NYC Mayor worried about immigration

You're badly mistaken.

"For the president, the plan is more than just a stimulus proposal. It is a declaration of his economic policy — one that captures the principle Democrats and liberal economists have espoused over the past decade: that the best way to stoke faster economic growth is from the bottom up.

"Mr. Biden’s economic team is betting that a mix of $1,400 checks to individuals, more generous jobless aid and other safety-net benefits in the plan will help power a rapid increase in economic growth by aiming money at people who need help right now to pay their bills, buy groceries and stave off eviction or foreclosure — as opposed to higher earners who would be more likely to save the money.

"Many economists predict that that the increase in consumer spending would spur more hiring and business production, helping to lift the economy to its fastest annual growth rate since the mid-1980s."

Guess what? The plan worked. We recovered faster than all other G7 nations and most of the developed world.

Many economists predict that the increase in consumer spending would spur more hiring and business production, helping to lift the economy to its fastest annual growth rate since the mid-1980s.
whoops you botched this one too.

my advice to you is to stick to "but they're not trump." prices, absurd border policy, vapid race-baiting. they're a god awful ticket. but they're not trump. that way you'll be unburdened by what has been
You're badly mistaken.

"For the president, the plan is more than just a stimulus proposal. It is a declaration of his economic policy — one that captures the principle Democrats and liberal economists have espoused over the past decade: that the best way to stoke faster economic growth is from the bottom up.

"Mr. Biden’s economic team is betting that a mix of $1,400 checks to individuals, more generous jobless aid and other safety-net benefits in the plan will help power a rapid increase in economic growth by aiming money at people who need help right now to pay their bills, buy groceries and stave off eviction or foreclosure — as opposed to higher earners who would be more likely to save the money.

"Many economists predict that that the increase in consumer spending would spur more hiring and business production, helping to lift the economy to its fastest annual growth rate since the mid-1980s."

Guess what? The plan worked. We recovered faster than all other G7 nations and most of the developed world.

Many economists predict that the increase in consumer spending would spur more hiring and business production, helping to lift the economy to its fastest annual growth rate since the mid-1980s.
Why would you think printing money and causing high inflation is good for an economy?
whoops you botched this one too.

I botched nothing. The article I cited ("To Juice the Economy, Biden Bets on the Poor") dated March 5, 2021 (six weeks into Biden's presidency) reflects that there was a clear intent and expectation that the stimulus would spur a speedy economic recovery. It did just that.

You argued that the economic benefit from the stimulus was accidental. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
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I botched nothing. The article I cited ("To Juice the Economy, Biden Bets on the Poor") dated March 5, 2021 (six weeks into Biden's presidency) reflects that there was a clear intent and expectation that the stimulus would spur a speedy economic recovery. It did just that.

Just admit you were wrong and move on.
lmao you ignored the others. do i need to link a hundred articles to confirm to prove you're wrong YET AGAIN. they wanted LASTING change. gov expansion. that's what progressives do. you should read up before you vote.

Are you ever right on this board? You're a real bloodbath on here
I botched nothing. The article I cited ("To Juice the Economy, Biden Bets on the Poor") dated March 5, 2021 (six weeks into Biden's presidency) reflects that there was a clear intent and expectation that the stimulus would spur a speedy economic recovery. It did just that.

You argued that the economic benefit from the stimulus was accidental. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
"During his campaign, Joe Biden made no secret of the presidential legacies he aspired to, frequently invoking Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. The two Democratic presidents both passed sweeping legislation that transformed the country, and Mr. Biden didn’t hide his plans to do the same. Now, 10 months into his presidency, his initial proposals have been chipped away by members of his own party, and critics say what’s left is less like the New Deal and more like a shell of itself."

Do you understand the fdr legacy? do i need to explain it to you? he was a bait and switch. we thought obama 2.0 and we got a progressive
lmao you ignored the others. do i need to link a hundred articles to confirm to prove you're wrong YET AGAIN. they wanted LASTING change. gov expansion. that's what progressives do. you should read up before you vote.

Are you ever right on this board? You're a real bloodbath on here
You argued that the economic benefit from the stimulus was accidental ("That would be a viable argument if it was remotely intentional. The intent was giveaways with unknown consequences," you erroneously argued). I provided clear evidence demonstrating that you are wrong. Just admit it and move on.
You argued that the economic benefit from the stimulus was accidental ("That would be a viable argument if it was remotely intentional. The intent was giveaways with unknown consequences," you erroneously argued). I provided clear evidence demonstrating that you are wrong. Just admit it and move on.
"That would be a viable argument if it was remotely intentional. The intent was giveaways with unknown consequences."

Now we know you have god awful reading comprehension. Above is my quote. The intent was not to be a short term panacea for a novel condition but the intent was to use same as a pretense to implement his true objective which was lasting, cradle to grave benefits ala fdr. As i have posted a thousand times. they wanted to enact sweeping legislation and were going to do so with or without a pandemic. the consequences of which they'd have no idea.

"During his campaign, Joe Biden made no secret of the presidential legacies he aspired to, frequently invoking Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. The two Democratic presidents both passed sweeping legislation that transformed the country, and Mr. Biden didn’t hide his plans to do the same. Now, 10 months into his presidency, his initial proposals have been chipped away by members of his own party, and critics say what’s left is less like the New Deal and more like a shell of itself."

now admit you're wrong, yet again, and apologize. the new deal created social security etc
"That would be a viable argument if it was remotely intentional. The intent was giveaways with unknown consequences."

Now we know you have god awful reading comprehension. Above is my quote. The intent was not to be a short term panacea for a novel condition but the intent was to use same as a pretense to implement his true objective which was lasting, cradle to grave benefits ala fdr. As i have posted a thousand times. they wanted to enact sweeping legislation and were going to do so with or without a pandemic. the consequences of which they'd have no idea.

"During his campaign, Joe Biden made no secret of the presidential legacies he aspired to, frequently invoking Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. The two Democratic presidents both passed sweeping legislation that transformed the country, and Mr. Biden didn’t hide his plans to do the same. Now, 10 months into his presidency, his initial proposals have been chipped away by members of his own party, and critics say what’s left is less like the New Deal and more like a shell of itself."

now admit you're wrong, yet again, and apologize. the new deal created social security etc
You're wrong. The administration's intent was to "stoke faster economic growth from the bottom up." It wasn't serendipitous at all.
You're wrong. The administration's intent was to "stoke faster economic growth from the bottom up." It wasn't serendipitous at all.
The administration's intent was to use the current conditions as a vehicle to implement fdr-like transformative policies that would last far beyond the pandemic.
The administration's intent was to use the current conditions as a vehicle to implement fdr-like transformative policies that would last far beyond the pandemic.
The intent of the stimulus was to "juice the economy" while helping the poor. It did just that. Nothing about the plan, or its consequences, was accidental as you erroneously suggested.
The intent of the stimulus was to "juice the economy" while helping the poor. It did just that. Nothing about the plan, or its consequences, was accidental as you erroneously suggested.
stop wasting my time. you're like a child i continually have to address and correct. when i tell you something it is so. otherwise i wouldn't say it.

"With President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan signed into law, Democratic lawmakers are exploring ways to ensure that generous tax credits and other key aspects of the legislation will last well beyond the pandemic itself, either through additional rounds of extensions or more permanent measures."

pandemic or no pandemic progressives what cradle to grave benefits and gov expansion
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stop wasting my time. you're like a child i continually have to address and correct. when i tell you something it is so. otherwise i wouldn't say it.

"With President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan signed into law, Democratic lawmakers are exploring ways to ensure that generous tax credits and other key aspects of the legislation will last well beyond the pandemic itself, either through additional rounds of extensions or more permanent measures."
Now you're introducing an after-the-fact development that has nothing to do with the original argument - - that the stimulus plan as developed by the administration was intended to juice the economy while helping the poor. You claimed that the demonstrable economic benefits of the stimulus were purely happenstance. That claim was and continues to be dead wrong. Just admit it and move on.
The intent of the stimulus was to "juice the economy" while helping the poor. It did just that. Nothing about the plan, or its consequences, was accidental as you erroneously suggested.
And why are you running from this gov expansion and cradle to grave benes. That’s what you want right? You love Harris. So own it. I don’t believe in progressive policies but obviously a boatload do
Now you're introducing an after-the-fact development that has nothing to do with the original argument - - that the stimulus plan as developed by the administration was intended to juice the economy while helping the poor. You claimed that the demonstrable economic benefits of the stimulus were purely happenstance. That claim was and continues to be dead wrong. Just admit it and move on.
Oh no. I claimed that the intent of the stimulus was to engender lasting programs implemented under the guise of pandemic aid. That they had no idea what outcome it would have on the economy. Their goal was to be transformative. Long term. Not short. If it benefited the economy that was a byproduct. Much in the same way that they had no idea what it would do to prices. Or how defund would play out. Or the border. Or anything

Now bc they’re stupid they blame prices on greed etc. if they were savvy they’d say they knew that stimulus ran the risk of inflation but our goal was to bolster the economy in hopes of staving off a recession. But it wasn’t. Their goal was giveaways. Let the chips fall where they may thereafter. Some came out okay. Some didn’t.

Their plan is always feelings
Oh no. I claimed that the intent of the stimulus was to engender lasting programs implemented under the guise of pandemic aid. That they had no idea what outcome it would have on the economy.
You wrote (#278) "the intent [of the stimulus] was giveaways with unknown consequences." I've demonstrated that that claim is patently false. The intent was powering a speedy economic recovery while helping the poor. The economic benefits were wholly anticipated and were achieved.
You wrote (#278) "the intent [of the stimulus] was giveaways with unknown consequences." I've demonstrated that that claim is patently false. The intent was a speedy economic recovery while helping the poor. The economic benefits were wholly anticipated.
Correct. Giveaways with unknown consequences. They were going to do it regardless - why else would they want them to be permanent? They want a larger social safety net. Cradle to grave.

Is a one time shot transformative? Likened to fdr? Please.
why else would they want them to be permanent?
Again, you're introducing an after-the-fact development that has nothing to do with the administration's clearly stated intent in rolling out the plan, which facilitated one of the fastest and most sweeping post-pandemic economic recoveries in the world. The plan was enormously successful.
You wrote (#278) "the intent [of the stimulus] was giveaways with unknown consequences." I've demonstrated that that claim is patently false. The intent was powering a speedy economic recovery while helping the poor. The economic benefits were wholly anticipated and were achieved.
Biden/Harris didn’t come to office with the intent of providing Aflac. They wanted to provide long term disability policies by way of crude analogy.
Again, you're introducing an after-the-fact development that has nothing to do with the administration's clearly stated intent in rolling out the plan, which facilitated one of the fastest and most sweeping post-pandemic economic recoveries in the world. The plan was enormously successful.
Save the hyperbolic bs. It fckd a sizable portion of an entire generation. Tons of people can’t keep up with these prices. The American dream etc. I have said they came in day one with the goal of being transformative. With or without a pandemic.
Biden/Harris didn’t come to office with the intent of providing Aflac. They wanted to provide long term disability policies by way of crude analogy.

Save the hyperbolic bs. It fckd a sizable portion of an entire generation. Tons of people can’t keep up with these prices. The American dream etc. I have said they came in day one with the goal of being transformative. With or without a pandemic.
You're moving the goal posts. The discussion isn't about what they "came to office with the intent of providing." The topic is the specific (and false) claim you made that the intent of the stimulus was "giveaways with unknown consequences." That is completely erroneous. Just admit the mistake. it's ok to be wrong.
You're moving the goal posts. The discussion isn't about what they "came to office with the intent of providing." The topic is the specific (and false) claim you made that the intent of the stimulus was "giveaways with unknown consequences." That is completely erroneous.
No. They’re entwined. The intent when they came into office was giveaways. Whether there was a pandemic or not. Hence permanent. The consequences of same were unknown. No different than defunding and opening the border. Not rational analysis. feelings. Oh cori bush is throwing a fit we want rent stayed longer. Okay. No idea how that would impact matters. Just emotions and feelings. Social worker politicians

So a benefit to the economy is unintended. The intent was to get people money regardless of its impact. So prices rose. Economy suffered. But they had no idea. They’re like RC humans
No. They’re entwined. The intent when they came into office was giveaways. Whether there was a pandemic or not. Hence permanent. The consequences of same were unknown. No different than defunding and opening the border. Not rational analysis. feelings. Oh cori bush is throwing a fit we want rent stayed longer. Okay. No idea how that would impact matters. Just emotions and feelings. Social worker politicians

So a benefit to the economy is unintended. The intent was to get people money regardless of its impact. So prices rose. Economy suffered. But they had no idea. They’re like RC humans
No. The economic benefit of the stimulus was entirely intended.