It’s hard to spin the “You won’t have to vote in 4 years” comment

The write in club as a conservative is a de facto vote for the progressive policies outlined. It’s nothing more.
Nope. Besides I live in Ohio, land of many Trump flags. ;) I felt especially good about my vote in 2016 - Johnson. I didn't have jack squat to do with electing Trump and I'd never vote for HRC either. I have zero blame for Trump's Presidency.
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That’s not a risk one should be willing to take, imo. This is WAY too consequential.

Every election is "the most important" EVER. I heard it for the last 40 years. And the US is fine. Not perfect, but we are pretty good. Biden tried his best to destroy the economy, but has only damaged it. Harris will try as well, but will fail as no one person is greater than American innovation and capitalism.

As for social issues, the tide has changed with the courts and the libs know it, so they will try with packing the court. But that will fail. Maybe ethics reform or term limits could happen, but the latter won't effect the current set up as most proposals are fit 18-24 years.
Every election is "the most important" EVER. I heard it for the last 40 years. And the US is fine. Not perfect, but we are pretty good. Biden tried his best to destroy the economy, but has only damaged it. Harris will try as well, but will fail as no one person is greater than American innovation and capitalism.

As for social issues, the tide has changed with the courts and the libs know it, so they will try with packing the court. But that will fail. Maybe ethics reform or term limits could happen, but the latter won't effect the current set up as most proposals are fit 18-24 years.
You can’t sense the undercurrent of unrest in this country at the moment? What about the fact that we are closer to WWIII than ever before. You’re comfortable with Harris trying to navigate these issues. Harris was labeled the most liberal member of the senate. That’s what we want for a President?

Sorry. I couldn’t disagree more.
Spin the basis of our Republic as you wish but protection of the minority is deeply woven in our founding principles. Again, I ask did you flunk civics.
Nope, didn't flunk civics.

Protecting the minority and having the minority rule over the majority are 2 different things.

To the extreme, a king is a minority ruling over the majority btw.
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Harris is getting the nomination without having any democratic votes. Is that a threat to democracy?
Since primaries only extend back to the 1930s or so,and plenty of US Preidents were nominated by party bosses at Conventions, I'd say No. Exactly how many "GOP votes" were cast by citizens for Lincoln before he emerged as his party's Presidentail nominee?
You can’t sense the undercurrent of unrest in this country at the moment? What about the fact that we are closer to WWIII than ever before. You’re comfortable with Harris trying to navigate these issues. Harris was labeled the most liberal member of the senate. That’s what we want for a President?

Sorry. I couldn’t disagree more.

Not to be offensive, but I am guessing you are young and I could understand your position if that is the case. But I have endured many elections and hear the same thing every time.
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Thanks for answering the question. Way to go
A negative word about you know who, no matter how true it is, triggers some here into attack mode. It doesn’t matter if the person attacked is going to vote for you know who. They’re incredibly defensive of you know who.

I’m using “you know who” because I don’t think some are capable of knowing who “you know who” is and won’t be triggered. Possibly.
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Not to be offensive, but I am guessing you are young and I could understand your position if that is the case. But I have endured many elections and hear the same thing every time.
I’m old. No offense

I guess you’ll think that way until it’s no longer the case. Problem is, by then it will be too late.
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That doesn't answer the question. No one is talking about a king or single person ruling.

Why should the minority rule over the majority? Why does someone in a populated area count less than someone in a sparcely populated area? Why do you think people shouldn't all get equal say?
Everyone gets equal say, but our system of gov't doesn't let the majority run roughshod over the minority. For example, if voting went by # of voters then populous states could dictate the rules no matter what the citizens in other states want. If California, New York and Florida voted the same way there is nothing anyone in the other 47 states can do to change the vote. That is why the House is by population and the Senate is by state.
Everyone gets equal say, but our system of gov't doesn't let the majority run roughshod over the minority. For example, if voting went by # of voters then populous states could dictate the rules no matter what the citizens in other states want. If California, New York and Florida voted the same way there is nothing anyone in the other 47 states can do to change the vote. That is why the House is by population and the Senate is by state.
Exactly. House and senate already make sure states have more say than their population would otherwise warrant. President should be by popular vote.

Everyone should have equal say in who is president regardless of living in LA or some town in Montana.
Exactly. House and senate already make sure states have more say than their population would otherwise warrant. President should be by popular vote.

Everyone should have equal say in who is president regardless of living in LA or some town in Montana.
So start a movement and change the constitution. Be warned though, it will take more than a simple majority.
A negative word about you know who, no matter how true it is, triggers some here into attack mode. It doesn’t matter if the person attacked is going to vote for you know who. They’re incredibly defensive of you know who.

I’m using “you know who” because I don’t think some are capable of knowing who “you know who” is and won’t be triggered. Possibly.
This is wrong and I am confident in saying that every person on here, every damn one, can admit to flaws in “you know who”.
It’s 1) the level of complete lies thrown at his faults and 2) coming from your totally non congruent thought process to defame him, do to your emotions that he brings out in you.
Not one person here will say that he isn’t flawed.
Can you admit any Romney flaws? McCain flaws? …. Oh oh oh we might be onto a theme of your thought process.
Hate Trump or not. Presidential or not ( in your views, although he’s already had the title for 4 yrs and life) he is the only possible winner to defeat the commonly agreed to threat to our way of life.
Johnson isnt
JFK jr isnt
Nikki isnt
Tulsi (hot) isnt
There’s a binary choice, throw away your vote, which gives power to our defeat
Or hold your nose and power our future success to get past these times.
It’s simple 1’s and zero’s
I’m a conservative. But since I hate “you know who…. For Aloha” I’m all of a sudden a closet flaming liberal
Hey, it’s heated times. Everyone gets three strikes at the plate. I think the other poster was mistaking you for someone else.
( I did it a week ago with MCmurt’s Buddy). But I still need to water board him before his acceptance to the dream team.
Managment goes to shit once coach starts hiring buddies and shit on the loyal team.
Hey, it’s heated times. Everyone gets three strikes at the plate. I think the other poster was mistaking you for someone else.
( I did it a week ago with MCmurt’s Buddy). But I still need to water board him before his acceptance to the dream team.
Managment goes to shit once coach starts hiring buddies and shit on the loyal team.
No mistake. I don’t like “conservatives” that spew the same negative talking points as MSM concerning Trump. We’re facing a Biden on steroids democrat candidate. We need all hand on deck to make sure this doesn’t happen. We need a land slide to guarantee a win. I have no time or respect for any conservative not voting Trump. This election is that consequential, imo.
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This is wrong and I am confident in saying that every person on here, every damn one, can admit to flaws in “you know who”.
It’s 1) the level of complete lies thrown at his faults and 2) coming from your totally non congruent thought process to defame him, do to your emotions that he brings out in you.
Not one person here will say that he isn’t flawed.
Can you admit any Romney flaws? McCain flaws? …. Oh oh oh we might be onto a theme of your thought process.
Hate Trump or not. Presidential or not ( in your views, although he’s already had the title for 4 yrs and life) he is the only possible winner to defeat the commonly agreed to threat to our way of life.
Johnson isnt
JFK jr isnt
Nikki isnt
Tulsi (hot) isnt
There’s a binary choice, throw away your vote, which gives power to our defeat
Or hold your nose and power our future success to get past these times.
It’s simple 1’s and zero’s
Could I admit flaws in McCain and Romney? Of course. And Reagan, GHWB, Dole and any other prominent traditional Republican. Seems a strange question.

You still don’t understand that I am very concerned about the future GOP and it’s one of the major reasons I won’t vote for Trump.
No mistake. I don’t like “conservatives” that spew the same negative talking points as MSM concerning Trump. We’re facing a Biden on steroids democrat candidate. We need all hand on deck to make sure this doesn’t happen. We need a land slide to guarantee a win. I have no time or respect for any conservative not voting Trump. This election is that consequential, imo.
The feeling is mutual. I have no time or respect for sycophants like you. One thing for sure is you’ll never persuade anyone to join you the way you post. It’s more likely you’ll dive people away. Now that we got this established, you don’t respond to me or mention me like a coward in a post to someone else, we can coexist here.
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The feeling is mutual. I have no time or respect for sycophants like you. One thing for sure is you’ll never persuade anyone to join you the way you post. It’s more likely you’ll dive people away. Now that we got this established, you don’t respond to me or mention me like a coward in a post to someone else, we can coexist here.
Don’t care. We’ve established you’re soft. On to the next possible voter.
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This is wrong and I am confident in saying that every person on here, every damn one, can admit to flaws in “you know who”.
It’s 1) the level of complete lies thrown at his faults and 2) coming from your totally non congruent thought process to defame him, do to your emotions that he brings out in you.
Not one person here will say that he isn’t flawed.
Can you admit any Romney flaws? McCain flaws? …. Oh oh oh we might be onto a theme of your thought process.
Hate Trump or not. Presidential or not ( in your views, although he’s already had the title for 4 yrs and life) he is the only possible winner to defeat the commonly agreed to threat to our way of life.
Johnson isnt
JFK jr isnt
Nikki isnt
Tulsi (hot) isnt
There’s a binary choice, throw away your vote, which gives power to our defeat
Or hold your nose and power our future success to get past these times.
It’s simple 1’s and zero’s
Most trumpers refuse to admit to any of orange God's flaws. Anything negative posted about him is met with accusations of tds and yabbuts
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The difference. The rest of us are worried about the future of the country.
But obviously we will never come together, so to speak.
No. I’m extremely worried about the future of the country. I’ve said many times that the country is priority one. You’d know this if you honestly paid attention and made an attempt to understand. It’s fascinating how you get me wrong over and over despite my consistency.
No mistake. I don’t like “conservatives” that spew the same negative talking points as MSM concerning Trump. We’re facing a Biden on steroids democrat candidate. We need all hand on deck to make sure this doesn’t happen. We need a land slide to guarantee a win. I have no time or respect for any conservative not voting Trump. This election is that consequential, imo.
They all have flaws. I find Trump’s flaws so significant that I can’t support him. I would have gladly voted for ANY other Pub candidate. I was excited about Nikki Haley because she’s actually intelligent and can accomplish things without being a bonehead. But by the time the primaries arrived in Georgia it was a one man show. I would have loved having the chance to vote for Desantis, but a a man who truly stands for conservative values was skewered by your hero, so the adoring Trumpophiles decided they didn’t like him either. Even though the President doesn’t have the powers that the masses think he or she has, he is still the face of the USA , and your idol is an embarrassment as our “face”
They all have flaws. I find Trump’s flaws so significant that I can’t support him. I would have gladly voted for ANY other Pub candidate. I was excited about Nikki Haley because she’s actually intelligent and can accomplish things without being a bonehead. But by the time the primaries arrived in Georgia it was a one man show. I would have loved having the chance to vote for Desantis, but a a man who truly stands for conservative values was skewered by your hero, so the adoring Trumpophiles decided they didn’t like him either. Even though the President doesn’t have the powers that the masses think he or she has, he is still the face of the USA , and your idol is an embarrassment as our “face”
You and @Aloha Hoosier get it. You will not encounter any more ignorant or dishonest people in life than the Trumpers on this board, unless you encounter Trumpers outside this board, of course.
Not in Indiana. I admit I am able to do it here. Gun to head, I'd vote for Trump. But since my vote doesn't count in Indiana, I'll write in. But that's my right.
a vote about nothing??

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