Kamala needs her daddy

I disagree, but I won’t argue the point my friend because I’ll go out on a limb and predict Kamala wins Cali and Trump wins Missouri. You and I have strong opinions that won’t matter a bit. 😂

I am thinking of taking up Soros on his offer of flying across the country with a full place on Election Day to vote in AZ, NV, GA, WI, MI, and PA. It’s always a great time with good food and booze!
Okay well come get me for az and nv. I’ll pass on the rest!
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She has run (and won) elections in CA on 6 different occasions. There are multiple examples of her giving lectures (off teleprompter) every step of the way from running for Prosecutor of SF to US Senator from CA. All over the country, very easy to google and pull up on youtube...

She's never lost an election including her first race where she faced a powerful incumbent, started off at like 6% of the vote in polls, but doggedly ran an incredible campaign. She was able to force a run off which she won handily. In her Senate race in CA she got 3,000,000 votes. You don't have an unbeaten political record if you're not good at interviews and debates...

If she's so good at them then one would think they would want to show off those talents to the public.

Not doing an open press conference during a POTUS campaign is disqualifying IMO.
If she's so good at them then one would think they would want to show off those talents to the public.

Not doing an open press conference during a POTUS campaign is disqualifying IMO.
Prescreened questions. Taped. Edited. Favorable reporter. Do a town hall with randoms and no screening. Let it fly.

Do a press conference let reporters ask whatever they want.

Fing hell. You want to be president and no one voted for you. There was no vetting primary. Mercy
I don't get the feeling that Harris 'really' believes in much of anything policy related. Maybe certain issues like abortion, but for most part think she's just a political operator and will go whichever way the wind is going.
I hope you’re right but I think she’s all in on many far left policies.

The pubs better win the senate and house.
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If she's so good at them then one would think they would want to show off those talents to the public.

Not doing an open press conference during a POTUS campaign is disqualifying IMO.

Yeah, running for and winning elections as a Democrat in a state that skews 70% Democrat in a district that tracks even higher isn't a measure of her ability to perform publicly without constant and careful curation as the poster would like us to think. This persona of Kamala that's been fabricated by the media and her campaign runs contrary to what we have seen the past 4 plus years. The beating she took at the hands of Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 Dem primary is out there for all to see. Her failures with virtually all the issues she was tasked with as VP are out there for anyone who is interested. She has had several public appearances and speaking engagements during this time where her inability to convey a message or think on her feet is on full display.
Yeah, running for and winning elections as a Democrat in a state that skews 70% Democrat in a district that tracks even higher isn't a measure of her ability to perform publicly without constant and careful curation as the poster would like us to think. This persona of Kamala that's been fabricated by the media and her campaign runs contrary to what we have seen the past 4 plus years. The beating she took at the hands of Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 Dem primary is out there for all to see. Her failures with virtually all the issues she was tasked with as VP are out there for anyone who is interested. She has had several public appearances and speaking engagements during this time where her inability to convey a message or think on her feet is on full display.
Media glow up devoid of merit
Totally. She's nearly a center-right politician in terms of California politics, but that makes her a liberal in terms of Georgia politics and a communist in terms of Oklahoma politics.

I don't think Harris is an ideologue in any way, but I do think she has a general worldview that is mostly liberal. She's much closer to Obama and (Bill) Clinton than she is to Bernie though. Both of those former Presidents were generally status quo center-left Democrats despite all of the hullabaloo about them being socialists.
Esp in light of the fact that one of the criticisms of her time as AG that I've seen thrown around by those models of consistency (aka MAGA) is the charge that she was too tough on criminals, particularly Black men involved with drugs. That along with the mistaken belief that a Trump presidency will lead to another round of stimulus checks are the two most widely given reasons I've seen given when various Black MAGA types on the internet ask Black Men why they prefer Trump...

Of course that type of response epitomizes the term "low information voter", and the good news is a lot of these folks talk a big game but when it comes to actually taking the time and effort to vote the likelihood is pretty high they won't end up doing so. But when you hang around MAGA influencers on their various you tube channels long enough you see some pretty strange things...
Media glow up devoid of merit


How DARE you insinuate that this is somehow media driven! This "groundswell" of Kamala support is all ORGANIC!

Signed, This Guy

If she's so good at them then one would think they would want to show off those talents to the public.

Not doing an open press conference during a POTUS campaign is disqualifying IMO.
Here's the thing... She's only been a candidate since July. She wasn't in a primary (like Trump) for the past 4 yrs so it's all been pretty much a whirlwind. There was so much to do and so much ground to make up, so do you really fault her campaign for using the tactics necessary to erase the huge advantage Trump had prior to July?

She's got all the momentum, she's turned huge deficits that resulted from Biden's debate performance into stunning reversals and in some polls even leads in a state like NC or GA where Trump was already counting his EVs. Not only do I think she's the favorite, but I think she'll win pretty handily...

Trump won NC by less than 1 % and lost GA. The only reason he had substantial leads in those two states was the enthusisam gap that existed among Dems when Biden topped the ticket. The single most important task she faced waas to motivate Dem voters, which she's accomplished.

The Dems have a huge advatage over Trump in the swing states when it comes to campaign organization. In a little over a month, the KH team has raised over $540 Million (an all time record) and signed up over 400,000 volunteers. That is incredible...

Imho the idea that Trump gives press interviews has been overblown. He lies, repeatedly and then repeats the same lies over and over. He lied during the debate, but people are so used to him lying that the press doesn't even really call out his lies anymore...

The Trump folks would have you believe that the idea of a joint press conference with both candidates is some sort of Harris campaign "invention". They will also maintain that CNN is friendly territory for Harris, and that Dana Bash will basically lob softballs. But here's an example of the duplicity involved in those assertions...

July 20, and a "hard hitting joint interview" hosted by Jesse Waters. If Walz is Kamala's daddy, then Trump and Vance are grandfather and grandson...And Jesse is jealous of Vance and wishes he could trade places with him and have Trump's affection...In all honesty it's hard to determine which of JD or Jesse are looking more fondly at Trump. They both have that wistful look in their eyes...

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