It’s hard to spin the “You won’t have to vote in 4 years” comment


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2024
I’ve held my nose and voted for Trump twice and am struggling like hell this year because I can’t decide if I hate Trump or the progressive agenda worse. I truly can’t believe this buffoon is what my lifelong party is clinging to. I’m embarrassed to still be a registered Republican but can’t imaging voting for the far left. I need a therapist
I’ve held my nose and voted for Trump twice and am struggling like hell this year because I can’t decide if I hate Trump or the progressive agenda worse. I truly can’t believe this buffoon is what my lifelong party is clinging to. I’m embarrassed to still be a registered Republican but can’t imaging voting for the far left. I need a therapist
Trump and hold your nose. The far left Harris plan is a disaster for every aspect of America. Think 2020 and all their stupid shit on steroids. Conversely trump wins he pardons himself quickly loses interest in much else as he grows oldddddddd aging in president/80 something years and just dies by the next election or runs out of gas. 4 years of almost nothing getting done would be glorious.
I’ve held my nose and voted for Trump twice and am struggling like hell this year because I can’t decide if I hate Trump or the progressive agenda worse. I truly can’t believe this buffoon is what my lifelong party is clinging to. I’m embarrassed to still be a registered Republican but can’t imaging voting for the far left. I need a therapist

My Trump Translator app tells me this isn't that big of a deal. He's saying that he'll fix everything in the country that needs fixed and after that you won't need to worry about Presidential politics anymore.
Trump and hold your nose. The far left Harris plan is a disaster for every aspect of America. Think 2020 and all their stupid shit on steroids. Conversely trump wins he pardons himself quickly loses interest in much else as he grows oldddddddd aging in president/80 something years and just dies by the next election or runs out of gas. 4 years of almost nothing getting done would be glorious.
Except that’s not what will happen. I know Trump tries to distance himself from project 2025, but he constantly talks about stuff in it.

And the country isn’t ready for the type of mass deportations he’s talking about. “Show us your papers!” Used to be a bad caricature of the bad guys in movies. And I’m sure his retribution tour will go over well with his low information voters, but trying to get revenge on people like Liz Cheney will feel like crossing a line we never thought we’d cross.
I’ve held my nose and voted for Trump twice and am struggling like hell this year because I can’t decide if I hate Trump or the progressive agenda worse. I truly can’t believe this buffoon is what my lifelong party is clinging to. I’m embarrassed to still be a registered Republican but can’t imaging voting for the far left. I need a therapist
Write in. It’s what I’m probably doing, plus likely GOP in every other race.
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Except that’s not what will happen. I know Trump tries to distance himself from project 2025, but he constantly talks about stuff in it.

And the country isn’t ready for the type of mass deportations he’s talking about. “Show us your papers!” Used to be a bad caricature of the bad guys in movies. And I’m sure his retribution tour will go over well with his low information voters, but trying to get revenge on people like Liz Cheney will feel like crossing a line we never thought we’d cross.
Look at my thread on Harris policies. Your worry is of no moment to me. As for immigration ill take egress over ingress
Query. Should the greatest troll of all time be the POTUS?
Probably not.

The question is, would he be worse than the alternative?

He’d probably be pretty much the same president he was before. A total train wreck personality wise but a cookie cutter center right president wrt policy.

I don’t put any stock in the bleating of Bowl and the others. He’s not going to END DEMOCRACY!!!
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I’ve held my nose and voted for Trump twice and am struggling like hell this year because I can’t decide if I hate Trump or the progressive agenda worse. I truly can’t believe this buffoon is what my lifelong party is clinging to. I’m embarrassed to still be a registered Republican but can’t imaging voting for the far left. I need a therapist
What do you mean? I took it as he doesn’t give a shit because he won’t be running again for President. It’s par for Trump. He just loves to hear himself talk.

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What do you mean? I took as he doesn’t give a shit because he won’t be running again for President. It’s par for Trump. He just loves to hear himself talk.

Concur. This one is no biggie. He’s just saying everything will be perfect, terrific and tremendous at the end of his four years and it won’t matter who replaces him. And he couldn’t care less at that point anyway. 😎
My Trump Translator app tells me this isn't that big of a deal. He's saying that he'll fix everything in the country that needs fixed and after that you won't need to worry about Presidential politics anymore.
Trump must be stopped. It hardly matters whom his opponent is at this point.

"Today, the Munich Agreement is widely regarded as a failed act of appeasement, and the term has become "a byword for the futility of appeasing expansionist totalitarian states.""

Failure of people to see how a narcissist pedals has opium has been hard to watch.
Harris is getting the nomination without having any democratic votes. Is that a threat to democracy?
Trump is not a threat to Democracy and neither is Harris getting the nomination. I personally wouldn’t vote for Harris if I was a Democrat because it would piss me off if the GOP did the same thing, but most Democrats don’t seem to care.
I’ll go on record, it was stupid the way he delivered it. It’s pretty obvious that he was using his normal extreme hyperbole , but man he needs to figure out to stick an “lol” in there, or a smilie face emoji , or a /S (means sarcasm) at the end of it.
And no, he’s not killing democracy. If anything, if he is elected that will mean our form of democracy is alive and well and has survived the current biggest coup attempt in the history of coup attempts. (Not sarcasm)
It would be an amazing feat if he could do that. But thankfully our Constitution will not allow it. People today really don't see the genius erof our Founding Fathers.

Yeah, no one would allow that to happen on multiple levels... I'd personally help drag him out of the White House if he attempted to illegally remain after his term was up and I'm certain I'd have a lot of help... I highly doubt it ever comes to that...

His presidency will actually be the bridge to a brighter future that Biden lied about...

He's a one term President who'll be spending most of his time trying to clean up the mess that Kamala and Joe have made... I doubt he'll have the votes in Congress to do anything transformational...

4.5 years from now we'll have the individuals as candidates that everyone from both sides wish were running...

This is much ado about nothing...

The Donald saying stupid sh-t and working hard to find a way to beat himself is not exactly a new phenomena...
Harris is getting the nomination without having any democratic votes. Is that a threat to democracy?
Sounds like a perfect lesson for tomorrow’s service pastor. You’re in an important state and hold a position where people look to you for guidance. It’s important that you let them know only one person is the right choice. And that’s DONALD JOHN TRUMP. Tell them the left are baby killers. They hate babies
Trump is not a threat to Democracy and neither is Harris getting the nomination. I personally wouldn’t vote for Harris if I was a Democrat because it would piss me off if the GOP did the same thing, but most Democrats don’t seem to care.
I agree. Trump is no threat. And we are thankfully not a Democracy or else the majority would trounce the rights of the minority. For instance the electoral college is actually a way for minority states to not be trounced by the large ones.
Yeah, no one would allow that to happen on multiple levels... I'd personally help drag him out of the White House if he attempted to illegally remain after his term was up and I'm certain I'd have a lot of help... I highly doubt it ever comes to that...

His presidency will actually be the bridge to a brighter future that Biden lied about...

He's a one term President who'll be spending most of his time trying to clean up the mess that Kamala and Joe have made... I doubt he'll have the votes in Congress to do anything transformational...

4.5 years from now we'll have the individuals as candidates that everyone from both sides wish were running...

This is much ado about nothing...

The Donald saying stupid sh-t and working hard to find a way to beat himself is not exactly a new phenomena...
Trump tried to stay in power last time and trumpers tried to help.

Quit pretending any trumpers would stand up to him on the next attempt
The mark of the beast is a MAGA hat.


lol ...........
Minority should not be bullied in our society. We used to have a king ruling over us. It is not the American way.
That doesn't answer the question. No one is talking about a king or single person ruling.

Why should the minority rule over the majority? Why does someone in a populated area count less than someone in a sparcely populated area? Why do you think people shouldn't all get equal say?
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