Not all of the conspiracy theory spreading idiots on Twitter are from the US


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
Since soccer is so popular on the board (DWS), I thought some might get a kick out of seeing the looney overreactions it can inspire in the online "anti-woke" crowd in England. I won't say "Britain", because as one of the respondents in the comments on this video pointed out, the Scots and N Irish are "laughing at these idiots" as well.

I occasionally check out this guy's videos because he has good insight into international matches. But I had no idea what the video was about from seeing the title.And since I get an inordinate amount of videos from right wing lunatics,I assumed from the title that this guy was another one...

It's not quite the level of the lunatic election-denying "representative" in MI mischaracterizing Gonzaga's typical foreign born players as "illegal aliens". I mean in a way I can sympathize with him as that commercial where Chet Holmgren "sings" that horrible off key rendition of some "song" SHOULD be illegal...

But still these England "fans" come pretty close to the level of xenophobic racism that Maddock displayed...
And look almost just as stupid in the process...

If you're looking for a good laugh, the twitter posts read in an English accent by a guy from Vietnam are hilarious. But make sure you watch up until the 8 min or so mark, or you'll miss the punch line.

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