Attack on Saudi Oil Field

I agree with this. Regardless of this specific issue, we need to stop thinking of Saudi like an ally and more of an acquaintance. I'm not sure why so many gave them a pass on Wahhabism.
There was a time when the Saudis had us by the balls and they tried to use that leverage. See 1967 and 1973. Not the case any longer. If Trump hadn't screwed things up with Iran, there's be even more oil available and we'd be in an even better position to tell them to pound sand.
There was a time when the Saudis had us by the balls and they tried to use that leverage. See 1967 and 1973. Not the case any longer. If Trump hadn't screwed things up with Iran, there's be even more oil available and we'd be in an even better position to tell them to pound sand.

Can you imagine if BO didn't take his foot off the gas? The Iranian economy was crumbling from sanctions.


That being said, the administration's appeasement and care for the relationship with the corrupt Saudis is disgusting.
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Surprisingly, i think the US must respond militarily. You have to draw rules of the road somewhere. Iran keeps pushing the limit as to what they can do without retribution. They also like these attacks where they claim not attribution. No question they provided support for this operstion, if they didn't direct it themselves. I'd say an attack on the global oil supply is a red line. I think a measured response is appropriate. It should be proportional, and hopefully avoid a greater conflict.
This has to be quickly proven, swiftly responded to, and NOT a US operation. Saudi Arabia was attacked. Because it affects the world oil supply, it should be a concern for all countries. We have sold Saudi Arabia the hardware to respond. Hopefully they use it well and we can sit back on this one. A response by Saudi Arabia is going to send a bigger message than if we take part in it.
They would look like Jesus at the table compared to the clown ass running the show for us....his entire life is a lie

That's because he isn't going to fold when we have the upper hand like the previous President. We had their economy in literal turmoil and took the foot off the pedal, strengthening the status of the conservative regime.
What makes you think that? So far he has been the one to fold in every international negotiation we have had. Putin tells him exactly what to do, Kim Jung Un played him like the fool he is, he’s the one backing off some tariffs, and he’s been floating the idea of lending Iran money. And let’s not forget waiting to see what Saudi Arabia wants us to do. Yeah. He’s a master negotiator.
Why? One of Iran's allies is Russia. If there is valid evidence Iran was involved, Russia would either have to let the motion go through which should damage their relationship with Iran or veto it damaging their relationship with almost everyone else. I fail to see a downside to us or an upside to Russia.

* Edit change and to or in last sentence
The world doesn't pay attention to Security Council vetos. Furthermore, iirc the first gazillion vetos in SC history were by the US.
The world doesn't pay attention to Security Council vetos. Furthermore, iirc the first gazillion vetos in SC history were by the US.

The world will be upset with higher oil prices. The world will not be happy with enablers of higher oil prices.
The world will be upset with higher oil prices. The world will not be happy with enablers of higher oil prices.
True but they're mostly ignorant of the Security Council and its decisions. Plus, fake news. WHen did Russia or CHina ever give a hoot about world opinion.
Putin having fun, trolling in Ankara:

Apparently, the Saudis were already considering the Russian systems; an S-400 combined with Pantsir-1, would be better able to defend against these attacks.
This has to be quickly proven, swiftly responded to, and NOT a US operation. Saudi Arabia was attacked. Because it affects the world oil supply, it should be a concern for all countries. We have sold Saudi Arabia the hardware to respond. Hopefully they use it well and we can sit back on this one. A response by Saudi Arabia is going to send a bigger message than if we take part in it.
I cant figure out how a nation as wealthy as Saudi Arabia can't protect its most vital assets from a drone attack
Agreed the Saudis need to be the one to do the response, but I'm sure we will be involved in a support level. The rumor was this was launched from southern Iraq by the Iranian proxies operating there. I'm sure there is a lot of pressure being applied in Baghdad, currently.
I cant figure out how a nation as wealthy as Saudi Arabia can't protect its most vital assets from a drone attack

They have patriot missiles but they are only good for missiles and objects with predictable trajectories. Drones on the other hand....

Times have changed. Da plane boss to Doah Drones, doah drones..
We need to sell them some of the old school Hawk (missiles).

Low maintenance (although with the Saudis that needs to be No maintenance). Proven Tech...

Hawks can't defend against the less predictable slow-moving drones either right?

My question is whether the US radars in Bahrain picked the drones or they are so stealth or/and low flying that its near impossible.
I cant figure out how a nation as wealthy as Saudi Arabia can't protect its most vital assets from a drone attack

Drone tech is still very new in the world of the military. It's a new world... and not for the better. These are tiny kamikaze units, that fly very low. And are dirt cheap to buy and arm (comparatively to traditional air power). We would struggle just as much if hostile actors were operating on our doorstep.
Drone tech is still very new in the world of the military. It's a new world... and not for the better. These are tiny kamikaze units, that fly very low. And are dirt cheap to buy and arm (comparatively to traditional air power). We would struggle just as much if hostile actors were operating on our doorstep.

HAL will be a reality soon. Who determines who the 'bad guys' is next.
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Hawks can't defend against the less predictable slow-moving drones either right?

My question is whether the US radars in Bahrain picked the drones or they are so stealth or/and low flying that its near impossible.

I deleted that before I realized you'd responded. They've been around since 1959 (I think), were definitely deployed by the early "60's" and they've been upgraded multiple times but I can't tell you what the deck is for them (insert the old "I'd have to" joke here)... All I can tell you is that it's my solid impression that the Hawk would be pretty tough on your average drone... We no longer field it but several other countries still do, including Taiwan and Japan.

The way to deal with the low and slow stuff is a mixture of low tech and high tech deployed " in depth". If one system doesn't get them the other would (in theory). It's not like the Saudi's can't afford something like that.

This is possibly a failure of imagination as to how and where the threat would come from (hard to grasp how that would happen) or more likely the Iranians jammed their radars for the brief amount of time it took their stuff to reach the target... (and as is obvious to anyone who is, I'm no authority on the subject).
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At least by then, the whole gun argument will be dead. AR15s of drones will be next contentious issue.

I know that's not real.... but that's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen, as I could see it actually being possible within a generation or two.

Hit men are gonna need a new line of work.
So now it is reported they were missiles. Some of them fell short and did not explode.

If it wasn't drones, it really makes you question Saudi defenses despite all the billions they spent. And even if they weren't shot down, wouldn't the US radar in Bahrain alert to them ahead of time?

So either they were "allowed" to hit, or it's a false flag, or American missile defense is actually ineffective, and none of those is good for the consumer's price of oil going forward or for America's reputation if this is the case.
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This is where, if we didn't have a president that's hated world wide, we may be able to build a coalition that would enable us to potentially avoid this entire mess. You think there is any way Team Trump could put together any kind of realistic coalition?

America does not need to be wrapped up in another Middle East quagmire. I'd prefer letting Saudi Arabia and Iran fight it out themselves, if that's what they're intent on doing.

Surprisingly, i think the US must respond militarily. You have to draw rules of the road somewhere. Iran keeps pushing the limit as to what they can do without retribution. They also like these attacks where they claim not attribution. No question they provided support for this operstion, if they didn't direct it themselves. I'd say an attack on the global oil supply is a red line. I think a measured response is appropriate. It should be proportional, and hopefully avoid a greater conflict.
Saudi Arabia is essentially ISIS if ISIS was able to form their own country, as they desire.
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This is where, if we didn't have a president that's hated world wide, we may be able to build a coalition that would enable us to potentially avoid this entire mess. You think there is any way Team Trump could put together any kind of realistic coalition?

America does not need to be wrapped up in another Middle East quagmire. I'd prefer letting Saudi Arabia and Iran fight it out themselves, if that's what they're intent on doing.

I believe our two greatest diplomatic moves of the 20th century were the Marshall Plan and the Gulf War Coalition. Bush deserves far more credit than he gets for assembling a true UN military.

The modern GOP envisioned by Trump would rejrct both. Again, a party owned by the old John Birch Society.

I believe our two greatest diplomatic moves of the 20th century were the Marshall Plan and the Gulf War Coalition. Bush deserves far more credit than he gets for assembling a true UN military.

The modern GOP envisioned by Trump would rejrct both. Again, a party owned by the old John Birch Society.
Drone tech is still very new in the world of the military. It's a new world... and not for the better. These are tiny kamikaze units, that fly very low. And are dirt cheap to buy and arm (comparatively to traditional air power). We would struggle just as much if hostile actors were operating on our doorstep.

In terms of the number, type, and various uses of them that's true but I know for a fact that the USMC was using jury rigged drones (Korean era, obsolete jet fighters) as live targets for Hawk missile batteries clear back in 1962 at 29 Stumps, er..., Palms...

They've been around for awhile. People have just gotten more creative with them these days...

The big concern is some bad actor smuggling one within range of a major coastal city on a cargo ship and launching it or them with just minutes to react...

They've been on the mind of those that get paid to worry about such things for awhile now...
Let's face it...besides Israel, there really isn't much of a competent military in the Middle East. SA has all the shiny toys, but they don't seem very adept at using them

If it wasn't drones, it really makes you question Saudi defenses despite all the billions they spent. And even if they weren't shot down, wouldn't the US radar in Bahrain alert to them ahead of time?

So either they were "allowed" to hit, or it's a false flag, or American missile defense is actually ineffective, and none of those is good for the consumer's price of oil going forward or for America's reputation if this is the case.
According to this article, Saudi Arabia has the 3rd largest military budget in the world (almost $70 billion), behind only the US and China. With that kind of budget, they should be able to defend themselves.
This is where, if we didn't have a president that's hated world wide, we may be able to build a coalition that would enable us to potentially avoid this entire mess. You think there is any way Team Trump could put together any kind of realistic coalition?

America does not need to be wrapped up in another Middle East quagmire. I'd prefer letting Saudi Arabia and Iran fight it out themselves, if that's what they're intent on doing.

The Saudis have a way of buying support.


I am pretty sure, Trump will dance to MBS' tune.
Nothing says you can't dress up like an Arab to get close to that

Haha... reminds me of a prank I played on my parents. I bought one of those Saudi suits (ray bans and all) and came home from school in it just to freak my mum out.
They had not seen me in an entire school year and I was going through my growth stage (ie voice breaking, getting taller etc). In fact my dad walked past me once at the airport, not recognising me!
Haha... reminds me of a prank I played on my parents. I bought one of those Saudi suits (ray bans and all) and came home from school in it just to freak my mum out.
They had not seen me in an entire school year and I was going through my growth stage (ie voice breaking, getting taller etc). In fact my dad walked past me once at the airport, not recognising me!

I wasn’t because he didn’t recognize you...;)
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