Inflation, deficit and interest rates would be higher under Trump than Harris

People care about prices. Why do you think she’s underwater. And they skyrocketed bc all Harris Biden know is to pander with free cheese. Inflation spiked as a result of all of the giveaways and stays on bills as stated repeatedly by the fed.

Harris isn’t even in and she’s up to $45k in freebies. She’s a moron. Her policies are moronic. From the border to crime to free everything. That’s why she’s tied with an 80 year old crook in mental decline
Trump at last count has promised 10 different tax cuts. Between unfunded tax cuts, tariffs, and deporting immigrants I can't wait to see the inflation numbers, never mind the deficit.

I'm actually willing to suffer just to watch some of the rubes around me wonder why their savior didn't come through for them. Will be fun.

Meanwhile the portfolio hit yet another high yesterday. Things are so bad....
Inflation hit a 41 year record. The nonprofit shit I do people are struggling big time to get by. Yet some of my friends are rolling in it!!! I think the division grew
The growth of wealth disparity is bigger than any president. It's structural. Look at the COVID response. Workers got a couple of checks and some extra unemployment benefits. Businesses got giant loans they never had to pay back.
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I get that too. The idea is prices touch “everyone” while unemployment a small percent. What’s worse is debatable
Were going on almost 2 years of wage growth beating inflation. No one is saying times are perfect. Just that things here are relatively better than the rest of the world and better than Trump's economy. But sadly, as you have pointed out, perception is reality. And Trump's propaganda machine is very effective.

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Were going on almost 2 years of wage growth beating inflation. No one is saying times are perfect. Just that things here are relatively better than the rest of the world and better than Trump's economy. But sadly, as you have pointed out, perception is reality. And Trump's propaganda machine is very effective.

inflation tempered but prices remain painfully elevated. 20 plus percent higher than when biden took office. and remember you have people on fixed incomes, self-employed etc. don't care about the lunatics running the rest of hte world. only care about here. and no people were much better off under trump. inflation 1 plus percent. low interest rates. cheap gas. that was reality.
It calls for pure speculation. Who knows what will ever get through. Hell as @crazed_hoosier2 noted the best part about trump is his inability to get things through.

What we have actual evidence of is the deleterious impact of Biden’s policies on prices from every corner of consumer life. We also know Harris says she is lockstop with those policies. And we know she hasnt learned. She wants to already give away $45k
Wouldn’t it be speculation to assume a Trump victory leads to lower prices?
inflation tempered but prices remain painfully elevated. 20 plus percent higher than when biden took office. and remember you have people on fixed incomes, self-employed etc. don't care about the lunatics running the rest of hte world. only care about here. and no people were much better off under trump. inflation 1 plus percent. low interest rates. cheap gas. that was reality.

Nothing exists inside of a vacuum. Obama's term(s) had even lower inflation rates than Trump did.
Nothing exists inside of a vacuum. Obama's term(s) had even lower inflation rates than Trump did.
i give obama big time credit. he pulled us out of a shitstorm. i like obama. not on anything but obviously incredibly bright. i give zero credit to harris for anything. i think she's a social worker and biden was a cadaver. their plan was to pander. cori bush is on the steps crying rent should be stayed. okay executive order no rent. they are the free pizza and no homework student council winners and the consequences of their policies they have no idea. see border
I've maintained all along that the countries whose economies suffered worst post pandemic are places like Russia and Hungary. Since both Putin and Orban admire Trump (and the feeling is mutual) it seems pretty obvious that all 3 would follow similar policies, including economic moves post pandemic.

A couple years ago CPAC made headlines when they invited Orban to attend and slobbered all over while praising him for the way he runs Hungary.. Yet at the very same time they were all praising Orban for his success and expressing admiration for his policies, inflation in Hungary was 25%. If you want to blame Biden for 9% inflation in the US it's kind of pathetic to celebrate as some sort of hero the man who led his nation into a rate of inflation nearly 3x as high...
i give obama big time credit. he pulled us out of a shitstorm. i like obama. not on anything but obviously incredibly bright. i give zero credit to harris for anything. i think she's a social worker and biden was a cadaver. their plan was to pander. cori bush is on the steps crying rent should be stayed. okay executive order no rent. they are the free pizza and no homework student council winners and the consequences of their policies they have no idea. see border
Obama didn’t pull us out of any shitstorm. He prolonged it with the ACA. That was the trade off of passing it. Increases in insurance costs and a slower recovery.
Great substantive reply.

What a worthless poster you've become. Or maybe you've always been this way and I just didn't notice.
It’s the reply these studies deserve. They’re out there only to help republicans or democrats.
inflation tempered but prices remain painfully elevated. 20 plus percent higher than when biden took office. and remember you have people on fixed incomes, self-employed etc. don't care about the lunatics running the rest of hte world. only care about here. and no people were much better off under trump. inflation 1 plus percent. low interest rates. cheap gas. that was reality.
Right and they are never going back. Hence the reason that's it's great news to see wage growth outpacing it.
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Right and they are never going back. Hence the reason that's it's great news to see wage growth outpacing it.
But the race isn’t over yet. The past 16 months of “real” wage growth — as economists have called it — haven’t been enough to offset the 25 months where prices were rising disproportionately faster than Americans’ paychecks, according to a new analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data from Bankrate.

don't let the people who called the stupid plays coach anymore
You're never going to get these people to acknowledge we're in good shape -- that would mean they'd have to at least give a nod to Biden's stewardship. They'd rather see Trump stick it to the libs.
I don't know about the economy but Biden has made me stronger. At 75, I can now do something I could NOT do under Trump!

I can now lift a $200 bag of groceries with JUST ONE HAND!
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I don't know about the economy but Biden has made me stronger. At 75, I can now do something I could NOT do under Trump!

I can now lift a $200 bag of groceries with JUST ONE HAND!
This is why the economy is the top issue
But the race isn’t over yet. The past 16 months of “real” wage growth — as economists have called it — haven’t been enough to offset the 25 months where prices were rising disproportionately faster than Americans’ paychecks, according to a new analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data from Bankrate.

don't let the people who called the stupid plays coach anymore
I’ve always thought that the economy and economic projections are a behavioral science. The people who came into this world in the last 25 years or so are scared shitless of their world. They don’t want kids. They don’t want to own a home. They don’t care about cars and vacations. They are not into consumer goods. All of this adversely affects the economy. Consumer confidence is in the dumpster because consumers being so scared of the existing and future world.

But space x’s accomplishments and the wild cheering of those young people who make that possible is a reason for optimism.
The problem with this logic is it requires so much speculation. We have actual evidence of all of these under Biden/Harris and trump. They both have a record not might/could
Unless you are the one unemployed.
I agree, but it impacts far fewer people. Also, unemployment tends to rise during recessions, which are necessary for a healthy economy. It obviously sucks in the short term, but capital gets reallocated to better investments.

Inflation is an entirely different animal. We’re still above the FEDs inflation target and the 30 year bond rate has increased since the cuts. Unless something blows up, I think we’re heading back above 3% for inflation. CPI ticked up last month and gold is also up like 30% for the year (and it’s a dumb pet rock).
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You're never going to get these people to acknowledge we're in good shape -- that would mean they'd have to at least give a nod to Biden's stewardship. They'd rather see Trump stick it to the libs.
So long as somebody wastes their time triggering them to respond as predictably as they do, it's a good thing. This way, they have less time to do harm spewing somewhere else.

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