LMAO! I have 'insufficient privileges' to post in the Official Debate thread

You’re spot on pastor. And they continue to post at him in that thread and he has no way to respond. No way to retaliate. He just has to read it and take it. Just eat it. The attacks. The misstatements and mischaracterizations. The outright lies.
I’m not sure I can recall a darker 24 hours on the board for the dream team. Probably the end of Cray but that’s it
Oh no!!!! The warheads and the anti freedom of speech crowd is coming unhinged again!!

Dave smith will releasing a podcast of a show with the Darryl Cooper at some point this week. Dave's the best!!!! I'm surethe Party of Hate will be out with their nut job name calling and twisting of facts because somebody went out did some research and talked about it on a podcast.
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