Nothing to see here?

Really? Whose morals? Dumbest thing I have seen in a while. If you can’t be the judge and jury on your own body where do all those individual rights start and end? Maybe you can team up wit VPM and tell us all what “our “ personal liberties are, you know the GOP code for small government and all. Expound on the morals of baking a cake for a same sex couple as a protected liberty, while expounding on the governments right to invade your bedroom and body. Please enlighten me with the “transactional” thinking process u admire in your boy ( who u don’t really support,wink wink).
Trumpsters lecturing on morality is always a good look. Is there anyone that would be surprised if Trump paid for an abortion or two?
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Maybe you can team up wit VPM and tell us all what “our “ personal liberties are, you know the GOP code for small government and all. Expound on the morals of baking a cake for a same sex couple as a protected liberty, while expounding on the governments right to invade your bedroom and body. Please enlighten me with the “transactional” thinkin process u admire in your boy ( who u don’t really support,wink wink).

Trumpsters lecturing on morality is always a good look. Is there anyone that would be surprised if Trump paid for an abortion or two?


I said "doctor patient relationship" is woefully insufficient to explain the social usefulness and morality of abortion and suggest there must be a better moral case to justify it, and you both respond with stupid shit about another poster, cakes, "my boy," and Trumpsters. Don't your pea-brains allow you to make a point without checking all of your idiotic Trump boxes?
No it won’t. You guys keep thinking we are going back to the 50’s or 60’s or whenever you think America was great. But what many mean is it was great for white men. Wasn’t so great for women. Wasn’t so great for minorities. And those groups are going to make sure we don’t end up going back there again. There have always been abortions. There always will be. The only question is whether women have to endanger their lives again to get them illegally , spend lots of money, and travel long distances. All that does is make abortion accessible to the rich and mistresses of politicians and difficult for the poor. As per the norm. You are welcome to your morality. Don’t impose it on me. I don’t impose mine on you.

No, it is exactly because technology is not from the 50's or 60's that I think morality will move my way. Eventually you will have a hard time defending infanticide because it happens to reside inside a woman as opposed to outside it. Much in the same way that white people came around on the idea that slaves were not really some fraction of a human.

You will probably be dead and gone before it happens but I believe history will judge your position on this topic much more harshly than mine. 100 years from now people will wonder how you could so callously and flippantly defend killing babies over some faux sense that you are fighting for women's rights.

So congrats, those "white men" that you view as monsters will eventually be the way history judges you.
No, it is exactly because technology is not from the 50's or 60's that I think morality will move my way. Eventually you will have a hard time defending infanticide because it happens to reside inside a woman as opposed to outside it. Much in the same way that white people came around on the idea that slaves were not really some fraction of a human.

You will probably be dead and gone before it happens but I believe history will judge your position on this topic much more harshly than mine. 100 years from now people will wonder how you could so callously and flippantly defend killing babies over some faux sense that you are fighting for women's rights.

So congrats, those "white men" that you view as monsters will eventually be the way history judges you.

Whatever gets you through the day, Crazy. I similarly believe that Martians (not named Marvin) are going to come down from outer space to judge "Christian" homophobes harshly and they will be chagrined to see ironic judgement by "illegal aliens". Seems a lot of us cling to something that's unlikely to come to pass. ;)
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Whatever gets you through the day, Crazy. I similarly believe that Martians (not named Marvin) are going to come down from outer space to judge "Christian" homophobes harshly and they will be chagrined to see ironic judgement by "illegal aliens". Seems a lot of us cling to something that's unlikely to come to pass. ;)

I look at it like this, have you seen the 3D Ultrasounds? Have you been in the room when one of those is being done live? Medical technology is advancing every day. My belief is that technology is going to advance to the point where abortion is rightfully viewed as the monstrosity that it is and it will be severely limited to a point where the only "between me and my doctor" is going to be mostly around the life of the mother.

Eventually I believe that on this topic, my side will eventually win one way or the other.
I look at it like this, have you seen the 3D Ultrasounds? Have you been in the room when one of those is being done live? Medical technology is advancing every day. My belief is that technology is going to advance to the point where abortion is rightfully viewed as the monstrosity that it is and it will be severely limited to a point where the only "between me and my doctor" is going to be mostly around the life of the mother.

Eventually I believe that on this topic, my side will eventually win one way or the other.

Yes and yes. Does't change my view on abortion.

Obviously, my belief is that your belief is wishful thinking on your part.
Yes and yes. Does't change my view on abortion.

Obviously, my belief is that your belief is wishful thinking on your part.

Fair enough, politics is ultimately fighting for what you believe in and hoping for the best.
No, it is exactly because technology is not from the 50's or 60's that I think morality will move my way. Eventually you will have a hard time defending infanticide because it happens to reside inside a woman as opposed to outside it. Much in the same way that white people came around on the idea that slaves were not really some fraction of a human.

You will probably be dead and gone before it happens but I believe history will judge your position on this topic much more harshly than mine. 100 years from now people will wonder how you could so callously and flippantly defend killing babies over some faux sense that you are fighting for women's rights.

So congrats, those "white men" that you view as monsters will eventually be the way history judges you.
It would be so interesting to see what you thought if men were the ones that got pregnant and women made the laws telling you what to do. I’m sure you’d expect to think the same. But you never really know until it’s you. ( infanticide....hyperbole much)
The hidden history of Trump’s first trip to Moscow
In 1987, a young real estate developer traveled to the Soviet Union. The KGB almost certainly made the trip happen.

Trump’s first visit to Soviet Moscow in 1987 looks, with hindsight, to be part of a pattern. The dossier by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele asserts that the Kremlin had been cultivating Trump for “at least five years” before his stunning victory in the 2016 US presidential election. This would take us back to around 2011 or 2012.
In fact, the Soviet Union was interested in him too, three decades earlier. The top level of the Soviet diplomatic service arranged his 1987 Moscow visit. With assistance from the KGB.
Conservative southern Indiana used to be well known for dead infants in dumpsters. Answer your question?

I just find it curious because I've been told for years that outlawing abortions wont make them go away, but I'm supposed to believe that outlawing guns will make 400 million of them disappear.

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