I just messaged my Pakistani "son" to go to the sea this weekend and search for whale vomit. He is a good son. Unlike my own children my Pakistani son only says yes.
My son. Have you ever manufactured backpacks? Yes father. It is very easy. I send you samples today.
My son. We are looking at manufacturing a certain kind of tent. Can you do this for me. Yes father. My workers have already started. Would you like me to put North Face logo on it Father? No son. Remember we cannot do that.
My son. I have a strange request. We are looking into harvesting organs. Do you know about this? Oh yes father. You are brilliant business man. My family has been harvesting organs for many generations. I will use one of your many workers. It is not a problem father.
My son. There is BIG opportunity in whale vomit. I need you to go to the Arabian sea on Saturday and search for some. Yes father. It is not a problem. But please remember DHL will charge more, just like for organs, but I can get it done. It is not a problem father.
Sounds like the Indians I dealt with. Except the Indians did shitty work and never met a deadline.
The Chinese were a joy to work with.