It would likely be the "worst" stadium in the SEC. Its in the bottom half of the B10 I'd say, taken in total. The NEZ is great, looks great, tons of function and benefits. The SEZ functionally is great, but doesn't stack up with the NEZ looks wise. The East and West sides are basically much bigger versions of nicer HS concrete bleachers...they don't match each other, they're outdated... Taken in total, when comparing to who we need to be comparing ourselves with, its not one of the better college stadiums. Compared to Purdue, Northwestern, Ball State...sure, MS is better...maybe? But college football is headed to 40-50 schools being relevant. And as good as we think the NEZ made MS...take a gander at SEC stadiums, ND, OSU, Clemson, Maryland, what USC is planning on doing, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska...not the size of the nice they are now.
We're about to get another big ass check from the B10...we should be pushing to think "bigger/better" than we have in the past with regards to IU football. They're going to be watching, I'm sure, what schools end up doing with their money. We don't need a 70K seat football stadium at IU right now. Probably never will. But a 50K seat MS that's state of the art, hosts concerts, and becomes a centerpiece to attract people to Bloomington year round...that could be something that buoys our football program while we're still working to bring the on field success up to top 50 standards.