How Bad Is Russian Censorship Re: Ukraine?


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
I'm a Cold War Baby, so I was raised to believe that all Russian news - internally and externally - was just fabricated propaganda. I have no feel for how much "truth" is getting through to Russian citizens, and I assume what I'm conditioned to assume - that what I see of Russians supporting the war in Ukraine is likewise untrustworthy. (Q - How much did you pay for that bread? A - I love Putin! Death to all others!).

Is there ANY access to WWW in Moscow these days? Is Radio Free Russia up and running?

What do y'all think? Are Russians really pro-Putin? Is there a House of Cards there again?

The only way to avoid his nuclear threat is an internal coup. Is that even possible?

What are you reading about this issue? What sources are trustworthy?

Or is everybody just watching Johnny Depp and arguing over teaching third grade boys in Florida how to become Superwoman?
I'm not sure that the people know enough about what's going on to bring about a regime change, but the folks around Putin know what's going on and may very well be the catalyst of that change.

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