Project 2025 is to be implmented with Executive fiat, bypassing Congress or the courts. It's pretty much centered around increasing Presidential power.

Is that what Kamala is proposing?

You are welcome to run on Project 2025...There was an earlier thread of certain forum members praising P2025, before it even made national news...
The difference of course is that Trump has distanced himself from project 2025 while Kamala told Whitehouse he is on the right track with his legislation.

I await your declaration that Trump is lying and that Kamala doesn’t REALLY mean she supports such obviously unconstitutional legislation.
I had my car vandalized when I drove out in the woods somewhere for wor and forgot to remove my Biden Harris ca

Lived in O4W for 6 years BEFORE gentrification. Never heard a gunshot. My building has free EV charging. It would be ridiculous not have an EV. You hate rescue animals. It’s my true passion. I don’t know why you have something against it. That’s kind of evil dude.
We had to put down our 15 yo rescue cat last week, sad day. Our rescue dog is a ok though. I have nothing against rescue animals, just virtue signaling, stereotyping progressives that think putting a sticker on their car means they’re morally superior, or is too dumb to realize that between the fossil fuels used to mine & produce the battery, the fossil fuels that are required to charge it, & the damage to the environment that disposal of the batteries will do, that it is somehow “ridiculous” not to have one. You wanna keep slinging mud, I’m in…
Colleges are cesspools of liberal propaganda don't you know
A new dream team being formed right before our eyes...

We had to put down our 15 yo rescue cat last week, sad day. Our rescue dog is a ok though. I have nothing against rescue animals, just virtue signaling, stereotyping progressives that think putting a sticker on their car means they’re morally superior, or is too dumb to realize that between the fossil fuels used to mine & produce the battery, the fossil fuels that are required to charge it, & the damage to the environment that disposal of the batteries will do, that it is somehow “ridiculous” not to have one. You wanna keep slinging mud, I’m in…
Well, if my rescue magnets catch one persons eye that eventually adopts that’s a major accomplishment. It’s not like I have peace sign. shame on you for making fun of it

All scientist agree that the development of EVs is great for the environment. Any argument to the contrary is hogwash.
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The more you know…

Decreased interest in purchasing, rapidly declining sales growth, dealer inventory, incentives required to sell, etc. are all indicators of what’s happening now & will continue. They will remain popular with certain segments, for sure. Maybe you should put more magnets on your Hyundai advocating for electric cars. Are you by any chance related to Dr Hoops? Remarkably similar posting style & content.🤔
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Decreased interest in purchasing, rapidly declining sales growth, dealer inventory, incentives required to sell, etc. are all indicators of what’s happening now & will continue. They will remain popular with certain segments, for sure. Maybe you should put more magnets on your Hyundai advocating for electric cars. Are you by any chance related to Dr Hoops? Remarkably similar posting style & content.🤔

I don’t have a pasdion for electric cars and therefore no magnets. Just don’t make things easily researchanle up.
Why does MAGA consider anything which is helpful to their health or the environment to be unpatriotic or feminine? It’s so stupid. Do you avoid the doctor because that’s for sissy liberals?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Darwinism in this particular circumstance, but it’s just so weird.
Half the cars here are ev’s. Ev sales aren’t down. Not sure why you made it up. I’m glad you admit that focusing on ev’s is good for the world.
You’re probably cool with buying blood diamonds, too…
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Why does MAGA consider anything which is helpful to their health or the environment to be unpatriotic or feminine? It’s so stupid. Do you avoid the doctor because that’s for sissy liberals?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Darwinism in this particular circumstance, but it’s just so weird.
Discerning. Not unpatriotic or feminine.
He bought the line. Shouldn’t have.
compartments. i've had the occasion to talk with him on a number of occasions and spent a good three hours with him at an event and he was a true gem. when the sport was getting little coverage grant kept pushing and opening doors while making less than an influencer with 10k followers. really, really good guy
your daughter will one day get that sweet, sweet NIL cash and sign a lucrative pro contract that was in part owing to grant and his persistence
I agree.

He shouldn't have bought the line (wife influenced). He was a unit at 40. He succumbed to the party line and paid for it with his life.

Tragic. No way that happens.
Why does MAGA consider anything which is helpful to their health or the environment to be unpatriotic or feminine? It’s so stupid. Do you avoid the doctor because that’s for sissy liberals?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Darwinism in this particular circumstance, but it’s just so weird.
Join the dream team and all will be made clear to you.

Stop fighting it. Come on over to the cool side. :cool:
Why does MAGA consider anything which is helpful to their health or the environment to be unpatriotic or feminine? It’s so stupid. Do you avoid the doctor because that’s for sissy liberals?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Darwinism in this particular circumstance, but it’s just so weird.
I’m cool with EVs. Elon is a Dream Teamer
I truly hope everyone reads this thread. Indy is still savable (IMO) ,
But the plandemic killed the downtown employment, Circle Center, any number of small, privately owned businesses..

...and the rule of law is tenuous.

Restore the rule of law, so that those who would be a part of the rebuilding are safe while doing so.
Circle Center was circling the drain before Covid. Stores were closing and the place wasn't safe.

COVID might have accelerated the decline some, but it was already going downhill and with the alcoholic mayor doing nothing during the 2020 riots, it all just went to shit.
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Oh sure, you have a better chance of being killed in St. Louis, but....... wtf?

I've been to St. Louis. I live in Charlotte. I'm no fan of Charlotte, but it's a damn sight safer than St. Louis.
Oh God, here we go again - "I used to be conservative, but then Trump" post.

I was never conservative and never claimed to be. As a kid in Hickville ky I did “root” for the Republican because it that’s what everyone else did. I never have claimed Trump changed my political views other than he obviously changed my view of the Republican Party and he verified my thought on organized religion that it never was about religion (no, not on individual religious people whom I believe there many great ones.). But no, you are not describing me.
Oh sure, you have a better chance of being killed in St. Louis, but....... wtf?

I've been to St. Louis. I live in Charlotte. I'm no fan of Charlotte, but it's a damn sight safer than St. Louis.

You feel unsafe in downtown (uptown) Charlotte? It’s bland and boring as hell but not unsafe by any stretch of the imagination.
I just told you I volunteered for years. United way. Opportunity clearinghouse. Employment connection. Urban league. Help provide opportunities and skills so that these kids don’t go down that path. All while watching further decline and decay with shitty policies supported by voters like you. But maga. Good grief.

Are you just a troll? I’m getting that vibe.
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I was never conservative and never claimed to be. As a kid in Hickville ky I did “root” for the Republican because it that’s what everyone else did. I never have claimed Trump changed my political views other than he obviously changed my view of the Republican Party and he verified my thought on organized religion that it never was about religion (no, not on individual religious people whom I believe there many great ones.). But no, you are not describing me.
I think I'm describing you accurately
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Yeah, dems are much less educated than republicans. You ever wonder why the educated vote left? Hint: It’s not a coincidence and there is a reason Trump said he loves the uneducated.
Got a link to that, or are you just repeating what you've been told he said it?
Slanted information and not necessarily knowledge. What’s more I’m not sure a college grad in communications knows any more than the plumber who started a business out of high school. Different experiences. Different knowledge
But....but.....but..... he was a prosecutor working for the AG - he's much more knowledgeable than anyone else here. Well, except Outside Shitter.
But....but.....but..... he was a prosecutor working for the AG - he's much more knowledgeable than anyone else here. Well, except Outside Shitter.

Nope. Those were two different jobs. I was in a civil department at the AG’s office.
Just curious. What factors do you guys use to draw a conclusion as to what should be a federal, state or local issue. I find that most people just choose the one most likely to result in their desired outcome
You were a prosecutor and you've never heard of the Constitution?

“We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated! I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people.”

Sounds to me like he loves everyone that votes for him and he was explaining his broad appeal.

But sure, take a sentence out of context and make that your mantra.
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“We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated! I love the poorly educated. We’re the smartest people, we’re the most loyal people.”

Sounds to me like he loves everyone that votes for him and he was explaining his broad appeal.

But sure, take a sentence out of context and make that your mantra.

He only said he loved one.