So what I am left with is that Hamas may be losing popularity in Gaza. They haven't had many successes recently. It seems likely to me that has hurt their recruiting some, their popular support. There was nothing they could point to recently as something that hurt Israel. So they gathered their hardcore supporters together to launch the biggest attack they could, knowing it would "fail" as it were. But that Israel would be forced to hit back, and in doing so inflame others in Gaza who had become more acquiescent. Earlier I compared it to Tet. It also might be a Wacht Am Rhein (Bulge). With the West busy in Ukraine, this could be their chance to strike Israel and Israel would struggle to get as much support. It might even split the alliances. It also would motivate the home in Gaza because of Israel's retaliation. I think this was more of an act of desperation. Quite a few of those carrying out this action never made it back, and many of those who did will be killed in the days/weeks ahead. Like the VC after Tet, they will lose the core of their military arm. They must hope for some big reward to sacrifice that for no real gain in their position. Because doubtlessly they are already very much weaker than a week ago.