use to argue you and I. Back when I was I was around 17 and we were on roughly the same wavelength.

Now all I get is bitchy cheap shots. Sometimes I wish you would engage again, but I've now realized it's always been bitchy cheap shots. All the way down.

Don’t ever accuse Harris of “word salads” again.
How exactly is Kitzinger "disgraced"? MAGA doesn't like him but that doesn't mean Americans as a whole view him as "disgraced". MAGA is a vocal minority and most people agree opposition to Trump is not a disgrace. Do you know of some credible fraud,bribery or weird sex act claims?

Kelly vs Kash Patel and Steven Miller- you call that an even match? Can you name one non-creepy person from the Trump Admin who is still riding the Trump Train? All the folks that abandoned him are the most qualified and quality people he hired...
Did you watch it? They were shooting at metal targets. METAL. A richochet wounded a reporter. lmao

These morons go out for a photo op and damn near get someone killed because they're so ****ing stupid. Adam is firing with a scope at a target 15 FEET AWAY. lmfao And that stupid SOB was in the military?

And see those things on the table? Tannerite. If the bullet would have richocheted into one of those, they would have blown themselves up.

You don't think that's disgraceful? Probably because you're just as ****ing stupid.
Williams states that in winter of 1993 she was on a walk down 5th avenue with Epstein from his UES Brownstone. There is a problem with the timeline. Epstein bought that brownstone in 1996 and did not live there in 1993.

The thing that makes this unbelievabe is the fact that she said Epstein got mad at her for not stopping the groping. lmao

Yeah, sure.
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Except that he didn't. He had tendered his resignation before Trump told everyone he'd been fired. Try again.
He was allowed to resign before he got fired ("You can't fire me. I quit!") That's how it's done in DC. Trump didn't say anything until he started lying about Trump.

Try living in the real world.
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Not sure about an October Surprise, but right wing Twitter is warning that the White House is steering a brewing hurricane to hit Florida on Election Day. They’ve targeted only Republican areas. With that kind of talent, maybe we should keep them in charge.
He was allowed to resign before he got fired ("You can't fire me. I quit!") That's how it's done in DC. Trump didn't say anything until he started lying about Trump.

Try living in the real world.
DANC listen to me. Fired. Resigned. Constructive discharge. nobody cares about some disgruntled old ee now. How are we looking in NC? Have you been asked to lead any voter outreach initiatives? Fill us in. How are we looking?
I had believed my post would be taken with the proper amount of levity but a week and a half out from election day I understand everyone running to their partisan corners and and expecting the same of the other.

This Digressions guy has come at me a couple times today. He has a reckoning coming if he keeps it up.
I do know he’s not a Bitcoin….aka another shit lib socialist.
DANC listen to me. Fired. Resigned. Constructive discharge. nobody cares about some disgruntled old ee now. How are we looking in NC? Have you been asked to lead any voter outreach initiatives? Fill us in. How are we looking?
Well, we're having to fight the floods in the heavily Trump areas of the state. The Dems will do anything to keep Republicans from voting.

Supposedly big Republican turnout for early voting. I've been visiting the nursing homes and collecting votes there and taking them to drop-off boxes, now that I know tracking is supposedly impossible.

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