Joe Walsh

Marvin the Martian

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 4, 2001
Surprisingly not the creator of Life's Been Good to Me but a former Republican congressman announced this morning that he was ending his presidential bid. In the interview he said that the Republicans are no longer a political party but a cult. He said no one in the conservative media would cover his campaign, Fox would not let him on. He complained about the number of states that dropped primaries.

But the funniest part, after saying it pained him greatly but he would support the Democrat, he was asked if that included Bernie. Walsh said, "Better a socialist than a dictator".

I noticed the other day a Republican here trying to show discord with the Democrats by shedding crocodile tears for the way the Democratic party treats Bernie.i thought I would similarly help the GOP.
Surprisingly not the creator of Life's Been Good to Me but a former Republican congressman announced this morning that he was ending his presidential bid. In the interview he said that the Republicans are no longer a political party but a cult. He said no one in the conservative media would cover his campaign, Fox would not let him on. He complained about the number of states that dropped primaries.

But the funniest part, after saying it pained him greatly but he would support the Democrat, he was asked if that included Bernie. Walsh said, "Better a socialist than a dictator".

I noticed the other day a Republican here trying to show discord with the Democrats by shedding crocodile tears for the way the Democratic party treats Bernie.i thought I would similarly help the GOP.

His Twitter feed from his time in Iowa was interesting. It is truly astonishing how Trump has completely reshaped a once conservative party to a cult of personality in such a short time.

His Twitter feed from his time in Iowa was interesting. It is truly astonishing how Trump has completely reshaped a once conservative party to a cult of personality in such a short time.

Did Trump do that? I thought Ronald Reagan did that. The GOP has been looking for its next RR for decades . . . Trump is as close as they could find these days . . .

. . . never mind that Reagan would likely be appalled by the current GOP . . . and by Trump.
His Twitter feed from his time in Iowa was interesting. It is truly astonishing how Trump has completely reshaped a once conservative party to a cult of personality in such a short time.

Yep, he kept saying the Republican party is a cult now and most true conservatives have left the party.

I doubt that second part is completely true, but I suspect many more business conservatives have left than social. The social conservatives seem very happy with Trump. Looking at this board, Aloha, Twenty, and Jamie do not seem very happy.
Yep, he kept saying the Republican party is a cult now and most true conservatives have left the party.

I doubt that second part is completely true, but I suspect many more business conservatives have left than social. The social conservatives seem very happy with Trump. Looking at this board, Aloha, Twenty, and Jamie do not seem very happy.

I have really been enjoying Charlie Sykes work on the Bulwark podcast. He is a Never Trump guy and many of his guests are the same. What I found interesting is that, up to yesterday, he still says he cannot vote for Sanders. He won’t vote for Trump either but he cannot pull the lever for Sanders.

This is a real problem for the Ds. We can have an electability argument for days, but I think Sykes is sincere about what he says. I also think he is not alone. I know the Ds want to tell former Rs to piss off, but they should reject that reaction and welcome all the votes they can get. They will need them. This election will be razor thin.
I have really been enjoying Charlie Sykes work on the Bulwark podcast. He is a Never Trump guy and many of his guests are the same. What I found interesting is that, up to yesterday, he still says he cannot vote for Sanders. He won’t vote for Trump either but he cannot pull the lever for Sanders.

This is a real problem for the Ds. We can have an electability argument for days, but I think Sykes is sincere about what he says. I also think he is not alone. I know the Ds want to tell former Rs to piss off, but they should reject that reaction and welcome all the votes they can get. They will need them. This election will be razor thin.
Sykes ain't alone regarding Sanders . . . and it's not only former Republicans who feel that way. I'd have to work real hard to convince myself to vote for Sanders in the general election, even with Trump as the opponent.

I don't think Sanders as the nominee would be a good thing for the Democratic party. He'd be ineffective, divisive, and down-right unlikable as a president . . . and Sanders as nominee would, IMHO, give rise to a thorough rewriting of what the Democratic Party's charter is . . . or a replacement party . . .

. . . heck, it's bad enough having him as a candidate in the Democratic primaries. He's a grump who's created as much of a fantasy world for himself as Trump has created a fantasy world for himself. If my choice is between living in one guy's fantasy or the other's, well, there is a third choice and Sykes has put his finger on it . . . .
I have really been enjoying Charlie Sykes work on the Bulwark podcast. He is a Never Trump guy and many of his guests are the same. What I found interesting is that, up to yesterday, he still says he cannot vote for Sanders. He won’t vote for Trump either but he cannot pull the lever for Sanders.

This is a real problem for the Ds. We can have an electability argument for days, but I think Sykes is sincere about what he says. I also think he is not alone. I know the Ds want to tell former Rs to piss off, but they should reject that reaction and welcome all the votes they can get. They will need them. This election will be razor thin.

I get the argument against Bernie, I'm just not sure how accurate it is. 538 has a story up that suggests no one knows who is electable, and I tend to buy that. Trump was totally not electable, until he was elected. I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, I will not vote for him in the 2020 primary unless some very strange events happen (Williamson reenter the race and it is only between her and Bernie would be an example). But it isn't because Bernie isn't electable. Bernie appeals to many of the same populists as Trump. Bernie steals them in PA, MI, and WI and it becomes very hard for Trump to win. I don't know that they will vote for Bernie, but they might. I don't know that they will vote for Biden or Pete, but I think Bernie is more likely given he is a populist.
Sykes ain't alone regarding Sanders . . . and it's not only former Republicans who feel that way. I'd have to work real hard to convince myself to vote for Sanders in the general election, even with Trump as the opponent.

I don't think Sanders as the nominee would be a good thing for the Democratic party. He'd be ineffective, divisive, and down-right unlikable as a president . . . and Sanders as nominee would, IMHO, give rise to a thorough rewriting of what the Democratic Party's charter is . . . or a replacement party . . .

. . . heck, it's bad enough having him as a candidate in the Democratic primaries. He's a grump who's created as much of a fantasy world for himself as Trump has created a fantasy world for himself. If my choice is between living in one guy's fantasy or the other's, well, there is a third choice and Sykes has put his finger on it . . . .

I agree. I’m not a fan and his supporters are a problem. I just hope the Ds get their shit together and execute on a solid plan to remove Trump from the WH. This Iowa fiasco and Sanders’ numbers do not give me much hope in their competence though.

Anyone interested in starting a middle of the road independent party? Lol
I’m not a fan and his supporters are a problem

there is no rationalizing with his most rabid supporters. They really hurt his candidacy more than help it, but they can't be convinced of the no matter how many people say "that's it, I'm sick of you people and now I'll never vote Bernie". It is the main reason I decided not to vote Bernie this time, I would be attacked on message boards for suggesting fellow Bernie supporters be a bit more chill.

But again, doesn't that sound like Trump supporters? There is a huge crossover there. And it it weren't so serious, a debate between them could be hysterical. But given the seriousness, it would be depressing.
Surprisingly not the creator of Life's Been Good to Me but a former Republican congressman announced this morning that he was ending his presidential bid. In the interview he said that the Republicans are no longer a political party but a cult. He said no one in the conservative media would cover his campaign, Fox would not let him on. He complained about the number of states that dropped primaries.

But the funniest part, after saying it pained him greatly but he would support the Democrat, he was asked if that included Bernie. Walsh said, "Better a socialist than a dictator".

I noticed the other day a Republican here trying to show discord with the Democrats by shedding crocodile tears for the way the Democratic party treats Bernie.i thought I would similarly help the GOP.

who? The fact he would vote for a Socialist is all I need to know wouldn’t you say? I don’t need to hear from him nor would I consider anyone other than Trump. The unfinished work needing to be done in the next four years can’t be done by someone other than Trump. Strap the chin strap up and pray you keep the House.
who? The fact he would vote for a Socialist is all I need to know wouldn’t you say? I don’t need to hear from him nor would I consider anyone other than Trump. The unfinished work needing to be done in the next four years can’t be done by someone other than Trump. Strap the chin strap up and pray you keep the House.

Right, it shows he is a conservative and not a populist. The fact you love Trump shows you are a populist and not a conservative. The facts are pretty simple.
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Surprisingly not the creator of Life's Been Good to Me but a former Republican congressman announced this morning that he was ending his presidential bid. In the interview he said that the Republicans are no longer a political party but a cult. He said no one in the conservative media would cover his campaign, Fox would not let him on. He complained about the number of states that dropped primaries.

But the funniest part, after saying it pained him greatly but he would support the Democrat, he was asked if that included Bernie. Walsh said, "Better a socialist than a dictator".

I noticed the other day a Republican here trying to show discord with the Democrats by shedding crocodile tears for the way the Democratic party treats Bernie.i thought I would similarly help the GOP.

My Maseratti does one-eighty-five
I lost my license, now I don't drive
I have a limo, ride in the back
I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.

An aging, toked rocker is likely the only solution to our national dilemma.......of having to choose between The Fourth Reich or North Venezuela.

Say it ain't so, Joe .....
My Maseratti does one-eighty-five
I lost my license, now I don't drive
I have a limo, ride in the back
I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.

An aging, toked rocker is likely the only solution to our national dilemma.......of having to choose between The Fourth Reich or North Venezuela.

Say it ain't so, Joe .....

That is one of my favorite songs, I just never understood why he sang a song about me.
Right, it shows he is a conservative and not a populist. The fact you love Trump shows you are a populist and not a conservative. The facts are pretty simple.
Sorry Marvin. I just don’t agree. I know you are now completely outed as a far left guy which means discussions are meaningless with you. A conservative would never vote for a socialist you twit. That’s why your argument stinks about the guy. He isn’t an alternative. He isn’t conservative. Put Cruz up there and we can talk....
Sorry Marvin. I just don’t agree. I know you are now completely outed as a far left guy which means discussions are meaningless with you. A conservative would never vote for a socialist you twit. That’s why your argument stinks about the guy. He isn’t an alternative. He isn’t conservative. Put Cruz up there and we can talk....
Which conservative said he'd vote for Sanders? I must've missed that . . . if you're referring to Sykes, the answer is he said he would prefer not to vote at all than to vote for either Sanders or Trump.
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Sorry Marvin. I just don’t agree. I know you are now completely outed as a far left guy which means discussions are meaningless with you. A conservative would never vote for a socialist you twit. That’s why your argument stinks about the guy. He isn’t an alternative. He isn’t conservative. Put Cruz up there and we can talk....

You really know nothing about Joe Walsh the former congressman do you? If I hadn't mentioned it wasn't the guy from the Eagles you would be thinking it was him. Walsh's record was as conservative as they come. Heck, he was a birther. But he isn't a populist. You may think the two are the same, but they aren't. Conservatives may not be my cup of tea, but populists are the ones that lead to Hitler (or Stalin). Say hi to all your fellow John Birchers for me, especially Green Teeth.
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You destroyed hotel rooms? By not first folding the towels before you re-hung them?

If you doubled-down and didn't make the bed, man, you are out there ....

I am crazy, there was a time I almost took the little bottle of shampoo from my hotel room. I put it back with a note apologizing for moving it, but for a moment it was pandemonium.
You really know nothing about Joe Walsh the former congressman do you? If I hadn't mentioned it wasn't the guy from the Eagles you would be thinking it was him. Walsh's record was as conservative as they come. Heck, he was a birther. But he isn't a populist. You may think the two are the same, but they aren't. Conservatives may not be my cup of tea, but populists are the ones that lead to Hitler (or Stalin). Say hi to all your fellow John Birchers for me, especially Green Teeth.
Oh, y'all are talking about Joe Walsh . . .

. . . well, I still think his best work was with the James Gang. But I do like this one:

Oh, you're not talking about this Joe Walsh . . . .
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You really know nothing about Joe Walsh the former congressman do you? If I hadn't mentioned it wasn't the guy from the Eagles you would be thinking it was him. Walsh's record was as conservative as they come. Heck, he was a birther. But he isn't a populist. You may think the two are the same, but they aren't. Conservatives may not be my cup of tea, but populists are the ones that lead to Hitler (or Stalin). Say hi to all your fellow John Birchers for me, especially Green Teeth.
A conservative couldn’t vote for a socialist..... how how how. The only way he could is if he wasn’t truly one. Give me a break.

a Bernie man..... that explains a lot.
I have really been enjoying Charlie Sykes work on the Bulwark podcast. He is a Never Trump guy and many of his guests are the same. What I found interesting is that, up to yesterday, he still says he cannot vote for Sanders. He won’t vote for Trump either but he cannot pull the lever for Sanders.

This is a real problem for the Ds. We can have an electability argument for days, but I think Sykes is sincere about what he says. I also think he is not alone. I know the Ds want to tell former Rs to piss off, but they should reject that reaction and welcome all the votes they can get. They will need them. This election will be razor thin.
There are a lot of that will never vote for Sanders or Warren. We aren't Trumpers, but that won't flip us to the left most wing of the Democratic party either. The other candidates probably would get a lot of us to vote for them. Might not be giddy about it, but I won't feel awful.
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A conservative couldn’t vote for a socialist..... how how how. The only way he could is if he wasn’t truly one. Give me a break.

a Bernie man..... that explains a lot.
All you have there is labels, Hack. Soooo . . . what's so wrong with socialism that you reject it at the mere mention?
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You really know nothing about Joe Walsh the former congressman do you? If I hadn't mentioned it wasn't the guy from the Eagles you would be thinking it was him. Walsh's record was as conservative as they come. Heck, he was a birther. But he isn't a populist. You may think the two are the same, but they aren't. Conservatives may not be my cup of tea, but populists are the ones that lead to Hitler (or Stalin). Say hi to all your fellow John Birchers for me, especially Green Teeth.
Being a conservative doesn't make someone a birther. Being a liberal didn't make people truthers either. Our extremes are prone to believe in conspiracy theories. Most of us don't. At least I think most of us don't.
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Oh, y'all are talking about Joe Walsh . . .

. . . well, I still think his best work was with the James Gang. But I do like this one:

Oh, you're not talking about this Joe Walsh . . . .

The James Gang did some good stuff. There are a couple groups I don't think get as much credit as they deserve. That is one, the other would be The Hollies.

I have a buddy who hates Joe Walsh because of The Eagles. He loved their more country rock sound pre-Walsh. I appreciate both, I love their early work but Hotel California is brilliant.
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There are a lot of that will never vote for Sanders or Warren. We aren't Trumpers, but that won't flip us to the left most wing of the Democratic party either. The other candidates probably would get a lot of us to vote for them. Might not be giddy about it, but I won't feel awful. ;)

I find this position completely reasonable. That’s why the Ds need to get things together and nominate a candidate that people like you can support. Hell, I’m not sure I’d vote for Sanders.
The James Gang did some good stuff. There are a couple groups I don't think get as much credit as they deserve. That is one, the other would be The Hollies.

I have a buddy who hates Joe Walsh because of The Eagles. He loved their more country rock sound pre-Walsh. I appreciate both, I love their early work but Hotel California is brilliant.
My favorite version of Hotel California - the song - has Don Felder doing the lead work with a classical guitar and a definitive Spanish style to it.

BTW, who were the Eagles the back up band for before they became the Eagles?
Being a conservative doesn't make someone a birther. Being a liberal didn't make people truthers either. Our extremes are prone to believe in conspiracy theories. Most of us don't. At least I think most of us don't.

I agree, but birthers tended to be conservative (and not liberal) and and truthers tend to be liberal and not conservative. There are a couple exceptions. But Walsh was a strident conservative. One can compare representatives at a site, Walsh and Steve King agreed on 90% of their votes He agreed with Kevin McCarthy 87% of the time. Not bad over 1500 votes. He agreed with Pelosi 21%, McCarthy agreed with her 28% and King agreed with her 26%. By that standard, he is MORE conservative than McCarthy and King.
A conservative couldn’t vote for a socialist..... how how how. The only way he could is if he wasn’t truly one. Give me a break.

a Bernie man..... that explains a lot.

Trump is a socialist. Are you paying attention to the booming deficit? The fed is spending hand over fist to fuel this market.
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My favorite version of Hotel California - the song - has Don Felder doing the lead work with a classical guitar and a definitive Spanish style to it.

BTW, who were the Eagles the back up band for before they became the Eagles?

Linda. I didn't watch the CNN special on her, I need to. I had her poster in college, I liked her music and she was very attractive. Almost made me want to vote for Jerry Brown.
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I find this position completely reasonable. That’s why the Ds need to get things together and nominate a candidate that people like you can support. Hell, I’m not sure I’d vote for Sanders.

Is that candidate:

1. Going to be pro-life?
2. Going to be for a reasoned, comprehensive approach to health-care, with a public option and the continuance of private insurance?
3. Going to be all-in for infrastructure improvements?
4. Going to resist the crazies calling for an immediate end to fracking and fossil fuels?
5. Going to present a balanced approach, as opposed to a massive transfer of wealth, to climate change? (It's gross stupidity to consider folks "climate deniers" when one charges anyone not down with The Green New Deal as a flat-earther.)
6. Going to laugh at the push for free tuition at public universities?
7. Going to laugh at student debt forgiveness?
8. Going to be very careful wrt tax policy, resisting the urge to have taxes go up for the middle class? (All of the "tax the rich" schemes have a tendency to trickle down to folks who can use that extra $50-$100 per month.)
9. Going to endorse the Electoral College?
10. Going to promise not to pack the Supreme Court?
11. And, finally, going to be able to get a fastball over the plate when he/she throws out the first pitch on Opening Day?
Is that candidate:

1. Going to be pro-life?
2. Going to be for a reasoned, comprehensive approach to health-care, with a public option and the continuance of private insurance?
3. Going to be all-in for infrastructure improvements?
4. Going to resist the crazies calling for an immediate end to fracking and fossil fuels?
5. Going to present a balanced approach, as opposed to a massive transfer of wealth, to climate change? (It's gross stupidity to consider folks "climate deniers" when one charges anyone not down with The Green New Deal as a flat-earther.)
6. Going to laugh at the push for free tuition at public universities?
7. Going to laugh at student debt forgiveness?
8. Going to be very careful wrt tax policy, resisting the urge to have taxes go up for the middle class? (All of the "tax the rich" schemes have a tendency to trickle down to folks who can use that extra $50-$100 per month.)
9. Going to endorse the Electoral College?
10. Going to promise not to pack the Supreme Court?
11. And, finally, going to be able to get a fastball over the plate when he/she throws out the first pitch on Opening Day?
Shirley Lyster used to say . . . there's no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting . . . .
Is that candidate:

1. Going to be pro-life?
2. Going to be for a reasoned, comprehensive approach to health-care, with a public option and the continuance of private insurance?
3. Going to be all-in for infrastructure improvements?
4. Going to resist the crazies calling for an immediate end to fracking and fossil fuels?
5. Going to present a balanced approach, as opposed to a massive transfer of wealth, to climate change? (It's gross stupidity to consider folks "climate deniers" when one charges anyone not down with The Green New Deal as a flat-earther.)
6. Going to laugh at the push for free tuition at public universities?
7. Going to laugh at student debt forgiveness?
8. Going to be very careful wrt tax policy, resisting the urge to have taxes go up for the middle class? (All of the "tax the rich" schemes have a tendency to trickle down to folks who can use that extra $50-$100 per month.)
9. Going to endorse the Electoral College?
10. Going to promise not to pack the Supreme Court?
11. And, finally, going to be able to get a fastball over the plate when he/she throws out the first pitch on Opening Day?

I don’t know. But I do know the candidate will not be the existential threat to the country that Trump is. That is all that should matter in this moment. Let’s get him out and then we can go down your list.
All you have there is labels, Hack. Soooo . . . what's so wrong with socialism that you reject it at the mere mention?
The James Gang did some good stuff. There are a couple groups I don't think get as much credit as they deserve. That is one, the other would be The Hollies.

I have a buddy who hates Joe Walsh because of The Eagles. He loved their more country rock sound pre-Walsh. I appreciate both, I love their early work but Hotel California is brilliant.
he couldn’t even get on his own ballot in Illinois. His platform for running against Trump is that he is unfit. Obviously that view is not shared by the party hence the lack of support. He should run as an independent and try and suck votes away from him because he had zero chance of ousting a sitting President in the Primary who has won every battle thrown at him.... something tells me this about Walsh and getting airtime than a serious challenge.
I don’t know. But I do know the candidate will not be the existential threat to the country that Trump is. That is all that should matter in this moment. Let’s get him out and then we can go down your list.
He is threat to your party’s platform for sure. But you guys have failed miserably in showing a threat to America itself.
He is threat to your party’s platform for sure. But you guys have failed miserably in showing a threat to America itself.

What party? I was a Republican up until the party chose Trump as its nominee. Now I’m a homeless wanderer hoping this country gets back to sanity. And you wouldn’t know actual conservatism if it bit you on the ass. You are radical rubes that make up Trumps base. Buckley would not recognize you as a conservative.
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That's what I thought. Well, the gloves I put on the other day are coming off . . .

. . . YOU'RE the guy whose entire business model is built on government programs, dude. And you complain about socialism . . . without being able to articulate any reasons why it's problematical.

Both in my career and philosophically I'm FAR AND AWAY more capitalist than you are, Hack. Think about that for a bit.

Sometimes you guys make me sick with all your wrapping in the flag and pretending to be free enterprise and all . . . when you and the leaders you choose are nothing but public fund grifters . . . .
What party? I was a Republican up until the party chose Trump as its nominee. Now I’m a homeless wanderer hoping this country gets back to sanity. And you wouldn’t know actual conservatism if it bit you on the ass. You are radical rubes that make up Trumps base. Buckley would not recognize you as a conservative.
LOL.... sure