JD Vance - you suck

Attempting to be a bit funny. But I was pointing out a tendency about people. If you like someone you give them the benefit of the doubt. You don't mind being inconvenienced. On the other hand when you don't like someone, even a perceived inconvenience is never tolerated and just might be amplified.
Attempting, aye.
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I had the same complaint about Trump. He flew to Mar-A-Lago something like 17 times in his first year of his presidency at a cost of millions of dollars in tax payer money. It was wasteful. He at least somewhat curtailed those visits by 2019.

He also made sure to charge the SS full bore for rooms and food and golf carts and anything else he could get away with that put money in his pocket. Same for all his other travels where he insisted on staying at one of his properties, even if they were far far away from the site of the function he was attending.
Cincinnati traffic is already the worst of any medium sized city I’ve ever driven through. Politicians don’t give two shits about how much they inconvenience the citizens of any city in America.
Pure awful....Along with Louisville.....And for a small city, Lexington traffic is fuking hideous.
FIVE times in the last three weeks I have sat in traffic because he decides to fly somewhere in the middle of rush hour. WTF? Can't you just get yourself a nice motorhome and live down by the airport until election day? Do you really need to fly home every stinking night and then fly out every stinking morning? I am sick and tired of waiting for your motorcade to take you 5 minutes from your house to Lunken Airport. Ride a bike! It would do you some good. And what's with the ambulance always following your car? Is there something you're not telling us? I mean, your route takes you no more than 10 minutes from one of the finest trauma hospitals in the Midwest, yet you need an ambulance in your motorcade? And for Christ's sake, don't you think 25 police cars is a bit much?

Try living in DC where traffic is already shit.
FIVE times in the last three weeks I have sat in traffic because he decides to fly somewhere in the middle of rush hour. WTF? Can't you just get yourself a nice motorhome and live down by the airport until election day? Do you really need to fly home every stinking night and then fly out every stinking morning? I am sick and tired of waiting for your motorcade to take you 5 minutes from your house to Lunken Airport. Ride a bike! It would do you some good. And what's with the ambulance always following your car? Is there something you're not telling us? I mean, your route takes you no more than 10 minutes from one of the finest trauma hospitals in the Midwest, yet you need an ambulance in your motorcade? And for Christ's sake, don't you think 25 police cars is a bit much?
Few things more entertaining than a triggered ******...
While I don't disagree with your overall point:
1) Every time he travels by plane / motorcade, it's probably at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars minimum when you add up the cost of the jet fuel / plane rental, secret service personnel, car rentals, etc.
2) I'm 99% certain that Vance isn't paying for that himself. He is likely using S-PAC or donations funds, but either way, you are probably paying for it.

If you are fine with that, then more power to you.
Seriously? Why do you think politicians spend 3/4 of their time raising money?

Who do you think pays for Walz flights?
He also made sure to charge the SS full bore for rooms and food and golf carts and anything else he could get away with that put money in his pocket. Same for all his other travels where he insisted on staying at one of his properties, even if they were far far away from the site of the function he was attending.
Obviously Republicans aren't getting their money's worth on SS protection.
Pure awful....Along with Louisville.....And for a small city, Lexington traffic is fuking hideous.
I've been through Borden; your 1 stop sign is optional at best. I would say you do struggle with the modern interstate system traffic lights etc. you're definitely Trump country.
Seriously? Why do you think politicians spend 3/4 of their time raising money?

Who do you think pays for Walz flights?
..and if Walz is spending that money to fly home to his wife / kids every day, I would be equally upset.
As I said, the majority of the money is probably coming from donations / superPAC's. The SS detail likely comes from our taxpayer money. I have no problem with occasional visits home during this time period. Every day I would have an issue with. Either Vance or Walz.

I would think you would be on board with candidates trying to exhibit fiscal responsibility.
..and if Walz is spending that money to fly home to his wife / kids every day, I would be equally upset.
As I said, the majority of the money is probably coming from donations / superPAC's. The SS detail likely comes from our taxpayer money. I have no problem with occasional visits home during this time period. Every day I would have an issue with. Either Vance or Walz.

I would think you would be on board with candidates trying to exhibit fiscal responsibility.
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't even know about it.

The media has told you to be upset, so you get upset.

The money isn't yours and the SS detail would be with him no matter what. Stop with the foolishness.

I realize your only hope to defeat Trump is to make mountains out of a molehill, but this nitpicking just makes you look petty and gullible.
Vance flew to Pittsburgh this morning. Not sure where he flew into, but here he flies out of a small municipal airport. It was the main airport here until the late 1940s.

That building could have been on Shawshank Redemption. BTW, the prison in the movie is in Mansfield OH. We always stop there to gas up and stretch the legs on our way from PA to Indiana and then back again.
That building could have been on Shawshank Redemption. BTW, the prison in the movie is in Mansfield OH. We always stop there to gas up and stretch the legs on our way from PA to Indiana and then back again.
interesting tidbit, unfortunately will have to file it in the WGAF folder.
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No you wouldn't. You wouldn't even know about it.

The media has told you to be upset, so you get upset.

The money isn't yours and the SS detail would be with him no matter what. Stop with the foolishness.

I realize your only hope to defeat Trump is to make mountains out of a molehill, but this nitpicking just makes you look petty and gullible.

A) I'm 99% certain that Noodle is not in the media. The entire purpose of this thread is him complaining about the amount of times that Vance has inconvenienced his life. This whole thing is anecdotal at best. The media has nothing to do with this thread topic.

B) I have stated multiple times now that I am not upset with the likely reality of the situation. If it is 5 times in three weeks, I have no problem with it.

C) This thread is about Vance, not Trump. I did mention him once for comparison, but otherwise this is mostly about whether Vance is excessively going home or not, which would have an impact of the amount of money that is being spent (and yes, him going home versus staying at a hotel is net negative on expenses, some of which you and I are paying for). As noted above, it isn't even likely true.

D) Many of Trump's issues are indeed molehills. The problem is, after thousands and thousands of molehills get added up, you do indeed get a mountain.
That building could have been on Shawshank Redemption. BTW, the prison in the movie is in Mansfield OH. We always stop there to gas up and stretch the legs on our way from PA to Indiana and then back again.
That prison is kinda fun to visit. They have tours year round and it is a haunted house in October.
We recently got an ad for it that said they have added a couple of escape rooms. I found that highly amusing.
That building could have been on Shawshank Redemption. BTW, the prison in the movie is in Mansfield OH. We always stop there to gas up and stretch the legs on our way from PA to Indiana and then back again.
It's been used in some movies (see below). The inside of the building is pretty nondescript. There used to be an average restaurant inside, but it closed several years ago. Had a case against an attorney whose office was in there. No idea why, other than he was a private pilot. I don't think they use this building for anything these days, as there is newer tower they use for traffic control.

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A) I'm 99% certain that Noodle is not in the media. The entire purpose of this thread is him complaining about the amount of times that Vance has inconvenienced his life. This whole thing is anecdotal at best. The media has nothing to do with this thread topic.

B) I have stated multiple times now that I am not upset with the likely reality of the situation. If it is 5 times in three weeks, I have no problem with it.

C) This thread is about Vance, not Trump. I did mention him once for comparison, but otherwise this is mostly about whether Vance is excessively going home or not, which would have an impact of the amount of money that is being spent (and yes, him going home versus staying at a hotel is net negative on expenses, some of which you and I are paying for). As noted above, it isn't even likely true.

D) Many of Trump's issues are indeed molehills. The problem is, after thousands and thousands of molehills get added up, you do indeed get a mountain.
What are you babbling about? I didn't reply to Noodle. I replied to you.

You know full well Democrats use the SS just as much as Republicans, so stop the charade. We are on to your infantile nitpicking.

It's funny I've NEVER heard you complain about Biden going back to Delaware every chance he gets, a long with more SS protection than Vance gets.
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A) I'm 99% certain that Noodle is not in the media. The entire purpose of this thread is him complaining about the amount of times that Vance has inconvenienced his life. This whole thing is anecdotal at best. The media has nothing to do with this thread topic.

B) I have stated multiple times now that I am not upset with the likely reality of the situation. If it is 5 times in three weeks, I have no problem with it.

C) This thread is about Vance, not Trump. I did mention him once for comparison, but otherwise this is mostly about whether Vance is excessively going home or not, which would have an impact of the amount of money that is being spent (and yes, him going home versus staying at a hotel is net negative on expenses, some of which you and I are paying for). As noted above, it isn't even likely true.

D) Many of Trump's issues are indeed molehills. The problem is, after thousands and thousands of molehills get added up, you do indeed get a mountain.
Five times in three weeks, but more than 1/3 of the times I’ve driven the route during rush hour. I rarely drive home during rush hour. So yeah, it’s not reasonable.
I missed her walking off the set. The commentator is awesome. Whether you vote for Trump or someone else it shouldn't be the current regime with their wars' lies, propaganda and Democracy is at risk BS. They have nothing else. They need removed from the political society.

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Uncropped, it still looks like a prison.

Now since House Republicans were intent on naming an airport after Trump and Dems suggested a prison, this would seem to be the perfect compromise. Who says bi-partisanship is dead in DC?
Now since House Republicans were intent on naming an airport after Trump and Dems suggested a prison, this would seem to be the perfect compromise. Who says bi-partisanship is dead in DC?
That building is still sitting empty. We could make it into a prison and then name it for Trump. It could be the Trump Prison at Lunken Airport. Hell, let's go all the way: Trump Prison at Trump Airport.
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What are you babbling about? I didn't reply to Noodle. I replied to you.

You know full well Democrats use the SS just as much as Republicans, so stop the charade. We are on to your infantile nitpicking.

It's funny I've NEVER heard you complain about Biden going back to Delaware every chance he gets, a long with more SS protection than Vance gets.
Actually Danc, you are right.
Whether it was the media hiding it or not, I just now looked it up. Biden has indeed spent more time in Delaware than I knew. More often than a president should. It is wasteful and fiscally irresponsible. I was already on the fence about whether to put Joe's name down. I was very likely either going to vote 3rd party or not vote at all for the presidency slot on my ballot. This probably would have been a deal-breaker for me.
I live in Ohio, so not sure my vote is going to matter much anyway. I will never vote for Trump, but I'll wait for the debates to see if I vote for Harris.
Actually Danc, you are right.
Whether it was the media hiding it or not, I just now looked it up. Biden has indeed spent more time in Delaware than I knew. More often than a president should. It is wasteful and fiscally irresponsible. I was already on the fence about whether to put Joe's name down. I was very likely either going to vote 3rd party or not vote at all for the presidency slot on my ballot. This probably would have been a deal-breaker for me.
I live in Ohio, so not sure my vote is going to matter much anyway. I will never vote for Trump, but I'll wait for the debates to see if I vote for Harris.

Not sure you'll find any president that doesn't go home or take any trips. Taxpayers would likely be upset looking at every past president's travel log and associated costs.

The reason people "nitpick" at Trump is because he made sure to stay at his properties so that he could overcharge SS and funnel taxpayer money into his pockets. Foreign dignitaries also felt pressure to stay at Trump properties in order to curry favor. 2 big reasons why Presidents (up until Trump) were required to divest their business interests prior to becoming President.
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Not sure you'll find any president that doesn't go home or take any trips. Taxpayers would likely be upset looking at every past president's travel log and associated costs.

The reason people "nitpick" at Trump is because he made sure to stay at his properties so that he could overcharge SS and funnel taxpayer money into his pockets. Foreign dignitaries also felt pressure to stay at Trump properties in order to curry favor. 2 big reasons why Presidents (up until Trump) were required to divest their business interests prior to becoming President.
Meh. Still a waste of money. You want a weekend getaway, Camp David is right there. I was critical of Trump, Biden deserves just as much criticism.
Meh. Still a waste of money. You want a weekend getaway, Camp David is right there. I was critical of Trump, Biden deserves just as much criticism.

Fair to criticize both but it isn't really an everything equals everything.
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I don't make the drive from Florida to Indiana much any more, after my parents and my brothers passed away, but when I do the direct route means fighting traffic first in Atlanta, then in Nashville, and then in Louisville. Those are the three worst traffic cities I have ever seen, and I lived in Cincinnati (albeit in the 90s).

Atlanta is a total zoo on I-75. I think every time other than 2-3PM is rush hour. I sit in traffic for an hour every time.

Then in Nashville it takes a good half hour, AFTER getting through Nashville traffic, to merge onto I-65.

Then Louisville seem like a perpetually awful construction mess, going on 10 years now.
When I was a kid we drove to Florida and I specifically remember hitting Nashville in the latter afternoon and the traffic just went along very slowly. It was so hot in our car because we didn't have air conditioning. Mom and Dad were yelling. I was probably bugging my older sister because that is what little brothers do. It was terrible.
Yes. Vance does suck. This is reprehensible. There are 3!!! and only 3!!! permissible cheeses for a cheesesteak. Provolone, American, and whiz. That’s it.

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