this thread should die quick, as neither party or their puppets will like the message.
everything the CORPORATE media has told us about the current inflation, and current gas prices, is complete and total bunk.
first off, let's check actual reality on how business "prices" in the first place, and what pressures are present or are absent that go into that.
business, especially corporations, charge as much as they can get away with, without sufficient price demand curve loss of market share, and/or loss of volume on discretionary purchases, eventually forcing the issue downward.
with gas, not enough of gas consumption is discretionary for gas providers to see loss of volume as much of a downward force.
and gas is monopoly priced, as is oil, it's base ingredient, so there is no real "competitive" market based competitive force downward pressure, other than maybe at the retail level where we're only talking a few cents per gallon.
political forces that keep gas prices down, were usurped by blaming covid and the war.
in the 70s the price jump in gas was driven by the middle east cutting off our supply.
even at outrageous prices for the time, there were shortages of gas at the pump and long lines.
there are no shortages today. none.
anybody have trouble finding gas for sale, or rationing? NO!
and there isn't even the tiniest drop in the supply of oil.
Russia is still pumping and selling as much or more oil today as before the war, they just are selling it to different buyers.
and for every barrel of Russian oil said other buyers are buying, that's one less barrel they are buying from the middle east or South America or other sources.
just as much oil is on the market today as ever.. just some shifting in who gets what where.
oil is high because the industry, a monopoly cartel to begin with, drove up the price, with the help of the corporate media.
and Biden and the oil owned US senate, are doing nothing to pressure the Saudis or the rest of the cartel, to lower them. (like threatening SA to stop being their protectors, or selling them weapons or parts.)
or threaten US companies with a windfall tax that eats up 100% of their added gains.
or breaking up the oligopoly.
or nationalizing US oil. (which should have been done long ago).
gas in the US today is priced as it is, because they can, and there are no pressures, competitive, economic, or governmental, stopping them.
even with the monopoly manipulated, and media driven and enabled, high price of oil, we've all seen that when oil was last at $118 a barrel, US gas was $3.25 gal.
everything over that is just war and pandemic profiteering.
as for car prices, that's just lack of supply driven, because we offshored chip production to China and elsewhere.
real estate. monopoly priced, and not a discretionary purchase.
on top of that, Wall St and hedge funds are now buying up real estate, and paying cash funded by the Fed, so individuals can't compete on price.
as are small investors, as real estate is more valuable as a rental, or after flipping gentrification.
meat prices? pork, beef, and poultry, are all effective monopolies now.
they are charging what they are because no one is stopping them, or threatening their monopoly/monopsony price control.
air lines? mass consolidation has made them effectively monopoly controlled.
drugs and healthcare, monopolies.
this inflation is zero percent money supply driven, or supply/shortage driven other than cars, and no one has yet even proven the M1 money supply, (the money that circulates in the everyday economy Joe Buyer lives in), is anymore today than pre pandemic.
yes, the govt gave out money because of the pandemic.. but much of what they gave out went to corps, not individuals, (and a lot claimed to go to individuals never got there), and while the propaganda media cites any and all govt money to individuals, it never gives the other half of the story which is all the lost private based income from the pandemic to individuals.
just because Uncle Mark made out better during the pandemic, a good portion of the population didn't, and until you factor in all the lost economy based income from the pandemic, and it's velocity effect, and not just include any govt handouts, you can't really say the M1 money supply is any greater than pre pandemic.
that said, regardless if the M1 money supply is slightly more, (which we know not), in competitive markets rather than a monopolistic ones, it doesn't matter as to pricing and is irrelevant to the debate.
anyone who gets their inflation or economy information from corporate media, or corporate owned think tanks and economists, including corporate owned academics, need consider taking the source of that pure BS propaganda info into consideration, and who's paying for that story.
anyone telling you this inflation isn't monopoly driven, and lack of regulatory and anti trust driven, is just wrong out of ignorance, or just lying their asses off. (as is the case with the corporate media's and corporate owned academics and think tanks propaganda total BS).