How are we losing

Appears to be a growing number of Americans who are skeptical of information coming from conventional sources wisdom.

These sources include scientists, educators, journalists, and government bureaucrsts. Depending on the skeptic these sources are called different names. Two such names are elites and liberals.
Appears to be a growing number of Americans who are skeptical of information coming from conventional sources wisdom.

These sources include scientists, educators, journalists, and government bureaucrsts. Depending on the skeptic these sources are called different names. Two such names are elites and liberals.

Yep, to pwn the line they will disagree with centuries proven facts. And these are the people targeted by Trump.
Yep, to pwn the line they will disagree with centuries proven facts. And these are the people targeted by Trump.

Did Trump target an election winning electoral combination, or did he just stumble upon a message which cobbled together a winning combination?

Might Mike Pence seriously consider the election being divine intervention?
Did Trump target an election winning electoral combination, or did he just stumble upon a message which cobbled together a winning combination?

Might Mike Pence seriously consider the election being divine intervention?

I think Bannon stumbled on the winning combo. Trump was the only person running willing to stoop that low.
Charlie Sykes always says Trump’s super power is shamelessness. That part is not surprising. What is surprising is how many Republicans are also very capable of weapons grade levels of the same.
What is so astonishing to me is how low people will go for Trump, but where they wouldn't go for themselves.
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I doubt that the Russians or Chinese are allowing this theory to be taught in their schools-only in MAGA America.
Charlie Sykes always says Trump’s super power is shamelessness. That part is not surprising. What is surprising is how many Republicans are also very capable of weapons grade levels of the same.

I would add unscrupulous to both of them, McTurtle & Friends and Trump.
The number of people in groups like flat earth seems to be growing. We know there is a large segment that do not accept global warming. Why are the forces of science and reason struggling?

I'd say some of that population is white males between the ages of 16-35 who take Jordan Peterson way too literally rather than with a grain of salt. This is more related to climate change and other basic science.. They don't really understand their Self so they took his words as an outlet to try to identify themselves. When you encounter such a person, they will frame the same arguments about scientific models that aren't substantiated, etc., that we need to think for ourselves and perform our own research, and that they're unique, although they don't understand they participate and surround themselves with the same type of people. Hence, groupthink and not unique.

You will likely see more and more people like this over the next few years. They assume they're smarter than you because they don't "just accept facts" and probably something about the media and government controlling everything.

Then you have the facebook type who consider posting political memes as a source of intellectualism. They don't have to understand context and whether or not what they're posting is true, rather they're posting about politics so, therefore, they must be kind of smart. This same attitude carries over into science because some of the memes relate to science. If a politician (or party) they support says something is a hoax, they share a meme from a bot facebook account, then have to double-down on their stupidity when confronted.

That's a lot of what we're dealing with. The flat earther's and anti-vax are another story but similar to above. People are stupid.
The number of people in groups like flat earth seems to be growing. We know there is a large segment that do not accept global warming. Why are the forces of science and reason struggling?
just silly publicity in the age of social media stupidity imho. Everyone has a voice, championed by none the less a complete moron leading the country...sadly. So, every idiot gets their moment in the flat sun and all of that. Clinically stupid is the new cool, for a minute anyway.
I don't understand them at all. All they have to do is to charter an airplane and fly straight west (or east) for a few days (or is it even that?). They can finance it with the annual dues they collect from their members. Why all this nonsense?

BTW, do we have any flat earthers in The Water Cooler community? I can guess a few, but ...
I don't understand them at all. All they have to do is to charter an airplane and fly straight west (or east) for a few days (or is it even that?). They can finance it with the annual dues they collect from their members. Why all this nonsense?

BTW, do we have any flat earthers in The Water Cooler community? I can guess a few, but ...

My opinion is that they are monumentally stupid and feel that their only avenue to feel any power in a world that operates so far over their heads, is to ignore factual evidence of even the most simple things. "If I don't understand it, it must be false, and I will argue with people smarter than me, who have scientific proof, with my feelings."
Not sure if we have any flat-earthers here, but if T.rump came out in favor, I'm sure several would fall in line without hesitation.
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I have an idea. Why not organize an "Around the World in Eighty Days" cruise, with onboard prayer meetings, Bingo games, Shuffle Board competition, and such? They find out the truth; they have fun; and we make a few bucks!;)
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Just on top.

The rest is turtles. All the way down.
And some elephants too.

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Here’s another crazy conspiracy theory that is bewildering:

What is the full extent of the Ukrainian election meddling in the Trump campaign!!

Yep. The new Republican Party is full on pro Russia. The House Republicans are purposeful Un-American Putin lackeys, while most of the rubes are unwittingly going along for the ride. I say most, because I’m sure many are consciously attracted to the white nationalist, alternate reality, 1% economy for rich oligarchs, dictatorship that Putin and his toady Trump espouse.
Yep. The new Republican Party is full on pro Russia. The House Republicans are purposeful Un-American Putin lackeys, while most of the rubes are unwittingly going along for the ride. I say most, because I’m sure many are consciously attracted to the white nationalist, alternate reality, 1% economy for rich oligarchs, dictatorship that Putin and his toady Trump espouse.
The funny and sad thing is probably 90% of the Pubs who support this policy of making 1% filthy wealthier are the ones who are barely making their living.:(

I am wondering how long this Republican Party will last.
The funny and sad thing is probably 90% of the Pubs who support this policy of making 1% filthy wealthier are the ones who are barely making their living.:(

I am wondering how long this Republican Party will last.

My hope is we Americans will stand up in the election next year and put an end to this madness. Enough! Throw the new republicans out of office. This country will show it’s true character next year. I hope we save our nation. I’m a Democrat, but I would march down and vote for 4 years of a traditional conservative republican to save our country from Trump, if that’s what it takes. We’ve gone off the rails and right wing media is the root cause.

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