Jasper Alberta Fire


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Oh man. I hope everyone is safe and can get this under of control.

I've gotta be honest though, I thought I was clicking on a video of Coach Cig talking about this.... know I'm ready to run through a brick wall.
This is nuts. Estimates are that up to half of the town is lost.

Canada really is fvcking up aren’t they? If that smoke comes down here again, I’m going to have to kick some Americas Hat ass
Hopefully the zero casualty rate stays that way and they can come back even better like Estes Park, CO USA has after multiple floods...
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Wife is going to Sask next month and is already complaining about the smoke.
I'm headed to NW Ontario over the week of Labor Day. Group text already has a guy wondering what to bring to "mitigate the smoke" with a bunch of talk about masks. It's a fishing trip. Bring a freaking handkerchief to dab at your eyes and hope the float plane can keep us supplied with beer, you big pussy.
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All good points, particularly the last one. Those people need to be punched in the dick whenever they're encountered.
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