Louisiana lol


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
The 10 Commandments in public school classrooms is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause.

But La doesn't care. It's all for show so, when the Constitution thumps them down, they can point at us and scream "Heathens!" in our faces.

C'mon, dudes. We all know the 10 Cs don't belong in public schools. Come on, now.

And while we're talking about the 10 Cs, the first 5 are mere loyalty oaths to something that very likely doesn't even exist.

And you can't use the 1st A to violate the 1st A, folks.

Moses' tablets have no business in a 21st C American school. Keep your kids home and teach them that shit.
The 10 Commandments in public school classrooms is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause.

But La doesn't care. It's all for show so, when the Constitution thumps them down, they can point at us and scream "Heathens!" in our faces.

C'mon, dudes. We all know the 10 Cs don't belong in public schools. Come on, now.

And while we're talking about the 10 Cs, the first 5 are mere loyalty oaths to something that very likely doesn't even exist.

And you can't use the 1st A to violate the 1st A, folks.

Moses' tablets have no business in a 21st C American school. Keep your kids home and teach them that shit.

It doesn't stop there.

Read this article about private schools in Arizona - I think it is a similar setup to the crap going on in Indiana.

Could you imagine the outrage if liberals created a private school based on brainwashing kids into the liberal way of thinking and then sent public funds to it?
Where did you get brainwashed into the liberal way of thinking?
It doesn't stop there.

Read this article about private schools in Arizona - I think it is a similar setup to the crap going on in Indiana.

Could you imagine the outrage if liberals created a private school based on brainwashing kids into the liberal way of thinking and then sent public funds to it?
Why would liberals create private schools to brainwash, they’re already using public schools…
The 10 Commandments in public school classrooms is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause.

But La doesn't care. It's all for show so, when the Constitution thumps them down, they can point at us and scream "Heathens!" in our faces.

C'mon, dudes. We all know the 10 Cs don't belong in public schools. Come on, now.

And while we're talking about the 10 Cs, the first 5 are mere loyalty oaths to something that very likely doesn't even exist.

And you can't use the 1st A to violate the 1st A, folks.

Moses' tablets have no business in a 21st C American school. Keep your kids home and teach them that shit.
Indiana's own Kurt Vonnegut had a great quote about conservatives and their long-standing fight to put the 10 Commandments in public buildings. Vonnegut was a self-described "Christ-loving atheist" who felt that many conservative Christians weren't actually interested in the caring-for-your-fellow-man messaging Jesus taught:

“For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!”​

It doesn't stop there.

Read this article about private schools in Arizona - I think it is a similar setup to the crap going on in Indiana.

Could you imagine the outrage if liberals created a private school based on brainwashing kids into the liberal way of thinking and then sent public funds to it?
Does it hurt your little communist feelings that people get to choose where to go to school? Get over it wimp.
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Just came naturally to you.
So apparently that's your defense for public funds going to a politically biased private school? Going after someone just because they have a different opinion on politics?

Did being a republican come naturally to you or just all the bs propaganda finally sway a weak mind?
that liberal just because it says non-discrimination? lol

oh no, they are inclusive lmao.

It's a school created because the shitlibbery levels at the Bloomington public schools weren't high enough...and that's saying something. These kids were marched out of class, and some dressed up as rainbows and unicorns down on the Square for some LBGTQ rally. 😄

"The Project School started with the founding educators’ collective dream to create an authentic, democratically-led school grounded in core beliefs and values of heart-mind-voice, which are infused into everything happening in the school. As explained on the school’s website, “Social justice and environmental sustainability are paired with educational excellence in our classrooms and curriculum, family programming, and special events.” Four specific characteristics make the school distinctive"

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So apparently that's your defense for public funds going to a politically biased private school? Going after someone just because they have a different opinion on politics?

Did being a republican come naturally to you or just all the bs propaganda finally sway a weak mind?
I'm not defending it. I think evolution should be taught in schools, for example. If they're not using public funds they should get a lot of leeway for what they teach. I'm not all aboard for the policy in Arizona. However, there are plenty of liberally biased public schools. I don't like that either.
To me, this issue sounds like one for each state and/or locality to decide on. The feds shouldn't have a say in a local school system's placement of a plaque with content.
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It's a school created because the shitlibbery levels at the Bloomington public schools weren't high enough...and that's saying something. These kids were marched out of class, and some dressed up as rainbows and unicorns down on the Square for some LBGTQ rally. 😄

"The Project School started with the founding educators’ collective dream to create an authentic, democratically-led school grounded in core beliefs and values of heart-mind-voice, which are infused into everything happening in the school. As explained on the school’s website, “Social justice and environmental sustainability are paired with educational excellence in our classrooms and curriculum, family programming, and special events.” Four specific characteristics make the school distinctive"

If it actually delves into politics (and not just being inclusive) and receives public funds then it is wrong.

But being inclusive shouldn't be considered political. It is just the right thing to do.
If you're going to indoctrinate and religiously cultify the southern youth, at least use a singular example to make it easy for the tykes to follow along.

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So apparently that's your defense for public funds going to a politically biased private school? Going after someone just because they have a different opinion on politics?

Did being a republican come naturally to you or just all the bs propaganda finally sway a weak mind?
There is no such thing as public funds. I am ok with taxpayer money going towards whichever school parents choose to send their children to.
There is no such thing as public funds. I am ok with taxpayer money going towards whichever school parents choose to send their children to.
Would you support parents being able to choose a school with a curriculum focused on snake handling / snake charming?
Would you support parents being able to choose a school with a curriculum focused on snake handling / snake charming?

I feel like I've heard this hypothetical before, but I think there would a lot more interest in legitimate separation of church and state if someone decided to start a satanic religious school that could be eligible for charter school funding.
Oh yes he can.🤣
love the idiotic bias ;) get your daily propaganda in yet?

or too busy sniping with insults? must be taking lessons from the dream team.
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All joking aside I don’t believe that. I think more are informed and know of what they’re speaking than not. Not by much
I think you're right. The propagandized on here seem more numerous than they are because their posts get lots of play, and also because they are sometimes backed up by propagandists who know better but play along.
Everyone on here with the exception of 2-3 posters are propagandized.
I will say I do believe much of the public is. Check out my post dream team roll call. Missouri is really getting crazy. The city is run by black ultra woke progressives and sending reps to wash who are the same and Jeff city is being run by white ultra conservative far right wingers. Not sure how this is going to work. The two groups couldn’t be more polar
Does it matter if it's 20% of the time or 80% of the time? It's valuable education time, wasted on teaching nonsense. Like flat Earth school. Or evolution isn't real school.
Yes it matters. There are numerous subjects and majors that I think are beyond stupid and a waste of time. However, I don’t think I have the right to dictate my opinions and beliefs on everyone else. I advocate for a baseline curriculum and being lenient outside of that.
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I'm not defending it. I think evolution should be taught in schools, for example. If they're not using public funds they should get a lot of leeway for what they teach. I'm not all aboard for the policy in Arizona. However, there are plenty of liberally biased public schools. I don't like that either.
I agree with you Aloha. But the policy in Arizona isn't about curriculum. It's about money. It's a payoff for wealthy families who send their kids to private schools with high tuition. And the investors behind the private schools are enjoying a windfall. It's having a drastic effect on the state budget. And it's a huge drain on the public school systems.
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I feel like I've heard this hypothetical before, but I think there would a lot more interest in legitimate separation of church and state if someone decided to start a satanic religious school that could be eligible for charter school funding.
I think the better example is Islamic schools. I personally think Islam is a terrible ideology and religion, but am still fine with their being Islamic schools. Assuming people get to freely choose those schools.
I agree with you Aloha. But the policy in Arizona isn't about curriculum. It's about money. It's a payoff for wealthy families who send their kids to private schools with high tuition. And the investors behind the private schools are enjoying a windfall. It's having a drastic effect on the state budget. And it's a huge drain on the public school systems.
How is it a drain on public school systems? The money follows the child, correct?
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The 10 Commandments in public school classrooms is a per se violation of the Establishment Clause.

But La doesn't care. It's all for show so, when the Constitution thumps them down, they can point at us and scream "Heathens!" in our faces.

C'mon, dudes. We all know the 10 Cs don't belong in public schools. Come on, now.

And while we're talking about the 10 Cs, the first 5 are mere loyalty oaths to something that very likely doesn't even exist.

And you can't use the 1st A to violate the 1st A, folks.

Moses' tablets have no business in a 21st C American school. Keep your kids home and teach them that shit.
"Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

In determining the intent of the Framers when they placed that language in the Northwest Ordinance we ought to consider that the Bill of Rights was adopted in Congress less than 4 years after that part of the Ordinance of 1787, Its clear that they said so directly in the Northwest Ordinance. The Framers intended publicly supported schools be established for the prupose of teaching religion and morality.
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"Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

In determining the intent of the Framers when they placed that language in the Northwest Ordinance we ought to consider that the Bill of Rights was adopted in Congress less than 4 years after that part of the Ordinance of 1787, Its clear that they said so directly in the Northwest Ordinance. The Framers intended publicly supported schools be established for the prupose of teaching religion and morality.
Technically it just says encouraged (if your quote is accurate).

They also said there is separation of church and state and were pretty clear about that despite some GOP politicians thinking otherwise. That seems to go opposite of your conclusion.

And decades (if not centuries) of precedent says public funds don't go to private schools. The definition of private schools is they are not public or publicly funded. The whole purpose was so they didn't have to abide by the rules and regulations that public schools have to follow.

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