

Dec 17, 2012
By this time last year we probably had 10-15 or more hummers. We’re lucky to have half a dozen right now. Anyone else down in numbers?
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By this time last year we probably had 10-15 or more hummers. We’re lucky to have half a dozen right now. Anyone else down in numbers?
Sorry, I've been behind w posting. Mine showed up about a week earlier than normal... late March is when I saw the first. But, I feel like they're down in numbers overall. Just sat out on my porch for my morning coffee and normally they'd be steadily at my feeders by now and they were infrequent, but I probably had half a dozen visit in 30 minutes. I did get to see a couple do a mating flight a couple weeks ago. First time I'd seen that in person. Really cool how they'd spiral and circle each other and then dive, one time hitting the ground. They went on for several minutes.
I’m wondering if the cicadas down south are causing a problem. In ‘21 when they were here we barely had any. The stormy weather I’m sure hasn’t helped. After building up our population last year kinda disappointing so far.
I’m wondering if the cicadas down south are causing a problem. In ‘21 when they were here we barely had any. The stormy weather I’m sure hasn’t helped. After building up our population last year kinda disappointing so far.
Huh, I never thought of connecting the two, but we definitely have a lot of cicadas around here. Any changes like this or the northern light flare up makes you wonder about any sort of influence from climate change. Nature keeps you guessing!
Geez. That number is amazing. I wonder what percentage of that is the hummingbird migration.
I wondered about that too. I don't envision them traveling in a huge flock, and if they did would they show up? I've seen a very good PBS special on Hummingbirds, but they didn't really cover the migration of the ruby throats very well, especially compared to the monarch migration which was the basis of their show.
I put up my feeder on the 4th, as you can almost set your calendar by Hummingbirds showing up on the 10th up here in the Keweenaw of Michigan, yet I've seen some hovering in past years as early as the 6th. Those couple years I felt bad it wasn't up in time. So I had it ready, I watched the migration map dates.

First one this year was on the 6th, must have been migrating through, because the next one wasn't until, Ta-DAH! ... the 10th. (They leave on the 9th of September. lol)

Now for several days there's been three. Same count as last year but last year was down from the usual five or six. One year we had six early, then by fall with the newborns, we several times counted fifteen separate ones. All harassing each other at the feeder, although that year once they hit about a twelve count I put up a second one.
Are most of you from Indiana? Sightings map shows they are long since past first sighting of mid or early April . (Edit, I see someone above said late March) Many of the notes on sightings say they were 'early' , but mine were not early, right on time. They must not gets reservations here until the 10th. Maybe they move on the lakeshore as I see one sighting on the map further south on lake superior on May 3rd, then one just north of me May 8th.

Hummingbird Map 2024

I think I get fewer last few years because the fields around me used to be loaded with wildflowers among the old overgrown hay. But four or five years ago a guy asked to make the hay, said by cutting it before the weeds seeded he could turn it back into thicker hay. He's kept his word, no chemical or fertilizer use but last year it was tall grass. three or four years ago it would've been loaded with flowers. Not nearly as many different blossoms or colors in mid summer.
Are most of you from Indiana? Sightings map shows they are long since past first sighting of mid or early April . (Edit, I see someone above said late March) Many of the notes on sightings say they were 'early' , but mine were not early, right on time. They must not gets reservations here until the 10th. Maybe they move on the lakeshore as I see one sighting on the map further south on lake superior on May 3rd, then one just north of me May 8th.

Hummingbird Map 2024

I think I get fewer last few years because the fields around me used to be loaded with wildflowers among the old overgrown hay. But four or five years ago a guy asked to make the hay, said by cutting it before the weeds seeded he could turn it back into thicker hay. He's kept his word, no chemical or fertilizer use but last year it was tall grass. three or four years ago it would've been loaded with flowers. Not nearly as many different blossoms or colors in mid summer.
I'm planting a rose of Sharon in hopes of attracting more. Almost all of our flowers are spring/early summer and then again in the fall. I've got a big hole in the middle that doesn't lend itself to attracting them after Memorial Day.
I'm planting a rose of Sharon in hopes of attracting more. Almost all of our flowers are spring/early summer and then again in the fall. I've got a big hole in the middle that doesn't lend itself to attracting them after Memorial Day.
I always try and use flowers to draw in hummingbirds, but with any that I've tried, they've largely ignored them. Think I just haven't hit on the right varieties, but it's been rare to have them checking out my flowers. Tried snap dragons and salvia. Also tried planting some bee balm this year, but doesn't look like it's coming in. Don't think the spot I picked had enough sun. Funny enough, I went through the first year with the snap dragons and never saw a hummer pay any attention to it, and then it grew back the next year and one afternoon I was sitting on the porch and a hummer wouldn't leave the stuff. He was in there for several minutes and came back repeatedly for the hour or so I was on the porch. Nature keeps you guessing!
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For some odd reason in the last few years we have had an abundance of honeysuckle growing wild around the outskirts of our yard. Hummers do like that. At least last year they did. Don’t have enough now to see if any are feeding on them. We have other plants like bee balm, columbine, petunias and a few others but again right now not very many hummers.

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