Trey shoots two 3s.
X shoots two outside shots.
Parker shoots a 26 foot shot, with a defender all over him…out of a time out.
Two problems.
1. We have ZERO players we can rely on to make plays in those situations. Rob is the closest thing, and he’s out.
2. Our coaching staff seems to have no ability and/or creativity to call good plays down the stretch. That’s what we get coming out of that timeout? Those are the guys we end up having take those shots coming down the stretch?
Our talent isn’t good. Sorry Cav, we’re just not very good top to bottom. And while I like a lot of what Woody brings to the program. He isn’t a coach that’s going to bring a lesser talented team along to wins.
X shoots two outside shots.
Parker shoots a 26 foot shot, with a defender all over him…out of a time out.
Two problems.
1. We have ZERO players we can rely on to make plays in those situations. Rob is the closest thing, and he’s out.
2. Our coaching staff seems to have no ability and/or creativity to call good plays down the stretch. That’s what we get coming out of that timeout? Those are the guys we end up having take those shots coming down the stretch?
Our talent isn’t good. Sorry Cav, we’re just not very good top to bottom. And while I like a lot of what Woody brings to the program. He isn’t a coach that’s going to bring a lesser talented team along to wins.