Infrastructure Bill passes with bipartisan votes


Dec 23, 2003
Hopefully the POTUS invites some of the 13 R's who helped get it passed to the WH signing
$2.1B for carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure finance and innovation was my favorite boondoggle/payoff in the bill. Kramer in ND will get a chunk of that for the Dakota Gasification Company in return for his vote.
There is a fair amount of evidence that highways create all sorts of problems in urban settings, from pollution to cutting off neighborhoods.
Not arguing that at all. Just pointing out another example of why people would be angry.
You don’t need any infrastructure if you can’t afford the gasoline, highest prices in 7 years.
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There is a fair amount of evidence that highways create all sorts of problems in urban settings, from pollution to cutting off neighborhoods.
Yeah, $1B is a pittance. It would take trillions to address the history of racial inequities in the design of our highway system.

A lot of arguments can be made that this and that complaint is injecting racism where it doesn't need to be, but highway placement isn't one of them. That's a well-documented problem.
Not arguing that at all. Just pointing out another example of why people would be angry.
I do not think these are why people are angry. If the GOP wanted an infrastructure bill without these things, they could have easily passed one. None passed because a large number wanted no infrastructure.
Yeah, $1B is a pittance. It would take trillions to address the history of racial inequities in the design of our highway system.

A lot of arguments can be made that this and that complaint is injecting racism where it doesn't need to be, but highway placement isn't one of them. That's a well-documented problem.
And of course we will be decades spending enough to solve the problem. Maybe the Jetson's flying car will be what solves it.
I saw there was a lot of anger from Trump, MTG, and others. I am curious, what specifics are in the infrastructure bill that has people very angry. We know we need an infrastructure bill, heck, Trump ran on passing an infrastructure bill.
They're just mad that Joe finally got a win. But they'll take credit for it back home.
I do not think these are why people are angry. If the GOP wanted an infrastructure bill without these things, they could have easily passed one. None passed because a large number wanted no infrastructure.
They're in the minority. They're not passing anything, or am I misunderstanding your point?

The avg person who's screaming and yelling is absolutely pissed about $1B being used to "remedy racist highway design". The numbers are so astronomical that they're not easily grasped relative to the total to begin with. Throw in the racism angle and it elicits even crazier reactions.
Yeah, $1B is a pittance. It would take trillions to address the history of racial inequities in the design of our highway system.

A lot of arguments can be made that this and that complaint is injecting racism where it doesn't need to be, but highway placement isn't one of them. That's a well-documented problem.
Do you have actual evidence or just talking out of your a** again? You think 6 billion would solve world hunger so just interested to hear all of your data
They're in the minority. They're not passing anything, or am I misunderstanding your point?

The avg person who's screaming and yelling is absolutely pissed about $1B being used to "remedy racist highway design". The numbers are so astronomical that they're not easily grasped relative to the total to begin with. Throw in the racism angle and it elicits even crazier reactions.
The past 4 years Trump spoke of an impending infrastructure bill. It became a joke that next week was always infrastructure week. Nothing was submitted. If the GOP wanted a bill they EASILY could have passed one.

Wouldn't racism in highway placement be the very definition of systemic racism? If a billion eliminates some of that, why would most people find that a waste?
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The past 4 years Trump spoke of an impending infrastructure bill. It became a joke that next week was always infrastructure week. Nothing was submitted. If the GOP wanted a bill they EASILY could have passed one.

Gotcha on the previous admin. My confusion.

Wouldn't racism in highway placement be the very definition of systemic racism? If a billion eliminates some of that, why would most people find that a waste?
You'd think so, but it's clouded by all the partisan BS from the us vs. them media consumption that proliferates our airwaves. Plenty of examples on both sides that wouldn't hold water over a beer and peanut conversation between a couple of reasonable adults.
I do not think these are why people are angry. If the GOP wanted an infrastructure bill without these things, they could have easily passed one. None passed because a large number wanted no infrastructure.
No, the GOP just sat back and watched the show. It was great, The question on the table is can the Dem wits control the left? It's a bad spot. The Republicans can't control the religious right and the Democrat's can't control the socialist left wing of their party.
Yeah, $1B is a pittance. It would take trillions to address the history of racial inequities in the design of our highway system.

A lot of arguments can be made that this and that complaint is injecting racism where it doesn't need to be, but highway placement isn't one of them. That's a well-documented problem.
It’s a well-documented problem only in hindsight. Highways to and through city centers ran along existing and unused rail corridors, waterfronts, vacated industrial zones and other property of low value. If you’ve ever driven the Indiana Toll Road and Chicago Skyway into Chicago you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. Yeah, those properties are where most of the minorities lived, but highway location was not racism because of that. Highway projects were also planned in connection with urban renewal districts development of which coincided with the interstate highway system. A lot of urban planning mistakes were made with the housing built in conjunction with highway construction and clearing blighted areas, and those mistakes affected minorities, but that wasn’t racism, it was just poor judgment. The Dan Ryan is a perfect example. Waterfront areas are probably where the biggest road building mistakes were made. Now that waterfronts are seen as valuable community assets, we have spent huge sums of money removing, rebuilding, or relocating highways to enhance waterfront neighborhoods. Projects like that in Boston, Portland, Seattle, and even Denver (along the South Platte) are fairly well known.
No, the GOP just sat back and watched the show. It was great, The question on the table is can the Dem wits control the left? It's a bad spot. The Republicans can't control the religious right and the Democrat's can't control the socialist left wing of their party.
You say that, but the Dems are the ones that actually got infrastructure done.

"Finally, it's infrastructure week" had to piss off a lot of Repubs.
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Yeah, $1B is a pittance. It would take trillions to address the history of racial inequities in the design of our highway system.

A lot of arguments can be made that this and that complaint is injecting racism where it doesn't need to be, but highway placement isn't one of them. That's a well-documented problem.
Do you think people who were around when those racists roads were constructed are still living there? Can they not move?

Pretty clever, those white folks - make the overpasses low so busses with blacks on them can't get through. I bet there's an automatic alert that goes off and raises the level of the overpasses when busses of white people go under them.
Do you think people who were around when those racists roads were constructed are still living there? Can they not move?

Pretty clever, those white folks - make the overpasses low so busses with blacks on them can't get through. I bet there's an automatic alert that goes off and raises the level of the overpasses when busses of white people go under them.
Clever, sure.
There is a fair amount of evidence that highways create all sorts of problems in urban settings, from pollution to cutting off neighborhoods.
There’s no doubt a bunch of white supremacists sat around when roads were built and made sure the roads were racists. Mayor Pete should go back home for some more family leave. His time would be better spent breast feeding the babies.
This person is supposed to be intelligent? Can we ask this person to show us one of these overpasses? I’ve never seen an overpass that rises to allow a bus with white kids to pass and lowers to disallow a bus with black and Puerto Rican kids to pass? Do we know how many black and Puerto Rican kids it takes for the overpass to lower?
This person is supposed to be intelligent? Can we ask this person to show us one of these overpasses? I’ve never seen an overpass that rises to allow a bus with white kids to pass and lowers to disallow a bus with black and Puerto Rican kids to pass? Do we know how many black and Puerto Rican kids it takes for the overpass to lower?
Indiana caught hell for Dan Quayle and potatoes and yet now we have this dipshit ? This is too funny to even make up!
Indiana caught hell for Dan Quayle and potatoes and yet now we have this dipshit ? This is too funny to even make up!
Hell the Dems love Quayle now. He single handly talked Pence out of allowing the million person insurrection to overthrow the government on January 6th. If a dunce is one of the 100 genders let’s put a dunce cap on mayor Pete.
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This person is supposed to be intelligent? Can we ask this person to show us one of these overpasses? I’ve never seen an overpass that rises to allow a bus with white kids to pass and lowers to disallow a bus with black and Puerto Rican kids to pass? Do we know how many black and Puerto Rican kids it takes for the overpass to lower?

Well if anyone paid any attention politically they'd realize that there is a pretty decent chance that Pete would have been the Dem nominee if not the current president if he had any support from the black community.

Yeah he crushes with suburban women and college educated folk but he (as did Sanders) got very little support from the black community. That went all to Biden, which is why he dominated South Carolina and went on to get the nomination even though he died in Iowa and NH (which was won by Pete and Bernie).

So he needs to build up his trust in the black community.

He's not really concerned about the old, white male, Trumpster that likes to make dumb, gay jokes like Bootyjudge or Chest feeding.

Actually those comments just confirm the stereotype that doesn't play at all for suburban women.

The brilliance of Pete is he's really good at making a moral argument, which politically is the sweet spot, and he does it in a calm, focused and effective manner (vs an over the top, emotional delivery).

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