How long is too long?

I have no illusions about Rachel's objectivity. However, I also know if I watch her show I won't be lied to.

she can be interesting, but she isn't all about the truth either. (not that she has the ability to be, as a high paid high profile employee of a corporation with an agenda that isn't based in truth or journalism).

sometimes "truth" isn't just about lying or not lying, but what you report and what you don't report, and what truths you emphasize and what truths you hide altogether.
Depends on the definition of lie. Selective or manipulated facts to create a story is hardly different than a lie. Without objectivity, it all must be taken with a shaker of salt. But...what did she say about the exchange with Fauci? He was clearly pissed at the reporter.
She didn't get into the briefing at all. Had to wait until Brian Williams came on to see what all happened.

I actually thought the Fauci question was legitimate. She didn't ask if his statement was truthful, she asked if it was voluntary.
She didn't get into the briefing at all. Had to wait until Brian Williams came on to see what all happened.

I actually thought the Fauci question was legitimate. She didn't ask if his statement was truthful, she asked if it was voluntary.

If it was not voluntary, would he have said so or blinked it out in Morse code? I think the question is fair game, but given his boss is standing tight beside him, useless.
If it was not voluntary, would he have said so or blinked it out in Morse code? I think the question is fair game, but given his boss is standing tight beside him, useless.
The question brings the concerns about the dynamics between Trump and his advisors out in the open. It puts everyone involved on notice that they're not fooling anyone.

The CNN reporter calling him out on his "total authority" claim was badass. Much better than the lame, longwinded gotchya questions with no real answers that get thrown at him from guys like Jim Acosta. She called bullshit, and didn't let him up.
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If it was not voluntary, would he have said so or blinked it out in Morse code? I think the question is fair game, but given his boss is standing tight beside him, useless.
I don’t think it’s wrong to ask Fauci if he’s being filtered etc. it’s salient to our immediate concerns. It’s an unpopular position on this board but what drives me nuts is the endless “gotcha” attempts trying to get him to admit he should have done something earlier. It provides zero salient info to the immediate issues we face, which are the purpose of the briefings: real-time info dissemination. There’s a cadre of reporters using these briefings as attempts to get Trump. It’s a disservice to us all. Use the gotchas in oct and nov at election time. Not now.
The question brings the concerns about the dynamics between Trump and his advisors out in the open. It puts everyone involved on notice that they're not fooling anyone.

The CNN reporter calling him out on his "total authority" claim was badass. Much better than the lame, longwinded gotchya questions with no real answers that get thrown at him from guys like Jim Acosta. She called bullshit, and didn't let him up.
Agreed. The total authority deal is weird. Federalism is a pretty basic concept, but maybe there are powers under the emergency claims I’m not aware of. That said state’s have their own police powers. My guess is he was talking out his ass.
I don’t think it’s wrong to ask Fauci if he’s being filtered etc. it’s salient to our immediate concerns. It’s an unpopular position on this board but what drives me nuts is the endless “gotcha” attempts trying to get him to admit he should have done something earlier. It provides zero salient info to the immediate issues we face, which are the purpose of the briefings: real-time info dissemination. There’s a cadre of reporters using these briefings as attempts to get Trump. It’s a disservice to us all. Use the gotchas in oct and nov at election time. Not now.

I agree there are issues with some reporters. There is a difference between a hard question and a gotcha. One of the worst, imho, is Wolf Blitzer. Though he isn't at the briefings, I find his interviews terrible even if I agree with his point.
There is a difference between an expert and an “expert”. I’ve explained that a few times here.
Sure, and you exclusively have the privilege of defining who is and isn’t as your goalposts move every which way.
Sure, and you exclusively have the privilege of defining who is and isn’t as your goalposts move every which way.

If you are suggesting I believe whether one is offering an expert opinion or an “expert” opinion is situational, you are correct. Context matters.
If you are suggesting I believe whether one is offering an expert opinion or an “expert” opinion is situational, you are correct. Context matters.
We can agree on such. I’m simply saying that you (specifically) exert privilege in deciding who is and who isn’t an actual expert depending on their alignment with your opinion.
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She didn't get into the briefing at all. Had to wait until Brian Williams came on to see what all happened.

I actually thought the Fauci question was legitimate. She didn't ask if his statement was truthful, she asked if it was voluntary.

It was insulting and he clearly took it that way. I understand though that many will defend her simply because she sparred with trump later on.
This is why we need a LEADER. We are on a rudderless ship in the middle of the Pacific and the SS Trump is taking on water.

How long will we be able to keep this up? I mean the lockdown of the economy, the social distancing, the joblessness, the end of restaurants, spectator sports, churchgoing?

My out of my arse thinking is that we need to be looking at beginning a return to some kind of normal -- new or otherwise -- somewhere around the first of June. Not full bore, but with some concrete steps that can be seen as a beginning of the end, with that end perhaps being in time for Christmas.

Now what those concrete steps might be, I have no idea. All I know is that people have a breaking point, and I think we need to understand that something will need to happen before that is reached, or it will get ugly. Ranger brought this up some time back, and it was met with some resistance. At the time it may have been "too soon"; we were getting hammered from all sides and had little to no data or experience or trends to even base a discussion on.
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Listen to the scientists.

I heard some say that Trump's decision is the most difficult since Truman and the bomb. I think Kennedy and the missile crisis, but either way it is a very rare choice in difficulty.

Getting back to normal is going to be hard. Masks are frequently mentioned. Will we have N95 masks? My homemade mask really is a screen door on a submarine.
And masks presents problem in the black community. Anyone thinking there will not be problems of blacks walking into convenience stores or banks while wearing a mask is dreaming.

I really do not envy Trump on making this decision.
We can agree on such. I’m simply saying that you (specifically) exert privilege in deciding who is and who isn’t an actual expert depending on their alignment with your opinion.

Of course I exercise exclusive control over my own opinions. And I respect the opinions of many experts even though I might disagree. This most often comes up with judges and other lawyers.

We can’t avoid the fact that experts frequently disagree. Some experts will take a side on an issue because more experts are on one side than another. When that happens we begin to see “expert” opinions.
Back to how long is too long, I saw something yesterday that speculated sports, concerts, plays, conventions, in other words, big gatherings would not be feasible until fall of 2021. That’s a long time.
Back to how long is too long, I saw something yesterday that speculated sports, concerts, plays, conventions, in other words, big gatherings would not be feasible until fall of 2021. That’s a long time.
Umm ... no way! There will be football this fall or I am going to ...

Half the leagues/athletic departments will just fold if that's the case.

I am predicting football with no fans. TV contracts might save college athletics.

Universities are hemorrhaging money in their academic programs. There will not be a bailout from general funds.
I am predicting football with no fans. TV contracts might save college athletics.

Universities are hemorrhaging money in their academic programs. There will not be a bailout from general funds.
Agreed. No football no left-handed sports. Football pays the bills. I know youth sports (some) will be back much sooner than people think. As soon as May in some places. I just got a message from youth soccer regarding their plans for returning to play: no concessions; hand sanitizers everywhere for players and equipment; no high fives; no huddles; crowd spacing in the stands and on sidelines, blah blah blah. sports seem trivial but they provide an outlet for these miserable kids that are driving all of us insane and they are a business, a relatively big business. between the five largest youth clubs where i live you're looking at close to $50 mil a year in revenue. and that says nothing of the parasitic businesses that make their money off of them.
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From the comments section:

What is the difference between quarantine and prison? Prisoners have more rights.

  • SunGodAZ1Leader
    Prisoners get conjugal visits...been married 20 years, so...
Agreed. No football no left-handed sports. Football pays the bills. I know youth sports (some) will be back much sooner than people think. As soon as May in some places. I just got a message from youth soccer regarding their plans for returning to play: no concessions; hand sanitizers everywhere for players and equipment; no high fives; no huddles; crowd spacing in the stands and on sidelines, blah blah blah. sports seem trivial but they provide an outlet for these miserable kids that are driving all of us insane and they are a business, a relatively big business. between the five largest youth clubs where i live you're looking at close to $50 mil a year in revenue. and that says nothing of the parasitic businesses that make their money off of them.
Jacksonville Jaguars will do fine with crowd distancing. Packers and Patriots are screwed.
Desperate idea but how about allowing schools to sell 8,000 seats to each game at a high price ($100 - $200) with assigned seats spread out over the lower 50 rows / 80 per row on each side. No concessions they can bring in a cooler. That is $1MM per game? I think enough people would pay just for the novelty of it. Everyone gets on the big vid board and all get seat cushion, box lunch, free parking and a letter signed by the team.
Desperate idea but how about allowing schools to sell 8,000 seats to each game at a high price ($100 - $200) with assigned seats spread out over the lower 50 rows / 80 per row on each side. No concessions they can bring in a cooler. That is $1MM per game? I think enough people would pay just for the novelty of it. Everyone gets on the big vid board and all get seat cushion, box lunch, free parking and a letter signed by the team.
Definitely. Sounds good to me. I think the rub, among other things, is travel/hotels/meals. Also what happens if one player/staff ends up getting it - who then has to be quarantined? the entire team/staff?
Desperate idea but how about allowing schools to sell 8,000 seats to each game at a high price ($100 - $200) with assigned seats spread out over the lower 50 rows / 80 per row on each side. No concessions they can bring in a cooler. That is $1MM per game? I think enough people would pay just for the novelty of it. Everyone gets on the big vid board and all get seat cushion, box lunch, free parking and a letter signed by the team.

They are all still touching handrails, bathrooms, etc. It might be possible, but it would be tough. The bog question will be on the governors. Can you imagine the heck they would get politically if 5 people caught the disease and it traced back to a college sporting event?
They are all still touching handrails, bathrooms, etc. It might be possible, but it would be tough. The bog question will be on the governors. Can you imagine the heck they would get politically if 5 people caught the disease and it traced back to a college sporting event?

The 15 minute test in the parking lot.

Have Ordfan come and wash the handrails all day. It gives him a chance to actually attend a game and be the insider he claims to be.

We CAN do this.
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Can you imagine the heck they would get politically if 5 people caught the disease and it traced back to a college sporting event?
Are the governors taking the heat for the hot spots the crazy churches are creating?

I know! Call it a revival! The IU vs. Purdue Revival! In the First Assembly Hall of Basketball!

Damn, sometimes I amaze even myself.
I was just reading that the Washington model has Indiana on the down slope. Yippee. Except Indiana has its own model and it shows we have 2 more weeks of heading up. The tea leaves are very blurry.
I'm probably in the minority but I wish the only number they would release daily would be positives from the previous day.
I know that number is available but what folks seem to be focusing on is total number of positives. The former is the number that should drive policy.
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I'm probably in the minority but I wish the only number they would release daily would be positives from the previous day.
I know that number is available but what folks seem to be focusing on is total number of positives. The former is the number that should drive policy.

Yes, but even that number is crazy. I heard Holcomb's press conference today and one thing that was said was that the testing labs were given the weekend off because their people had been putting in too many hours for too many days. As a result, our numbers are somewhat artificially low in Indiana.

Plus of course, people have to meet criteria to get tested. There can be a lot more cases, which means spread might recur more quickly than the official number suggests.

I do not envy all the people who have to decide when to reopen. It will be an educated guess at best.
DeWine of Ohio just said on Cuomo that if you are 70 or have comorbidities, you just shouldn't be going to sporting events until there is a vaccine. So it sounds like Ohio may be up for letting sports come back at some time.
DeWine of Ohio just said on Cuomo that if you are 70 or have comorbidities, you just shouldn't be going to sporting events until there is a vaccine. So it sounds like Ohio may be up for letting sports come back at some time.
If OSU football is canceled because of his policy, he's a dead man walking.
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