Khristian Lander will likely arrive in June

Good news... It has been reported that Khristian Lander is on pace to finish his Government and English classes by the end of May, with the goal of arriving at IU in June. He probably started taking his English and Government classes online, using a self-paced program like "Gradpoint." It allows students to complete courses in a fraction of the time.

He is also playing AAU in the spring...
It is NOT good news if the young fella leaves high school without a good grasp of his native tongue. GFY with your on-the-spectrum C. of C. boosterism. We can’t afford your type anymore, lest we end up with another APR mess.

EDIT. Multiple, to confound my enemies and impress the ladies.

EDIT. Edited my edit. Hat tip to Birnk.
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So, who posted your pic? Oh wait, it was you!

So you're only posting pics with the hope that the posters on here are checking you out? Not that there's anything wrong with that, I suppose.

If we really want to get to specifics. I posted to throw it in wifebeater boys face. He constantly said I make up all my stories on going to games, seats, stories etc. a pic with jordy and Vic fresh of a big ten title @MI any true IU fan would be damn proud of!
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You want this link a lil too much. Starting to scare me radio!!!!
To be honest, I just don’t believe you’ve ever been in Ann Arbor.

EDIT. Changed wording from “to Ann Arbor” to “in Ann Arbor,” the better to convey my “feelz” about Cavanagh’s deceit.
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There were legit fans that would happily watch their daughter get pounded by Romeo. A very very weird and unhealthy amount of fan boys with him. Ive never seen anything like it. Romeo was like a choir boy, Why TF anyone thought that would relate to us being good I have no idea. I never watched him play in HS, just read what the fan boys said. Did not make that mistake with Lander. Ive listened to him and watched a lot of film. This dude loves basketball and has no agenda about other things. Romeo was thinking about his NBA shoe deal before he step foot on campus, worked out well that signature Rome.1 is dropping this month right?
Looks like some Kentucky or Purdue fan hacked your account, or I had misjudged thinking that you were an IU fan.
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It was crude, but it was a joke and I got a chuckle out of it. Lighten up.

I'll wager that makes two of you that don't have a daughter.

As I said, I have a pretty wide latitude and low expectations, but there are some things that you don't make jokes about and that one 1) crossed that line, and 2) was totally unnecessary. There are thousands of other possibilities that would have made the same point.

And, 3) Cavanaughs hatred of RL is bizarre. Far more bizarre than the "RL Lovers" he claims exist and that he's continually railing against. Seems far more personal. Maybe RL didn't sign his hat for him!
I'll wager that makes two of you that don't have a daughter.

As I said, I have a pretty wide latitude and low expectations, but there are some things that you don't make jokes about and that one 1) crossed that line, and 2) was totally unnecessary. There are thousands of other possibilities that would have made the same point.

And, 3) Cavanaughs hatred of RL is bizarre. Far more bizarre than the "RL Lovers" he claims exist and that he's continually railing against. Seems far more personal. Maybe RL didn't sign his hat for him!
Wrong. It was totally NECESSARY to produce that particular comedic effect.

I'll wager that makes two of you that don't have a daughter.

As I said, I have a pretty wide latitude and low expectations, but there are some things that you don't make jokes about and that one 1) crossed that line, and 2) was totally unnecessary. There are thousands of other possibilities that would have made the same point.

And, 3) Cavanaughs hatred of RL is bizarre. Far more bizarre than the "RL Lovers" he claims exist and that he's continually railing against. Seems far more personal. Maybe RL didn't sign his hat for him!
3-no u mother ****er. And You must not have read the premi board last year. I forget his sn Borden was in it. He went to school near new Albany. Accused me of going to some rival Hs- Was hilarious. He legit loved romeo. Was a Hs ref, I think he made a rule refs got to use the teams showers after the game so he could get sneak peeks. It was out of hand... was that comment out of line for those who have sons, I know your threshold is super high, but that was pretty mean..... :).
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3-no u mother ****er. And You must not have read the premi board last year. I forget his sn Borden was in it. He went to school near new Albany. Accused me of going to some rival Hs- Was hilarious. He legit loved romeo. Was a Hs ref, I think he made a rule refs got to use the teams showers after the game so he could get sneak peeks. It was out of hand... was that comment out of line for those who have sons, I know your threshold is super high, but that was pretty mean..... :).


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