Kansas violations, just in time

If you think there are corrupt programs now, wait until we pay athletes.
So corruption is when the player himself and his family make money off his work and talent, but it's not when universities and coaches make millions per year. . Is this neo-feudalism or indentured servitude? What form of flesh dealing is it? The majority of the corruption is a result of hypocrisy and pious idealism. Until the rules fit practicality and realistically it will continue.
So corruption is when the player himself and his family make money off his work and talent, but it's not when universities and coaches make millions per year. . Is this neo-feudalism or indentured servitude? What form of flesh dealing is it? The majority of the corruption is a result of hypocrisy and pious idealism. Until the rules fit practicality and realistically it will continue.
Not dumb
It’s nice seeing Kansas get what they deserve. Billy Preston’s mom seems like a real test saying her son didn’t take any money lol. Furthermore, it’s nice not seeing Kentucky being thrown in with the garbage. As for puke, I hope their time is coming. You can’t tell me the house that Zion lived in wasn’t provided by puke for his family. There was already rumors his family was looking for a handout, then they move into a 750k home.
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It’s nice seeing Kansas get what they deserve. Billy Preston’s mom seems like a real test saying her son didn’t take any money lol. Furthermore, it’s nice not seeing Kentucky being thrown in with the garbage. As for puke, I hope their time is coming. You can’t tell me the house that Zion lived in wasn’t provided by puke for his family. There was already rumors his family was looking for a handout, then they move into a 750k home.

All due respect, most of the people on this board think that the team you root for is every bit as guilty of the same kind of shenanigans as Kansas is poised to go down for. Kentucky's only saving grace is the fact that Adidas was investigated as opposed to Nike. It's not like Adidas was out there bidding against itself. They were bidding on the behalf of Louisville and Kansas against Nike for Duke, UNC, and UK. The only people who think those last 3 programs are clean are the fans of the respective programs.
California should just be their own country. They do not obey national laws.
The late, great Ralph Holsinger taught me Mass Communication Law at the IU School of Journalism. On the first day, he said, "We will be studying the state of libel law in 49 of the 50 states because there is nothing coming out of California that has any bearing on what is happening in the other states."
That was 1980.
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So corruption is when the player himself and his family make money off his work and talent, but it's not when universities and coaches make millions per year. . Is this neo-feudalism or indentured servitude? What form of flesh dealing is it? The majority of the corruption is a result of hypocrisy and pious idealism. Until the rules fit practicality and realistically it will continue.
Self is not a cheat, but a hero?

It will become a bidding war between schools to offer the best deals to recruits. A coach can set up a million dollar deal on a campus visit for a recruit to appear in a car dealer advertisement. The money could come from anyone including the school, a booster or the shoe companies. Will we need a spending cap for schools? How many schools will find a way around the spending caps? I guarantee Calipari will have a plan on day one.

Nobody is forcing players to play college basketball. If they feel they are being taken advantage of, they should quit or seek a professional career. They can always pay for their own education like the other students if it doesn't work out for them.

Basketball players should have to wait to earn their expected salaries like the students in business, nursing, education and engineering. Some of these students can also leave school early if an employer feels they are qualified to begin work without a degree.
You don't know anything, so stop pretending like you do.
Self is not going anywhere and they say this will take 6 months minimum. I could see kansas draghing it out a couple of years before they vacate a few wins and give up a scholorship. Thats it.
I said many times that when this is all over several programs will be hit with serious penalties. Kansas, Arizona, Louisville and others are in that group. More announcements of allegations are coming.
Hasn't Louisville already been punished?
Self is not going anywhere and they say this will take 6 months minimum. I could see kansas draghing it out a couple of years before they vacate a few wins and give up a scholorship. Thats it.
FBI has evidence, this not the NCAA clown show. Self is done.
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Self is not going anywhere and they say this will take 6 months minimum. I could see kansas draghing it out a couple of years before they vacate a few wins and give up a scholorship. Thats it.
Kansas will draw this out as long as possible and then ultimately lose. 13 consecutive Big 12 titles could be stripped. Rock Chalk For-Feit.
Self is not going anywhere and they say this will take 6 months minimum. I could see kansas draghing it out a couple of years before they vacate a few wins and give up a scholorship. Thats it.

I could see Self in any number of places 2 years from now, Kansas among them. There is a whole lot to shake out and anyone acting like they know what is going to happen for sure is being a dolt. Even with a suspension there is great chance he could sit out and come back, a la Boeheim.

The idea that KU would vacate ALL of their Big 12 titles though is so stupid I’m ashamed to even be responding to it. There is no “evidence” pre De Sousa which was like what, 2016?

And Self has held him out basically his entire college career.
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The NCAA is locked and loaded on Kansas, and it's probably not going to miss

Do you know what an Op-Ed is?

“Kansas Basketball faces serious allegations, but Jayhawks will be fine”

Stop linking opinion pieces as if it makes you seem like less of a blowhard.
So do you think Self will survive FBI evidence against him?

WTH does “survive” mean? KU is never going to fire Self, not ever. Short of a lifetime ban from the NCAA, Self will either serve a suspension and return to KU, leave for another job, retire (he has long maintained he doesn’t intend to coach into his seventies anyway), or nothing will happen to him.

The evidence against Self directly amounts to some vague texts with Gassnola. There is no “smoking gun”, not that the NCAA necessarily needs one.

Are you aware of other direct evidence against Self? Enlighten us. Your doomsday scenario is stupid and based on nothing but your own desire to see KU crumble. Grow up.
WTH does “survive” mean? KU is never going to fire Self, not ever. Short of a lifetime ban from the NCAA, Self will either serve a suspension and return to KU, leave for another job, retire (he has long maintained he doesn’t intend to coach into his seventies anyway), or nothing will happen to him.

The evidence against Self directly amounts to some vague texts with Gassnola. There is no “smoking gun”, not that the NCAA necessarily needs one.

Are you aware of other direct evidence against Self? Enlighten us. Your doomsday scenario is stupid and based on nothing but your own desire to see KU crumble. Grow up.
Did you say the same thing about Pitino before he was fired? And the AD list his job too. This is not 2000 any more. The Big Shoe gig is up. The truth is out. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. NCAA has to act against Kansas or just fold up their enforcement tent.
Did you say the same thing about Pitino before he was fired? And the AD list his job too. This is not 2000 any more. The Big Shoe gig is up. The truth is out. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. NCAA has to act against Kansas or just fold up their enforcement tent.

That is not a direct response to my post but rather another “But Pitino!” post, you’ve made about a half dozen of them already this thread.

You have to be the most frustrating moron on this whole board.
WTH does “survive” mean? KU is never going to fire Self, not ever. Short of a lifetime ban from the NCAA, Self will either serve a suspension and return to KU, leave for another job, retire (he has long maintained he doesn’t intend to coach into his seventies anyway), or nothing will happen to him.

The evidence against Self directly amounts to some vague texts with Gassnola. There is no “smoking gun”, not that the NCAA necessarily needs one.

Are you aware of other direct evidence against Self? Enlighten us. Your doomsday scenario is stupid and based on nothing but your own desire to see KU crumble. Grow up.

Huh? The real point is that these Adidas guys were acting as 3rd party recruiters for KU. Self knew it and encouraged it multiple times, so there’s your lack of institutional control. They don’t need a tape of Self asking money to be delivered. The multiple conversations reviewing strategy are the issue. The NCAA isn’t going all in on this if they are just going to slap wrists. Lol. They have sworn testimony. The world is watching. KU forfeits games, gets a post season bans, and Self sits for at least a year.

Ya, schools will just find new ways to cheat but KU will have to lick its wounds for a few seasons and Self gets to wear a scarlet C on his shirt for eternity. Good times!
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That is not a direct response to my post but rather another “But Pitino!” post, you’ve made about a half dozen of them already this thread.

You have to be the most frustrating moron on this whole board.
Is there any difference between Pitino getting fired for paying players and Self for paying players? One was already fired. And the 2nd coach may be fired eventually, for doing the same thing.
Huh? The real point is that these Adidas guys were acting as 3rd party recruiters for KU. Self knew it and encouraged it multiple times, so there’s your lack of institutional control. They don’t need a tape of Self asking money to be delivered. The multiple conversations reviewing strategy are the issue. The NCAA isn’t going all in on this if they are just going to slap wrists. Lol. They have sworn testimony. The world is watching. KU forfeits games, gets a post season bans, and Self sits for at least a year.

Ya, schools will just find new ways to cheat but KU will have to lick its wounds for a few seasons and Self gets to wear a scarlet C on his shirt for eternity. Good times!
Dollar Bill Self - Cheater
Haha! $elf
I actually talked to Bill Self at the concession stand at New Castle Fieldhouse, he was there watching Billy Preston and Romeo play on ESPN national televised Geico HS games with New Albany vs LaLumiere, Oak Hill Academy vs Sierra Canyon (?) Self told me, "This place is awesome (New Castle Fieldhouse). And Indiana HS Basketball is great." I believe Billy Preston is one of the players who's mom was allegedly paid thousands of dollars $$$$ but then never played for Kansas due to grades or injury.
grades and injuries?? lol
Huh? The real point is that these Adidas guys were acting as 3rd party recruiters for KU. Self knew it and encouraged it multiple times, so there’s your lack of institutional control. They don’t need a tape of Self asking money to be delivered. The multiple conversations reviewing strategy are the issue. The NCAA isn’t going all in on this if they are just going to slap wrists. Lol. They have sworn testimony. The world is watching. KU forfeits games, gets a post season bans, and Self sits for at least a year.

Ya, schools will just find new ways to cheat but KU will have to lick its wounds for a few seasons and Self gets to wear a scarlet C on his shirt for eternity. Good times!
How’d this go? Has Self been punished?