Horrible Era


Apr 12, 2012
North Carolina
This is a sad state of affairs in Bloomington. This will be the sixth consecutive season without a winning record in league play. We can’t hit free throws. We have no one who can create a shot. We seem to have no offensive scheme whatsoever. We struggle to make free throws. We just suck. This is another group of seniors who will not see the lights of March madness. It really is sad and pathetic. I know some say we are playing with house money this season. But honestly, what the hell is there to look forward to? How is next season going to be any different? I know for sure we’ll have the sunshine pumpers saying how we are going to the FF and every player we bring in is going to be the difference maker and missing piece. But it never happens. The bottom ****ing line is we are losers. We are a losing bottom tier team in the big ten.
This is a sad state of affairs in Bloomington. This will be the sixth consecutive season without a winning record in league play. We can’t hit free throws. We have no one who can create a shot. We seem to have non offensive scheme whatsoever. We struggle to make free throws. We just suck. This is another group of seniors who will not see the lights of March madness. It really is sad and pathetic. I know some say we are playing with house money this seasons. But honestly, what the hell is there to look forward to? How is next season going to be any different? I know for sure we’ll have the sunshine pumpers saying how we are going to the FG and every player we bring in is going to be the difference maker. But it never happens. The bottom ****ing line is we are losers. We are losing bottom tier team in the big ten.
This program is irrelevant. Losing culture for 2 decades.
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Overdependence on TJD is one problem. We are so predictable and such a non threat as shooters. With bad shooters this "pass it to TJD and panic if you can't" offense makes these guys even worse. We are going to last one game in the tourney with any coach smart enough to spread us out and double-team or pack the middle.
Change Conferences to the Horizon League. Play PFW & Western Illinois.
Overdependence on TJD is one problem. We are so predictable and such a non threat as shooters. With bad shooters this "pass it to TJD and panic if you can't" offense makes these guys even worse. We are going to last one game in the tourney with any coach smart enough to spread us out and double-team or pack the middle.
I don’t understand why people don’t press us more.
TJD is the most overrated player in the Big.
aside from Race the team makes bad decisions.
I trust in Woodson to get his style players though. Few players on this team he would of recruited including TJD. He’s very predictable and Woodson prefers position-less players
TJD is the most overrated player in the Big.
aside from Race the team makes bad decisions.
I trust in Woodson to get his style players though. Few players on this team he would of recruited including TJD. He’s very predictable and Woodson prefers position-less players
Aside from Race? Did you watch him single handedly piss this game away tonight?
Aside from Race? Did you watch him single handedly piss this game away tonight?
Race is solid. Horrible pass when we had control of the game and the ball with 1:17 left in regulation. Have to expect more from a redshirt senior though. It just happens too often. But it’s systemic with our program. If it’s not race, it’s Xavier. If not Xavier, it’s fill in the blank. Always something. Always want to point to something or someone for the reason we lost. The bottom line is a collective whole, we are losers. We lose every damn year. The only thing that changes is the players and the coach the last 6 seasons. But the results are always the same.
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TJD is the most overrated player in the Big.
aside from Race the team makes bad decisions.
I trust in Woodson to get his style players though. Few players on this team he would of recruited including TJD. He’s very predictable and Woodson prefers position-less players
Race regressed to the mean tonight. Terrible decisions in the last 2 mins that significantly contributed to the loss TBH. The problem with TJD getting 30, is we get completely overdependent on him and everyone looks terrified if they take a shot. I can understand looking to the inside once or twice but we look like an outside shot is option #12. It's as if they are panicking before we shoot or terrified that Woody is going to cut their legs off for not trying a conciliatory 10 times to get it inside before shooting--no flow to our offense at all.
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People on a other board calling for Woodson's head. He gets four years minimum maybe five being an iu guy. Doldon went all in on woody and he will stick with him. Bank it
People on a other board calling for Woodson's head. He gets four years minimum maybe five being an iu guy. Doldon went all in on woody and he will stick with him. Bank it
My very strong guess is Woody was a stabilizing, place holder type hire. Whether the plan is for Matta to take over at some point. And/or Fife. I just doubt the intention was for Woody to be the HC for more than a few years.
This isn’t on Woody. That said, outside of instilling a defensive mindset, he has done nothing as a coach to help our teams win. Really nothing. I will say I recall early on how he would call a timeout before the under 4 tv timeout. That was effective. Or so it seemed. He has stopped doing that. This team could have used that immensely tonight. I get the sense that this for Woody is more about fulfilling a dream to be the HC at IU than it is about a burning desire to be a champion. I’ll probably get roasted for that, but you just wonder at his age how much burning competitive fire there is to win vs just going out each night and seeing what happens.
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My very strong guess is Woody was a stabilizing, place holder type hire. Whether the plan is for Matta to take over at some point. And/or Fife. I just doubt the intention was for Woody to be the HC for more than a few years.

Matta isn't physically able to do the requirements of coaching. Getting closer to 60 ain't helping his back issues.
This isn’t on Woody. That said, outside of instilling a defensive mindset, he has done nothing as a coach to help our teams win. Really nothing. I will say I recall early on how he would call a timeout before the under 4 tv timeout. That was effective. Or so it seemed. He has stopped doing that. This team could have used that immensely tonight. I get the sense that this for Woody is more about fulfilling a dream to be the HC at IU than it is about a. Urging desire to be a champion. I’ll probably get roasted for that, but you just wonder at his age how much burning competitive fire there is to win vs just going out each night and seeing what happens.
I don’t question is desire. I think he dearly wanted this job. And is more motivated to win than any of us are.

I just question how good of a game coach he is.

Time will tell if he gets better at it. And obviously if he can recruit enough talent to make it less important.

His NBA experiences provide a ton of value. But I also worry they’re causing some big issues with in game coaching decisions.
This isn’t on Woody. That said, outside of instilling a defensive mindset, he has done nothing as a coach to help our teams win. Really nothing. I will say I recall early on how he would call a timeout before the under 4 tv timeout. That was effective. Or so it seemed. He has stopped doing that. This team could have used that immensely tonight. I get the sense that this for Woody is more about fulfilling a dream to be the HC at IU than it is about a. Urging desire to be a champion. I’ll probably get roasted for that, but you just wonder at his age how much burning competitive fire there is to win vs just going out each night and seeing what happens.
Agree on defense and the need for a TO tonight. But I think he has a ton of fire, probably more than these kids to be honest. It as though he's conceded that these kids just aren't getting it as it relates to offense or he doesn't think he has the talent to run anything but the "get it to Trace" offense.
People on a other board calling for Woodson's head. He gets four years minimum maybe five being an iu guy. Doldon went all in on woody and he will stick with him. Bank it

What makes you think Dolson will still be around? His tenure isn't exactly off to a great start, when you tack on the FB debacle.

One thing that has been consistent for a very long time is the IU has sucked in the major revenue sports, and Dolson has been here for all of it.
Matta isn't physically able to do the requirements of coaching. Getting closer to 60 ain't helping his back issues.
Yeah. Its just kind of a weird setup if he’s not gonna take on a larger role at some point. What other major college coach has a GM type of guy like that beside/below/above them on the staff?
Agree on defense and the need for a TO tonight. But I think he has a ton of fire, probably more than these kids to be honest. It as though he's conceded that these kids just aren't getting it as it relates to offense or he doesn't think he has the talent to run anything but the "get it to Trace" offense.
That’s a fair take. However, same stupid lineup every night. Play Bates and Geronimo way more. Kopp truly gives us nothing. Outside of the three ball, the same with Stewart. Of course I am struggling to say anything that hasn’t already been said agnauseam.
People on a other board calling for Woodson's head. He gets four years minimum maybe five being an iu guy. Doldon went all in on woody and he will stick with him. Bank it

27 games in? Lolz. Love how Koop was going to put this team over the top and def love how it’s set in stone we can’t be better in a year or two.

again, why didn’t Beard have his people check on this job?
What makes you think Dolson will still be around? His tenure isn't exactly off to a great start, when you tack on the FB debacle.

One thing that has been consistent for a very long time is the IU has sucked in the major revenue sports, and Dolson has been here for all of it.
The Tom Allen decision is proving to be terrible. Jury is still out on Woody. But from a pure coaching perspective, he hasn’t shown much.
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This is a sad state of affairs in Bloomington. This will be the sixth consecutive season without a winning record in league play. We can’t hit free throws. We have no one who can create a shot. We seem to have no offensive scheme whatsoever. We struggle to make free throws. We just suck. This is another group of seniors who will not see the lights of March madness. It really is sad and pathetic. I know some say we are playing with house money this season. But honestly, what the hell is there to look forward to? How is next season going to be any different? I know for sure we’ll have the sunshine pumpers saying how we are going to the FF and every player we bring in is going to be the difference maker and missing piece. But it never happens. The bottom ****ing line is we are losers. We are a losing bottom tier team in the big ten.
Your post is heartfelt and well taken... I grew up in southern Indiana as a Purdue fan. But I was jealous as hell of IU,s success- especially at the national level. 6 consecutive losing Big Ten seasons is truly unreal, unfathomable of the IU I (and many of you all) grew up with.

i like Woodson. I was impressed with his press conference after he benched those kids. But something isn’t resonating for IU basketball.
The Tom Allen decision is proving to be terrible. Jury is still out on Woody. But from a pure coaching perspective, he hasn’t shown much.
The Tom Allen “decision” wasn’t a decision. There isn’t an AD, or human being frankly, that would have done anything different. Allen’s first few years were incredible by historic IU standards. This year was horrible. And might be exposing him. But in the flip side, he just landed the best recruiting class in IU history, by a long shot.

And Dolson had the stones, and the ability to pull off firing someone we owed 10 million bucks to. He then went after, hard, who we all wanted him to. And ended up with a solid, NBA/IU guy.

I don’t like Woodys in game coaching. At all really. And the late game folds are very alarming. But he is doing a lot of really great things for our program.
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The Tom Allen “decision” wasn’t a decision. There isn’t an AD, or human being frankly, that would have done anything different. Allen’s first few years were incredible by historic IU standards. This year was horrible. And might be exposing him. But in the flip side, he just landed the best recruiting class in IU history, by a long shot.

And Dolson had the stones, and the ability to pull off firing someone we owed 10 million bucks to. He then went after, hard, who we all wanted him to. And ended up with a solid, NBA/IU guy.

I don’t like Woodys in game coaching. At all really. And the late game folds are very alarming. But he is doing a lot of really great things for our program.
I get what you are saying, but everything is a decision. And yes, we have the benefit of hindsight. If we have learned anything these last few seasons, you can have talent and still lose. IUBB proves that every year.
The Tom Allen decision is proving to be terrible. Jury is still out on Woody. But from a pure coaching perspective, he hasn’t shown much.
I'm losing faith in Woody. Team looks no different from the Archie years. Same meltdowns in the clutch and hideous losing streaks. We are so irrelevant at this point. When we are in a close game you just wait for the collapse. Sometimes at the 10 minute mark of the second half, sometimes the 4 minute mark. This time they teased us all the way to the 1 minute mark but ultimately choke. Absolutely no ability, I mean none to make plays in the clutch. And our supposed All American is not one.
I'm losing faith in Woody. Team looks no different from the Archie years. Same meltdowns in the clutch and hideous losing streaks. We are so irrelevant at this point. When we are in a close game you just wait for the collapse. Sometimes at the 10 minute mark of the second half, sometimes the 4 minute mark. This time they teased us all the way to the 1 minute mark but ultimately choke. Absolutely no ability, I mean none to make plays in the clutch. And our supposed All American is not one.
One thing that’s becoming way too reliable…we completely go away from things later in games that have been successful earlier in games. Whether that’s going through TJD, or how we position our players on the court, or how we defend certain players. It’s inevitable that this team will go away from what has worked, at some point.

Tonight we went away from posting both Race and Trace down low. Instead moving Race to the top of the key and trying to have him as the “point forward”. We did it earlier in her game, so it wants new. But in that last 14-2 stretch that got us the 4 point lead after being down 10…it was Mostly Race opposite block.

And then we didn’t help off Liddell, at all, all night long. Yet, with under 10 seconds, we leave him alone under the basket to double a well guarded player.
Agree on defense and the need for a TO tonight. But I think he has a ton of fire, probably more than these kids to be honest. It as though he's conceded that these kids just aren't getting it as it relates to offense or he doesn't think he has the talent to run anything but the "get it to Trace" offense.
total nonsense, doesn't even make sense if you scrutinize what you wrote
Always look forward to February. Here is our record the last 6 seasons including the current season.

2016/2017 2-6, 1-1 BTT

2017/2018 4-3, bounced in first game of BTT by Rutgers

2018/2019 2-5, lost to OSU in BTT where winner goes to NCAA

2019/2020 3-4, beat Huskers in BTT and Covid ends season

2020/2021 3-5, 0-1 BTT lose to rutgers

2021/2022 0-5 with two games to play.

Cumulative February Record
14-28, .333 winning percentage
2-4 in BTT tourney with wins over Iowa (2017) and Nebraska (2020). Lost twice to Rutgers, once to OSU and once to Wiscy. Put all that together and we are 16-32. Woof!