Israel under attack from Hamas

Looks like the staff at the Jerusalem Post may have some decent sources.

This was their original take:

Here's the most their recent evaluation:

That's basically a near confirmation of their own analysis so who knows if it's accurate but they present a convincing case even if they're just guessing...
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Looks like the staff at the Jerusalem Post may have some decent sources.

This was their original take:

Here's the most their recent evaluation:

That's basically a near confirmation of their own analysis so who knows if it's accurate but they present a convincing case even if they're just guessing...
I believe Tisha B'Av is also the day Edward selected for expelling the Jews from England, for similar symbolic reasons.

The commercial shipping looks like a Houthi win (thus far) given … Gen Jack Keane thinks the sources of these attacks need to be eliminated. I think the Iranian frigates need to be invited to leave … regardless.

Gen Jack Keane said the CENTCOM commander made this suggestion and was turned down.
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//If this is what your post above is about JDB apologies for the duplication...//

Now this is as funny as it is diabolical:

Was it us or was it Elon?

Mine was showing a rocket launch from a populated area in Gaza.

I saw the hacking story too…

Why would you assume it was anyone other than Israel? It’s a leader in tech and cybersecurity.
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Mine was showing a rocket launch from a populated area in Gaza.

I saw the hacking story too…

Why would you assume it was anyone other than Israel? It’s a leader in tech and cybersecurity.

I just figured they'd be a bit less subtle... A preemptive attack from the Israelis usually involves smoking holes where airframes used to be and smoldering craters + melted tarmac where runways once were...

Girlfriend, sheep holder, or a number from Teheran that he couldn't ignore...?
"The evening call instructed the Hezbollah commander to go up to the seventh floor of his building, with an Israel missile slamming into the complex at around 7 p.m., killing him, his family and injuring 70 others, according to Lebanon’s health ministry."
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This is a concern:

I always thought that the EMP threat needed nuclear tech to operate... Having read a little more about it (including one article that had so much technical detail that it probably shouldn't be publicly presented online) it appears to have become "the poor man's nuke" ...

Makes one wonder (with our relatively open borders) how many might be prepositioned here already???

While a nuke would still be necessary to instantaneously knock out huge areas, these smaller non-nuclear versions delivered or prepositioned near critical infrastructure could make a real mix of both short and long term problems for anything relying on current electronic technology...

Scary stuff and a good reason to never completely rely on technology alone and have a backup plan to the backup plan...
Back in the good old days of IT, we always advised clients to have a backup system that didn't rely on computers - paper and pencil, baby. Saved a lot of down time when the system was down.
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Back in the good old days of IT, we always advised clients to have a backup system that didn't rely on computers - paper and pencil, baby. Saved a lot of down time when the system was down.

I used to hang with an Air Force Security guy who (whenever we were discussing what Iran and North Korea could actually do to CONUS) would always dismiss everything else and go straight to EMP's... I always sorta dismissed that while believing it would take a nuke to properly initiate one...

Turns out I was very wrong and gives (me at least) a new sense of urgency to taking down balloons before they cross over land...

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if some of our serious adversaries haven't pre-positioned some of these types of non-nuclear devices on mountainsides near military bases and major cities ((that are near mountains)) to be initiated remotely, or by operatives living nearby...

If you only need an altitude of a 1,000 m (3281 ft) to get one to operate at maximum effect then even releasing one from a light civilian aircraft might suffice...

Concerning stuff...
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I used to hang with an Air Force Security guy who (whenever we were discussing what Iran and North Korea could actually do to CONUS) would always dismiss everything else and go straight to EMP's... I always sorta dismissed that while believing it would take a nuke to properly initiate one...

Turns out I was very wrong and gives (me at least) a new sense of urgency to taking down balloons before they cross over land...

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if some of our serious adversaries haven't pre-positioned some of these types of non-nuclear devices on mountainsides near military bases and major cities ((that are near mountains)) to be initiated remotely, or by operatives living nearby...

If you only need an altitude of a 1,000 m (3281 ft) to get one to operate at maximum effect then even releasing one from a light civilian aircraft might suffice...

Concerning stuff...
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. The FBI isn't. They'd rather try to infiltrate right wing gun clubs or Catholic Bingo sessions.
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. The FBI isn't. They'd rather try to infiltrate right wing gun clubs or Catholic Bingo sessions.

Different topic but one you can only shake your head and grimly laugh at...:

Classic Chickenshit Islamist... (at least they're consistent),

Feels free to send people to murder indiscriminately, triggering a war that he knew was certain to destroy 3/4's of Gaza (along with thousands of Gazans) but he wants to try to make certain he won't be targeted...

A scumbag and a Pussy...

If we had anyone in charge with any balls we'd find a way to track him down and publicly hang him...
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Different topic but one you can only shake your head and grimly laugh at...:

Classic Chickenshit Islamist... (at least they're consistent),

Feels free to send people to murder indiscriminately, triggering a war that he knew was certain to destroy 3/4's of Gaza (along with thousands of Gazans) but he wants to try to make certain he won't be targeted...

A scumbag and a Pussy...

If we had anyone in charge with any balls we'd find a way to track him down and publicly hang him...

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Different topic but one you can only shake your head and grimly laugh at...:

Classic Chickenshit Islamist... (at least they're consistent),

Feels free to send people to murder indiscriminately, triggering a war that he knew was certain to destroy 3/4's of Gaza (along with thousands of Gazans) but he wants to try to make certain he won't be targeted...

A scumbag and a Pussy...

If we had anyone in charge with any balls we'd find a way to track him down and publicly hang him...
I'm skeptical that's accurate, but if it is, Israel should jump on it. Killing Hamas leaders only creates more Hamas leaders. Exposing the leader as a coward might do something killing them has never accomplished.
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Different topic but one you can only shake your head and grimly laugh at...:

Classic Chickenshit Islamist... (at least they're consistent),

Feels free to send people to murder indiscriminately, triggering a war that he knew was certain to destroy 3/4's of Gaza (along with thousands of Gazans) but he wants to try to make certain he won't be targeted...

A scumbag and a Pussy...

If we had anyone in charge with any balls we'd find a way to track him down and publicly hang him...
I've long said public hangings need to be brought back.
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The Israelis have a verifiable problem here and if we've denied them the type of bombs that might be able to penetrate these areas for massing and mobilizing prior to an attack, then we shouldn't be surprised when someday they feel threatened enough to use some of their nukes on them...

It's not like they have any friends left at the UN or on the rest of the world stage that they need be concerned about offending... If Harris wins we become an even more unreliable friend, at best... By seemingly attempting to rein them in and punish them, we may inadvertently push them into a corner that triggers a full response by them against both Iran and Lebanon...

Dangerous times...
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The Israelis have a verifiable problem here and if we've denied them the type of bombs that might be able to penetrate these areas for massing and mobilizing prior to an attack, then we shouldn't be surprised when someday they feel threatened enough to use some of their nukes on them...

It's not like they have any friends left at the UN or on the rest of the world stage that they need be concerned about offending... If Harris wins we become an even more unreliable friend, at best... By seemingly attempting to rein them in and punish them, we may inadvertently push them into a corner that triggers a full response by them against both Iran and Lebanon...

Dangerous times...
Seriously? In a thread that consistently demonstrates Israel's ability to do whatever the **** they want whenever the **** they want to whomever the **** they want to do it to, you are worried that they are somehow hamstrung?