National Embarrassment- Quit Going to Games

Yes. Not Dolson’s fault
Agree. He hired Woody, right? He'll have his chance with the head football coach too. It's just a matter of when now with Allen. I initially thought they would wait a couple years now I'm not so sure. They shouldn't. They get plenty of $ from the BIG to cut bait. The BIG likes IU to be a role player in football but not a train wreck that doesnt compete.

Allen has had 6 years. 4 of which have not been good or god awful.
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Agree. He hired Woody, right? He'll have his chance with the head football coach too. It's just a matter of when now with Allen. I initially thought they would wait a couple years now I'm not so sure. They shouldn't. They get plenty of $ from the BIG to cut bait. The BIG likes IU to be a role player in football but not a train wreck that doesnt compete.

Allen has had 6 years. 4 of which have not been good or god awful.
Woody hasn’t proven anything yet. Pump the brakes.
Dolson is a clone of Surfboard and will have IU on life support in no time.
I'm just saying he got his shot with basketball and now he'll get one for football. Hopefully both work out.
Dolson has no business running what is supposed to be a flagship program for the state. Completely in over his head and will mismanage the entire department into the Stone Age. Time to get out now!


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