Israel under attack from Hamas

You frame the question as the Biden administration obviously sees the situation.

I don’t think it is a given that a more aggressive posture would risk the hostages or put more innocents s at risk.

We see in real time the consequences of passiveness and “proportional” response. The Suez Canal is closed. Thousands of Israelis have been evacuated from the north. Gaza suffers under ongoing war. People continue to die. Maybe a clearly stated threat, accompanied by a willingness to take action, (that Israel showed the last two days) of consequences for continued and increasing anti- west and anti- Israel fighting will have a positive effect.
Maybe, but you're dodging the difficult value question.

There probably is no formula, and you have to wait to weigh the competing interests in the moment when you know all the facts. The older I get, and maybe the farther from studying math and science, I find that approach wise. But I find a theoretical answer or structure for an answer useful to prevent other biases (political, personal, emotional) from creeping in at the time the decision is made.
Often? You posted three links, two of which cover the same situation (and he only spoke in one) and the third from October 23 where he was talking to a group of Jewish leaders.

I mean, maybe this is just a symptom of the President not speaking publicly to the nation all that much over the last year.

Re “the before times,” I don’t know which troubles me more: We don’t care as much about these hostages because we think they are more Israeli than American, or we just don’t care as much about hostages anymore because we have so much TV to watch.

I think a good leader, though, has the ability to focus the nation on a project or idea and could do that here. I do not think Biden or Harris or Trump are good leaders of this kind. And that worries me.

Biden is right, though, that he can’t openly talk about methods. I get that. I still think it’s important to rally the nation around our fellow countrymen held hostage in a foreign land.

5 minute search. lots of hits on video clips and statements. I posted just a few highlights. Counsel, your research team is probably more skilled than me. have them compile the data (or lack of) and I am prepared to change my mind.

I agree with much of what you are saying. we suck. As Rick Majerus used to say, you are who you are in life.

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Maybe, but you're dodging the difficult value question.

There probably is no formula, and you have to wait to weigh the competing interests in the moment when you know all the facts. The older I get, and maybe the farther from studying math and science, I find that approach wise. But I find a theoretical answer or structure for an answer useful to prevent other biases (political, personal, emotional) from creeping in at the time the decision is made.
Fair enough. I didn’t intend to dodge your value delima, which I view as a restatement of the trolly car delima.

Passively doing nothing but talking costs lives, Making threats with the intention of following through might also cost lives, but maybe different ones.

I guess I see value in advancing my view of what is right, as compared with only reacting to what others want knowing that it is contrary to my values. Of course this only makes sense if you hold clear beliefs and have confidence in those.
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Israel got chewed up pretty good last time they went into Lebanon. Something like 1:1 casualties.

My guess is this time around their strikes will attempt to be more of a precise nature, while utilizing their tank brigades more as bait than as scalpels...

That's where I'll leave it though because I know very little about the Israeli order of battle these days...

October 7th made them appear incredibly weak when it comes to rapid reaction and makes one question how they'll do in the next multi-front war...

They're probably again pressing Biden on that 2,000lb bomb delivery about right now...
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My guess is this time around their strikes will attempt to be more of a precise nature, while utilizing their tank brigades more as bait than as scalpels...

That's where I'll leave it though because I know very little about the Israeli order of battle these days...

October 7th made them appear incredibly weak when it comes to rapid reaction and makes one question how they'll do in the next multi-front war...

They're probably again pressing Biden on that 2,000lb bomb delivery about right now...
Seems like it’s more than 2K pound bombs possibly.

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Seems like it’s more than 2K pound bombs possibly.

It appears that the Iranian Navy isn't exactly a professional force to be reckoned with (here's an update on the Iranian fiasco first brought to us by Aloha):

Reads like we sent some of our Secret Service "professionals" over to supervise the refloating of their "stealth" ship... I guess that's one approach to making it invisible: just sink it...

The gang that couldn't sail straight, or, in this case, couldn't even get away from the pier...
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Didn't want to slow the thread earlier, so I didn't ask, but what was leaked?

My phone won't allow me to view your link (old/can't be updated)...

Thanks in advance for the explanation...
Ismail Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device covertly smuggled into the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying. The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse. Once it was confirmed that he was inside the guesthouse, the bomb was detonated remotely.
Ismail Haniyeh was killed by an explosive device covertly smuggled into the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying. The bomb had been hidden approximately two months ago in the guesthouse. Once it was confirmed that he was inside the guesthouse, the bomb was detonated remotely.

Thanks... 😎

Thought it was a small guided missile that got him...

Maybe they're (the Israelis) just screwing with them (the Iranians)...

Either way, now the Iranians have two things to worry about...

Well played...
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Again, I don't understand why they told people how they did this. Aren't they risking operatives' lives by doing this?

I'd guess because it wasn't going to take the Iranians long to piece it all together if they hadn't already. It was a card that likely could only be played once.
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I'd guess because it wasn't going to take the Iranians long to piece it all together if they hadn't already. It was a card that likely could only be played once.
That it was placed two months ago? How in the world could anyone figure that out?
Evidently one Biden True Believer isn't quite up to speed (which isn't at all surprising)...

Perhaps these articles will help:

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Israel needed to take credit …. To get the message to Iran that they went too far.

Beyond retribution for the soccer field, this was retribution for 7 October.

It also a warning … This can happen to you too … the next time.
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Evidently one Biden True Believer isn't quite up to speed (which isn't at all surprising)...

Perhaps these articles will help:

You sending Rick Scott and Tex Cruz? Sh*t, that's all you had to say.

also, you read some serious trash. damn
Incredible if true:

The source claimed Haniyeh held a more hardline view on the deal than Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar and was making it more difficult to get a deal.​
Easier to be a hardiner on negotiations when you are living a millionaire lifestyle in what you believe is safety from the bombs. He miscalculated the safety bit.
Easier to be a hardiner on negotiations when you are living a millionaire lifestyle in what you believe is safety from the bombs. He miscalculated the safety bit.
I doubt that he actually ever truly felt safe. I'm just surprised that Israel might actually believe that Sinwar is ready to negotiate but Haniyeh was getting in the way. That is a 180 from everything every expert has said on the matter. So is Israel blowing smoke, or are they actually onto something? I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Forces deployed:

I'm wondering who's already on site... Sounds like things are going hot sooner than later just based on the timeline of civilian flight cancellations...
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Iranian Arsenal (as of 2/24, probably depleted a bit since then)

//If this and any of my other posts are duplicates of what others have posted it's not intentional, my phone won't allow me to view most links for reasons unknown...//

You leak because your people are likely out of country and now you got them doing this to their people.

Hopefully this is a different source than what you linked...

Israel inadvertently bags more bad guys..., the Iranians are nothing if not murderously predictable:

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