"MY beautiful Christians" says Trump.

What is unchristian about following the rule of law?
What's Christian about repeating hateful racist rhetoric that's been debunked by the woman who started it, the police of the town, the mayor of the town, the Gov of the state, and the weird ass couch f*cker himself.

You're a stupid hypochristian POS hiding behind religion and doing Satan's work.
What's Christian about repeating hateful racist rhetoric that's been debunked by the woman who started it, the police of the town, the mayor of the town, the Gov of the state, and the weird ass couch f*cker himself.

You're a stupid hypochristian POS hiding behind religion and doing Satan's work.
You don’t believe in Satan.
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First, vote for whomever you want. I do not try to change your mind or that of anyone else.

Second, my life is better in almost every way than four years ago. When people ask that they’re mostly talking economically, and my life in that regard has been better every single year since college, regardless of who the President is.

Third, stop with the false equivalency between Trump and HRC (who I did not, and would not vote for). She conceded the election (“you won, I lost”) and attended the inauguration the same as every loser in every Presidential election until the loser Trump. HRC has not claimed she lost due to voter fraud either.
Why is everything a comparison game to you? Hilary conceded...Yep. She wen to the inauguration---Yep. She's a bigger person than Trump---Yep.

Irrelevant. She steal claimed the election was stolen. And if you dont believe that equates to her feeling there was voter fraud---Fine. Ok.

But why compare everything? Does that give more validity to your claim(s)?---Well she didnt lie as bad?---Or yeah she cried "stolen election", ---But she conceded, etc...

Ok. SO the **** what. Its like sayiung, yeah he killed someone, but look, he said he was sorry---So its not as bad.

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Why is everything a comparison game to you? Hilary conceded...Yep. She wen to the inauguration---Yep. She's a bigger person than Trump---Yep.

Irrelevant. She steal claimed the election was stolen. And if you dont believe that equates to her feeling there was voter fraud---Fine. Ok.

But why compare everything? Does that give more validity to your claim(s)?---Well she didnt lie as bad?---Or yeah she cried "stolen election", ---But she conceded, etc...

Ok. SO the **** what. Its like sayiung, yeah he killed someone, but look, he said he was sorry---So its not as bad.

Pay attention. I said there was no comparison. None. You were doing the comparison, and I debunked it completely. You were saying that because she used the word "steal" it's the same as Trump's claim of voter fraud. Wrong. She never claimed that - she conceded that Trump won, and she went to the inauguration. She was merely bitching about unfairness. Again, no comparison.

So, leave HRC out of it. What about Trump's big lie about voter fraud?
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Why is everything a comparison game to you? Hilary conceded...Yep. She wen to the inauguration---Yep. She's a bigger person than Trump---Yep.

Irrelevant. She steal claimed the election was stolen. And if you dont believe that equates to her feeling there was voter fraud---Fine. Ok.

But why compare everything? Does that give more validity to your claim(s)?---Well she didnt lie as bad?---Or yeah she cried "stolen election", ---But she conceded, etc...

Ok. SO the **** what. Its like sayiung, yeah he killed someone, but look, he said he was sorry---So its not as bad.


In response to black lives matter we were reminded all lives matter.

Along the same line of thinking the response to Christians are beautiful would be all humans are beautiful.
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Pay attention. I said there was no comparison. None. You were doing the comparison, and I debunked it completely. You were saying that because she used the word "steal" it's the same as Trump's claim of voter fraud. Wrong. She never claimed that - she conceded that Trump won, and she went to the inauguration. She was merely bitching about unfairness. Again, no comparison.

So, leave HRC out of it. What about Trump's big lie about voter fraud?
Do you understand how a comparison actually works? I've never said, nor ever implied a comparison. You know this---but trolling obviously has become your thing.

HRC said the election was stolen....She said DJT knew the election was not on the "up and up"---If you so choose to believe she's not implying fraud---Fine. Cool. I do.

How do you know DJT is lying? Why, b/c CNN told you? Democrats told you?

What about HRC "big lie" about a stolen election?
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Huh? No chance sone of you are this dense. Right? You think b/c I say KH ALSO lies, that's comparing her to DJT---And/or his lies?


Sort of like, ya know someone saying---"Wild Turkey is the best bourbon"---Then someone saying---"I make bourbon too----And then beiong accused of comparing their bourbon to Wild Turkey.

My gaawd---Ya'll have to be trolling.
Huh? No chance sone of you are this dense. Right? You think b/c I say KH ALSO lies, that's comparing her to DJT---And/or his lies?


Sort of like, ya know someone saying---"Wild Turkey is the best bourbon"---Then someone saying---"I make bourbon too----And then beiong accused of comparing their bourbon to Wild Turkey.

My gaawd---Ya'll have to be trolling.
Get with the program, man. Everything equals everything.
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Do you understand how a comparison actually works? I've never said, nor ever implied a comparison. You know this---but trolling obviously has become your thing.

HRC said the election was stolen....She said DJT knew the election was not on the "up and up"---If you so choose to believe she's not implying fraud---Fine. Cool. I do.

How do you know DJT is lying? Why, b/c CNN told you? Democrats told you?

What about HRC "big lie" about a stolen election?
You absolutely made a comparison, but it was nonsense. Trump has been claiming voter fraud, HRC complained about how unfair it was. They're not the same. Do you not understand this?

Also, if you think Trump lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud, you are a moron. Surely you don't believe that. I've considered that you're very much informed, but not that you were a moron. You aren't, are you?
You absolutely made a comparison, but it was nonsense. Trump has been claiming voter fraud, HRC complained about how unfair it was. They're not the same. Do you not understand this?

Also, if you think Trump lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud, you are a moron. Surely you don't believe that. I've considered that you're very much informed, but not that you were a moron. You aren't, are you?
SHow me.....Show me where I compared the context of the lies.

Never said I think DJT lost the 2020 election to fraud...

HRC said---"The election was not on the up and up..."----You take that as you will. Said it was, "stolen"---You take as you will.

Her words...

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

In an October 2020 interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said, "There was a widespread understanding that [the 2016] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’"

You interpet this how you feel best.
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Ok, let's start with a lie within the last week: Trump's false claims about the Haitians in Springfield.
You do know that many kids had to miss school on Thursday and Friday because somebody called in a bomb threat both days. Public officials have also been getting death threats.

Ask yourself, would either of those things be happening if Trump hadn't spewed his nonsense during the debate? Do you consider people getting death threats "dangerous"?

Words have power, especially when they come from our leaders. You may be able to discern that something Trump said is hyperbolic / exaggerating, but there are plenty of people in this country who take every word he says as gospel.

You think that Trump's policies outweigh his personality. Fine. I get it. That's your decision. There are a lot of people that share that opinion. For some though, the negatives outweigh the positive. Aloha and I feel that way. I will vote for many Republicans in November. Trump will not be one of them.

Do words only have power when Trump says them? Because the Democrats say a lot of words about doing away with Trump. You think that doesn't influence crazies to take a shot at him?

If Trump is responsible for 1/6 with his words, Democrats are just as responsible for the assassination attempts against him. Right?
Do words only have power when Trump says them? Because the Democrats say a lot of words about doing away with Trump. You think that doesn't influence crazies to take a shot at him?

If Trump is responsible for 1/6 with his words, Democrats are just as responsible for the assassination attempts against him. Right?
Yes. I wish both sides would cut back on the stupid "threat to democracy" crap.
It's dangerous because it inspires the crazies on both sides.
Iuborden was claiming that Trump's lies weren't dangerous. He is wrong.
Many left wing people here claim that calling Trump a racist and a rapist aren't dangerous. They are wrong too.
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SHow me.....Show me where I compared the context of the lies.

Never said I think DJT lost the 2020 election to fraud...

HRC said---"The election was not on the up and up..."----You take that as you will. Said it was, "stolen"---You take as you will.

Her words...

Trump "knows he’s an illegitimate president," Clinton said. "I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did … I know he knows this wasn’t on the level."

In an October 2020 interview with The Atlantic, Clinton said, "There was a widespread understanding that [the 2016] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’"

You interpet this how you feel best.
My God. I get it now. You’re not smart. Carry on.
Many left wing people here claim that calling Trump a racist and a rapist aren't dangerous.
There's no equivalency.

A court of law in NY said that Trump is a a rapist and repeating an untrue racist propaganda trope dehumanizing Haitians... makes him a f*cking racist. WTF?

Sorry but I think it's far more dangerous not calling him a sexually assaulting weirdo and racist POS... it should be printed and written daily in large bold letters.
There's no equivalency.

A court of law in NY said that Trump is a a rapist and repeating an untrue racist propaganda trope dehumanizing Haitians... makes him a f*cking racist. WTF?

Sorry but I think it's far more dangerous not calling him a sexually assaulting weirdo and racist POS... it should be printed and written daily in large bold letters.
And unfortunately, you are proving my point.
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I’m not dancing around it at all. You’re wrong. On lying, there is absolutely no comparison. You cannot find an objective fact checker that says different.

My thing is not supporting Harris. I believe 100% that Trump is incredibly unfit to be Commander in Chief. He lacks ever trait we need in a CinC.
Agreed. My disdain for Trump on here gets misconstrued as being a fan of liberals and Harris frequently. I think she a horrible candidate and will be awful for a country. Unfortunately I also believe that Trump is the worst possible candidate imaginable. Whether I agree or disagree with conservative or liberal philosophy, I generally think the vast majority of candidates truly believe I their position as being the best for the country. Trump has proven again and again he cares about one thing and that’s DJT. How he has become the pied piper for masses of patriots and evangelical Christians will always be a mystery to me.
First, vote for whomever you want. I do not try to change your mind or that of anyone else.

Second, my life is better in almost every way than four years ago. When people ask that they’re mostly talking economically, and my life in that regard has been better every single year since college, regardless of who the President is.

Third, stop with the false equivalency between Trump and HRC (who I did not, and would not vote for). She conceded the election (“you won, I lost”) and attended the inauguration the same as every loser in every Presidential election until the loser Trump. HRC has not claimed she lost due to voter fraud either. She’s pissed about Comey’s investigation of her gross negligence in handling classified information in her unclassified email on her unauthorized private server, and that Comey announced he had reopened the investigation because of emails found on Weiner’s laptop within a couple weeks of Election Day (he closed it a day or two later). She’s also pissed the Russians hacked the DNC’s email server and used what they could against her in their attempts to influence the election in favor of Trump. She lost, she conceded, she did not claim she lost due to voter fraud, she attended the inauguration. There is no equivalence whatsoever. More people distrust elections now because they believe Trump’s LIE about losing due to voter fraud. They don’t give a shit that HRC thinks it wasn’t totally fair that she lost. The belief in the voter fraud is the reason for the “Stop the Steal” riot on J6 where those idiots injured 100+ Capitol Police officers. They weren’t patriots, they were criminals driven to what they did by Trump’s lies about a stolen election. They said this over and over in their trials (10OO+ so far).

Finally, I will not vote for Trump because he is unfit for the office, especially Commander in Chief. Period. He lacks the character, integrity, honesty, temperament and mental stability necessary. Add in that he’s clearly at the beginning of mental acuity decline that come with aging. The man is nearing 80 and is the declining old man in the race now.

I’ll write in a good Republican on my ballot. You can vote for Trump. He’s a near lock to win Indiana and Ohio regardless of what we do, but my conscious will be clear if Trump squeezes out another EC win - the only possible way he can win.
Apparently Georgia is a toss up state this year again. Though my little county will vote about 80% Trump I won’t be one of them
Yes. I wish both sides would cut back on the stupid "threat to democracy" crap.
It's dangerous because it inspires the crazies on both sides.
Iuborden was claiming that Trump's lies weren't dangerous. He is wrong.
Many left wing people here claim that calling Trump a racist and a rapist aren't dangerous. They are wrong too.
Be sure to remind your fellow Democrats of this on this board.
How do you know DJT is lying? Why, b/c CNN told you? Democrats told you?

How do we know he's lying? Maybe because his lies about voter fraud and election have been litigated multiple times. He didn't win a single court case on election fraud. In some cases, his lawyers and favorite partisan TV networks had to either turn state's evidence, apologize or pay out an insane of amounts of money for their lies. At this point anyone who continues to believe the 2020 election was stolen without and verifiable proof just isn't very smart.

If Trump may seem convincing to you, but his lies don't hold up in a court of law.
Why is everything a comparison game to you? Hilary conceded...Yep. She wen to the inauguration---Yep. She's a bigger person than Trump---Yep.

Irrelevant. She steal claimed the election was stolen. And if you dont believe that equates to her feeling there was voter fraud---Fine. Ok.

But why compare everything? Does that give more validity to your claim(s)?---Well she didnt lie as bad?---Or yeah she cried "stolen election", ---But she conceded, etc...

Ok. SO the **** what. Its like sayiung, yeah he killed someone, but look, he said he was sorry---So its not as bad.

Hillary laundered a piece of oppo research to the FBI that was then used as the predicate for an investigation that hung over the entire Trump admin. She framed her political opponent for treason.

What she did is worse.
How do we know he's lying? Maybe because his lies about voter fraud and election have been litigated multiple times. He didn't win a single court case on election fraud. In some cases, his lawyers and favorite partisan TV networks had to either turn state's evidence, apologize or pay out an insane of amounts of money for their lies. At this point anyone who continues to believe the 2020 election was stolen without and verifiable proof just isn't very smart.

If Trump may seem convincing to you, but his lies don't hold up in a court of law.
Don't pussy foot around it. At this point anyone that believes that Trump lost the 2020 election due to voter fraud is a certifiable moron.
How do we know he's lying? Maybe because his lies about voter fraud and election have been litigated multiple times. He didn't win a single court case on election fraud. In some cases, his lawyers and favorite partisan TV networks had to either turn state's evidence, apologize or pay out an insane of amounts of money for their lies. At this point anyone who continues to believe the 2020 election was stolen without and verifiable proof just isn't very smart.

If Trump may seem convincing to you, but his lies don't hold up in a court of law.
We saw how crooked the Court was in his trial in New York. Only a mentally deficient idiot would think 82 million people voted for Biden.
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Hillary laundered a piece of oppo research to the FBI that was then used as the predicate for an investigation that hung over the entire Trump admin. She framed her political opponent for treason.

What she did is worse.
You do know several people went to jail with ties to Russian interference in the 2016 election, don't you? This wasn't some made up claim.

I know you probably need to ignore these basic facts to buy into Trump's outlandish claims, but geesh maybe keep it to the QANON boards.
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Hillary laundered a piece of oppo research to the FBI that was then used as the predicate for an investigation that hung over the entire Trump admin. She framed her political opponent for treason.

What she did is worse.
Anyone that read the Mueller report, which you didn't, would know that not a single finding was based on the Steele Dossier. Not one. Anyone that read the report would also know that it was not flattering to Trump or his team and that he was not "exonerated." There were convictions and criminal referrals from that investigation. What people think they "know" about the report is false, but they are happy with the false version rather than the truth. The truth is irrelevant to them.
We saw how crooked the Court was in his trial in New York. Only a mentally deficient idiot would think 82 million people voted for Biden.
You know that the election fraud claim is false. You're a moonbat trolling as a MAGA wingnut. I think everyone knows this now. You should just stop posting - your act is tired and exposed.
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How do we know he's lying? Maybe because his lies about voter fraud and election have been litigated multiple times. He didn't win a single court case on election fraud. In some cases, his lawyers and favorite partisan TV networks had to either turn state's evidence, apologize or pay out an insane of amounts of money for their lies. At this point anyone who continues to believe the 2020 election was stolen without and verifiable proof just isn't very smart.

If Trump may seem convincing to you, but his lies don't hold up in a court of law.
Because not a single court heard the case. Why do you continually be reminded of this?

It's almost like you're intentionally lying.
Anyone that read the Mueller report, which you didn't, would know that not a single finding was based on the Steele Dossier. Not one. Anyone that read the report would also know that it was not flattering to Trump or his team and that he was not "exonerated." There were convictions and criminal referrals from that investigation. What people think they "know" about the report is false, but they are happy with the false version rather than the truth. The truth is irrelevant to them.
Is that how the justice system works now? Innocent, guilty and "not exonerated".