Infrastructure Bill passes with bipartisan votes

Ike focused on military logistics. One of the purposes of Ike’s road system was internal movement of military units. The PR signs posted throughout the construction areas included references to national defense highways. The Act authorizing construction also noted defense purposes. In one of Ike’s books, he wrote about his 1919 experience and the difficulties in the coast to coast convoy he commanded. Thus, Ike intended an inter-urban system.

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower took office in January 1953, however, the states had only completed 6,500 miles of the system improvements. Eisenhower had first realized the value of good highways in 1919, when he participated in the U.S. Army's first transcontinental motor convoy from Washington, DC, to San Francisco. Again, during World War II, Eisenhower saw the German advantage that resulted from their autobahn highway network, and he also noted the enhanced mobility of the Allies, on those same highways, when they fought their way into Germany. These experiences significantly shaped Eisenhower's views on highways and their role in national defense. During his State of the Union Address on January 7, 1954, Eisenhower made it clear that he was ready to turn his attention to the nation's highway problems. He considered it important to "protect the vital interest of every citizen in a safe and adequate highway system."​
See, that gets a lot of play but it isn't the driving reason. Here is his letter to Congress, the one military mention is the need to evacuate cities in the event of atomic bomb attack. That would seem indicative of wanting roads into cities.

If the old saw that the military was why, I'm not sure why it isn't mentioned at all. It certainly would have sold the concept as congress wasn't going to turn down a "we must have this to defeat communism" request from Ike.
First of all, bigotry is not the same as racism and the two words should not be used interchangeably .

Secondly, I think racism requires deliberation. Legitimate disparate impact cases can’t be racism even if some actors are shown to be racist. This is the source of the big quarrel I have with the whole anti-racism/CRT thing. I also cringe at the concept of institutional racism. I think IR is a dodge for those who recognize the problem of black underachievement but are too cowardly to talk about the real issues. The real issue revolves around low expectations which shows itself in public education and which also leads liberals to talk in terms of black peoples not being able to obtain identification cards or being able to sign up for vaccines on the internet. Low expectations is it’s own form of racism.

Racism is a type of bigotry. Since nationalism I have known it is useless to argue definitions with you, I can pull out every.single.dictionary.definition and you will argue you know more about it than they do. A racist is one that is bigoted on the basis of race. A bigot might instead be a sexist, a homophobe, anti-religious, etc.
It’s not about the roads, it’s about the cars. Thank Henry Ford and his Model T for the American Highway system. The Model T brought car ownership to the masses. Before that, cars were a plaything for the rich. Other manufacturers followed suit and car ownership soon became available to almost every American. They soon used the cars to get to work instead of public transit. Public transit started to wane here in the 30’s. Then along came the post war suburban housing boom and then we needed modern highways to serve suburbia.

Europe never had a Henry Ford or the Model T. Ordinary folks couldn’t afford a car so they rode street cars and public transit. That’s why transit is still more viable in Europe than here. Hitler with his Volkswagen was the only significant effort to bring car ownership to the common people. The war cut that off. Other car companies in France tried with low-priced cars but the war messed that up too. Post war Europe did not experience the single family suburban housing boom we did. Combine the lack of affordable cars and no suburbs and you get no or few highways.
Europe is not as expansive as the US. It's due to their zoning that you see clusters of town/city living, rather than what we think of as the country.

In Europe, you don't see farmhouses and suburban housing, as you said. But that was planned. They have to do a better job planning and controlling population areas. It also makes for beautiful scenery.

The UK is more like us, but they don't have the public transportation that mainland Europe does. It's easy to use public transportation in Europe, but even they have massive traffic jams. If you're in Germany, you learn the term STAU pretty quickly.
20 hours. Pffft. You can drive faster.

$1300 for a subsidized railroad? That's nowhere near what it costs in Europe for a comparable trip. "allure of traveling" ineed!

If you still think government can spend money after your example, I don't know what to tell you.
Again, I"m not making that trip. I was just pointing out how easy it was to book it if I so desired (I don't) and that I could make the trip straight through. You said Amtrak was inefficient. Maybe you meant to mean that from a cost perspective. And, hell, in the Midwest I'd probably agree with you. But not in the NE. Trains are an important part of travel and help keep highways from being a mess.
Racism is a type of bigotry. Since nationalism I have known it is useless to argue definitions with you, I can pull out every.single.dictionary.definition and you will argue you know more about it than they do. A racist is one that is bigoted on the basis of race. A bigot might instead be a sexist, a homophobe, anti-religious, etc.
Webster does not include racism as a synonym for bigotry

Synonyms & Antonyms for bigotry​



Again, I"m not making that trip. I was just pointing out how easy it was to book it if I so desired (I don't) and that I could make the trip straight through. You said Amtrak was inefficient. Maybe you meant to mean that from a cost perspective. And, hell, in the Midwest I'd probably agree with you. But not in the NE. Trains are an important part of travel and help keep highways from being a mess.
It's inefficient everywhere but the Northeast. Not just the Midwest.

Booking isn't what I was taling about...... It's inefficient because they can't make the trains run reliably or on time.
And here is the definition bigot (it is better than the previous post)

Essential Meaning of bigot
disapproving : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted personespecially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.

Full Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudicesespecially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
And here is the definition bigot (it is better than the previous post)

Essential Meaning of bigot
disapproving : a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted personespecially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.

Full Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudicesespecially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
Those are both evolved meanings by those searching for different ways to describe racism because the word racism has become mostly meaningless. I readily admit that people use the words interchangeably. Lazy people ahave already dumbed down racism with over and inappropriate use. You are doing the same with bigotry.

Irregardless, there is no point in discussing this.
It's inefficient everywhere but the Northeast. Not just the Midwest.

Booking isn't what I was taling about...... It's inefficient because they can't make the trains run reliably or on time.
It's inefficient because they make too many stops. The NE ACELA gets heavy-use because there are limited stops. It would be more cost-effective (but politically difficult) to run passenger trains that only stop in major cities.
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Those are both evolved meanings by those searching for different ways to describe racism because the word racism has become mostly meaningless. I readily admit that people use the words interchangeably. Lazy people ahave already dumbed down racism with over and inappropriate use. You are doing the same with bigotry.

Irregardless, there is no point in discussing this.

I have to give it to you, few people are so certain they know more than the rest of the world combined. You live in that lane and own up to it. Kudos, even if it is misguided.
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I have to give it to you, few people are so certain they know more than the rest of the world combined. You live in that lane and own up to it. Kudos, even if it is misguided.
If I can’t challenge one paradigm every day, it hasn’t been a productive day.
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It's far more than rail maintenence.
I agree, I guess I was just pointing out the whole "it's an antiquated system" comment. It seemed to imply that we should be phasing out all rail transport, which would be bad.

With that said though, from my understanding, the bill is specifically for Amtrak for replacing old trains, upgrading stations, and helping with a backlog of repair issues in the Washington to Boston corridor. As stated, the NE is the area where it is probably used the most passenger-wise.
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It's inefficient because they make too many stops. The NE ACELA gets heavy-use because there are limited stops. It would be more cost-effective (but politically difficult) to run passenger trains that only stop in major cities.
That's why, in Europe, they have direct - express - routes and 'milk routes'.

It's a simple concept and I assume Amtrack does it in some fashion.
That's why, in Europe, they have direct - express - routes and 'milk routes'.

It's a simple concept and I assume Amtrack does it in some fashion.
If you're going to discuss it you should, at a minimum, know how to spell it. It's "Amtrak."
It's inefficient because they make too many stops. The NE ACELA gets heavy-use because there are limited stops. It would be more cost-effective (but politically difficult) to run passenger trains that only stop in major cities.
Have used the DC/NY ACELA on numerous occasions. It's outstanding.
That's why, in Europe, they have direct - express - routes and 'milk routes'.

It's a simple concept and I assume Amtrack does it in some fashion.
Anything other than the NE corridor is usually a 20 hour trip (eg, NY to Miami, or Baltimore to Chicago). They're all milk routes.
Anything other than the NE corridor is usually a 20 hour trip (eg, NY to Miami, or Baltimore to Chicago). They're all milk routes.
Well, tell your boy, Biden, to put in express routes.
That raises more questions than it answers. Why do they skip Boston because Savannah is full? The Jones Act says only US ships can carry between US ports in an attempt to preserve the US Merchant Marine. Maybe it needs eliminated, but I assume he is saying there are not enough US ships. That would be a problem in its own right.

But I am growing more convinced Pete could solve Long Beach's problem by going to Savannah. I do not know how, but it is obvious he could.
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That raises more questions than it answers. Why do they skip Boston because Savannah is full? The Jones Act says only US ships can carry between US ports in an attempt to preserve the US Merchant Marine. Maybe it needs eliminated, but I assume he is saying there are not enough US ships. That would be a problem in its own right.

But I am growing more convinced Pete could solve Long Beach's problem by going to Savannah. I do not know how, but it is obvious he could.

From a sheer environmental point of view the Jones Act is an ecological disaster forcing tons of goods to be trucked up and down the coast instead of shipped via boats. The carbon footprint of the Jones Act has to be HUGE.
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The entire interstate highway system built in the 1950s cost about $500 billion to build adjusted for inflation. Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill will spend $1.2 trillion and build Nothing on the magnitude of the interstate highway system. Why is that?
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The entire interstate highway system built in the 1950s cost about $500 billion to build adjusted for inflation. Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill will spend $1.2 trillion and build Nothing on the magnitude of the interstate highway system. Why is that?
That's always the trillion dollar question
That raises more questions than it answers. Why do they skip Boston because Savannah is full? The Jones Act says only US ships can carry between US ports in an attempt to preserve the US Merchant Marine. Maybe it needs eliminated, but I assume he is saying there are not enough US ships. That would be a problem in its own right.

But I am growing more convinced Pete could solve Long Beach's problem by going to Savannah. I do not know how, but it is obvious he could.
So, as far as I can tell, the real story is this: the cargo line in question picks up products from several Chinese ports, then heads to the East Coast and drops off at several American ports, starting in Savannah. Normally, it would go Savannah-Charleston-Boston-NY before heading to Europe for a couple of final drops, and then sending the ship back to China to start all over. They are skipping Boston in order to get closer to back on schedule.

I'm not seeing how the Jones Act has anything to do with this.
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I agree, I guess I was just pointing out the whole "it's an antiquated system" comment. It seemed to imply that we should be phasing out all rail transport, which would be bad.

With that said though, from my understanding, the bill is specifically for Amtrak for replacing old trains, upgrading stations, and helping with a backlog of repair issues in the Washington to Boston corridor. As stated, the NE is the area where it is probably used the most passenger-wise.
60 percent of DC Metro’s train cars are out of service. A problem with wheel assemblies was causing derailments.
60 percent of DC Metro’s train cars are out of service. A problem with wheel assemblies was causing derailments.
30 minute waits between trains for the last month!! But I'll take it if it means I'm not going flying off the rails over the Baltimore/Washington Parkway!
I saw there was a lot of anger from Trump, MTG, and others. I am curious, what specifics are in the infrastructure bill that has people very angry. We know we need an infrastructure bill, heck, Trump ran on passing an infrastructure bill.
The bill does not raise gas taxes, or make tolling easier. It also only contains a small pilot mileage-based user fee program.
30 minute waits between trains for the last month!! But I'll take it if it means I'm not going flying off the rails over the Baltimore/Washington Parkway!
That sucks. I was going to DC about once a month prior to COVID and only traveled their once since (I didn’t even know they were building a new terminal at Reagan) and didn’t use the Metro that time. I usually do, but maybe I’ll have to Uber instead.
The left screwed the pooch letting AOC and The Squad set the narrative. Midterms will be a disaster. If they pivot more to the center there's plenty of time for the party to recover imo. Dump the social spending bill. Temper the identity politics. People like the infrastructure bill. The party can still do well, and use that time to groom someone else to run in her place. My 2 cents
I agree she is not a plausible candidate but dumping her will give voice to the squadites about the system being sexist and racist. They will recruit on this idea.
I have never visited Europe, how do they run their highway system without going through cities? It appears Ike liked that idea, not going into cities:

The President referred to a previous conversation with General Bragdon. He went on to say that the matter of running Interstate routes through the congested parts of the cities was entirely against his original concept and wishes; that he never anticipated that the program would turn out this way. He pointed out that when the Clay Committee Report was rendered, he had studied it carefully, and that he was certainly not aware of any concept of using the program to build up an extensive intra-city route network as part of the program he sponsored. He added that those who had not advised him that such was being done, and those who had steered the program in such a direction, had not followed his wishes.​

Seems like the euros (not all of them) use a ring road and spur system where the interstate equivalent terminates at an outer ring road (or continues to bypass the city) and you take that lesser ring road to the spur of a lesser road in line with your destination…then maybe another ring road …etc. I saw how Russia used this system to lock down and extort payments from foreigners traveling from the center cities to their airports in the late 1990s. A checkpoint at every ring and spur on the way to the airport. Given the time differences, most of this was transacted in the 03:00 time area. I adopted a child from Russia in 1999. Autobahn in Germany and M system in Uk seemed to work similarly.
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First of all, bigotry is not the same as racism and the two words should not be used interchangeably .

Secondly, I think racism requires deliberation. Legitimate disparate impact cases can’t be racism even if some actors are shown to be racist. This is the source of the big quarrel I have with the whole anti-racism/CRT thing. I also cringe at the concept of institutional racism. I think IR is a dodge for those who recognize the problem of black underachievement but are too cowardly to talk about the real issues. The real issue revolves around low expectations which shows itself in public education and which also leads liberals to talk in terms of black peoples not being able to obtain identification cards or being able to sign up for vaccines on the internet. Low expectations is it’s own form of racism.
I agree. The chimera of racism is overplayed and does not drive at the root causes. My older children graduated from the American School of London. Very competitive enviroment. My daughter had an assignment to startup a social cause for lesser fortunate people. She chose ”Free Tibet” or something similar. She got it moving forward but it was high jacked by another causist and she was very bitter. I advised her that her goals were noble but her reactions were not noble…remember the original good intent. Same with all this racist back forth..not sure MLK would be proud that his message has morphed into something sideways, up and down ..but not a straightforward love all God‘s children and don‘t pass judgements based on the melanin content. I like Papa Aubrey‘s message on the court house steps.
Finally , my younger son is a producer/mixer of hip hop and rappers on the side. Nothing major yet but some small commercial and more artistic progress. But I sit in on the sessions sometimes. They regularly call each other racist and lol about it. The word has jumped the shark…the left will need to invent another language.
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The past 4 years Trump spoke of an impending infrastructure bill. It became a joke that next week was always infrastructure week. Nothing was submitted. If the GOP wanted a bill they EASILY could have passed one.

Wouldn't racism in highway placement be the very definition of systemic racism? If a billion eliminates some of that, why would most people find that a waste?

"Justice" always seems to come with a slush fund, doesn't it?
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Anyone who supported this nonsense is a complete idiot pawn. I pray you don’t go to the polls in November. We need less of you involved in our politics.

You get your wish. Many old Republicans like me are going to forgo the election. Then you will learn that 10% is the difference. You will take to the streets and claim fraud. Be very careful of what you may find this time when you take to the streets.
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