we've learned a lot the last eight years. i believe our country has big problems. we learned that the media as many of us thought is totally broken. abc, nbc, cbs are no different than huff post. biased. influenced. terrible sources that cannot and should not be relied on for those matters subject to politics.
we've learned that billionaires control the country. from soros shaping policies in cities all over the country to musk buying an election.
and we've learned that in our moment of crisis we cannot trust our government agencies. they proved at once inept and biased as evidenced by trying to control the narrative with social media outlets like facebook.
i don't know where we go moving forward but the last eight years i have lost faith in our institutions. institutions that we just presumed had our best interests as their motivation.
in 2025 i will turn to the one thing that provides all of us the most hope
we've learned that billionaires control the country. from soros shaping policies in cities all over the country to musk buying an election.
and we've learned that in our moment of crisis we cannot trust our government agencies. they proved at once inept and biased as evidenced by trying to control the narrative with social media outlets like facebook.
i don't know where we go moving forward but the last eight years i have lost faith in our institutions. institutions that we just presumed had our best interests as their motivation.
in 2025 i will turn to the one thing that provides all of us the most hope