Hire Beard

I hope we hire Beard.

That said, her attorney wrote the quoted language.

Based on review of the police report, if mostly accurate, the self-defense part is bs.
1000000% BS. Breaking a pair of reading glasses doesn't give you the right to beat the piss out of somebody, especially a woman half your size no less. Just absolutely coward and disgusting behavior.

He's got serious anger management problems coupled with a drinking problem which makes coaching at a fishbowl like Indiana an absolute disaster waiting to happen.
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IU fans are so damn needlessly self-important.

I don't give a FF about Ole Miss basketball and don't care one way or another that they hired Beard. Just like nobody will care if we do either. That's where IU basketball is these days.

The IU basketball brand has lost an entire generation. It doesn't have the luxury of the holier-than-thou stuff anymore.
I guarantee you people will care.
I have pretty much zero confidence remaining that IU will ever get this right. I've resigned myself to the likelihood that my beloved Hoosiers will have mediocre basketball teams for the rest of my life. We may have some decent seasons sprinkled in here or there. But it'll never again be anywhere near what it was when I was growing up.

I hate to be a pessimist about it. But the historical track record is what it is. And hearing that Dolan wanted Woodson out last year only to be thwarted by Quinn Buckner just reinforces the pessimism.

The people responsible for it have come to tolerate mediocre results. Because being tolerant is nice and doesn't hurt feelings, I guess.
You're such a dumb lady. You've done more damage to the minds of young women in your "role" in Bloomington over the years than you even realize. I hope they hire him for two reasons: He would succeed at IU and the enjoyment I'd get from watching you completely melt down would be awesome.

"As Chris’ fiancé and biggest supporter, I apologize for the role I played in this unfortunate event. I realize that my frustration, when breaking his glasses, initiated a physical struggle between Chris and myself.

"Chris has stated that he was acting in self-defense, and I do not refute that. I do not believe Chris was trying to intentionally harm me in any way."

The affidavit lists several injuries to the woman: bite mark to the right forearm, abrasion to the right eyebrow, abrasion to the left leg from the knee to the foot, and a cut to the left thumb with dried blood
This seems like some serious injuries for self defense, I wonder why he reacted this way?
She told police she approached Beard in a guest bedroom and, after Beard ignored her, she became frustrated and took his eyeglasses from his hand and broke them.
Shouldn't be breaking someone else's property but those injuries sure seem like an overreaction to breaking reading glasses. I wonder if Beard has any proof he was acting in self defense?
Beard, while police were on scene, said he had audio recordings of the incident that show he was not the primary aggressor.
Perfect, this should clear him and there shouldn't be...
Police said Beard was not willing to share the recordings.
Oh. Well that certainly is weird that he has proof of why he was reacting in such a way and wouldn't share it.

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Just my opinion which means nothing but I think since they spent all that money on the Football program they will go "cheap" on the basketball program.
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Bless your stupid little heart. I can’t wait to come back and say I told you so when he is not even interviewed. The fact that you are so willfully ignorant about cases of domestic violence is a little pathetic. As for your personal comments? You seem a little , how should I say it, batshit crazy?
Did you happen to write pen pal letters to the following when they were in prison?

Aileen Wournos
Kristen Gilbert
Dorothea Puente
Juana Barraza
Joanna Dennehy
Judy Buenoano
Andrea Yates
Susan Atkins
Leslie Van Houten
Patricia Krenwinkle
Katherine Knight
Stacey Castor
Rita Gluzman
I disagree completely. Basketball is still IU’s flagship sport.
Any university that knows the state of collegiate athletics should know that football is driving the boat in all matters. You can see that from all the realignment deals. Flagship or not, their seat at the bargaining table is currently at the kids table. We didn’t add USC, Washington and Oregon for their basketball history.Hell, the so called “football schools” rule college basketball. 13 of the top 25 schools in the AP poll are all big football schools.
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He’s coached for 15 years or so and only won 2 conference championships. Again, good coach, not great.

He’ll be no better a candidate than a handful of others.
I calculated Beard is something like 12-5 in the NCAAT the last 7 years. That sets him apart from quite a few of other candidates.

I do understand the morals concerns. If it were me I'd do a deep dive into his life post-Texas. But I wouldn't blacklist him a priori.
Any university that knows the state of collegiate athletics should know that football is driving the boat in all matters. You can see that from all the realignment deals. Flagship or not, their seat at the bargaining table is currently at the kids table. We didn’t add USC, Washington and Oregon for their basketball history.Hell, the so called “football schools” rule college basketball. 13 of the top 25 schools in the AP poll are all big football schools.
My point is that IU won’t let men’s basketball wither on the vine just because football is doing well.
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Because I know my "lists" are such a fun target for many of you...and I like doing's an updated one. And I can't stress enough that these are in no particular order. But also, this is influenced by some of our more reasonable posters on this board.

-Stevens...until the end of time, any time IU searches for a coach, he should be contacted, just in case.
-Pearl...obviously a very good coach. He'd win a lot of games at IU. How much longer is he gonna coach? He dicked us around last time for a better contract. Not sure I'd even go after him this time because of that. But he'd dominate at IU.
-Oats... Highly unlikely, difficult buyout dynamics, but guaranteed big time success. Gotta ask him.
-Otz...Similar as above, but I would say a little less certain that he'd have huge success at IU. But still pretty sure. Gotta ask him.
-Beard...not on my own personal list, I wouldn't pursue him personally, but if you're able and willing to vet him, and find something out that's different from others, or that others have missed... he'd definitely win at IU.
-Golden...if Beard is on the table, why not Golden? I like his style of play better than Beard's. He'd be very successful at IU.
-Williams...His teams are always "good". I think he'd be able to use IU's resources, and produce some great teams. And I think personality wise, he'd be able to handle IU. But not as sold on him as I am some others. But massive upgrade to what we've had recently at IU.
-Smart...of the established P4 coaches, not named Beard, he might be one that'd more consider it?? I think he'd be very good at IU. And I suspect he'd stick for quite a long time too.
-May...I'm still getting Crean vibes from him. But he has shown he can make an NCAA run, and he's shown he can use the portal to build good teams. Both pretty high on what IU criteria should include. I don't really care about the RMK ties, but I guess that's cool if he gets hired.
-McCollum...when you start weeding out the proven P4 guys, this guy shoots up to the top of my list pretty quickly. Despite his teams working shot clocks longer than I'd like...pretty much everything else I'm in love with. And I think of ANYONE on this list, his ceiling could be the highest at IU. That ceiling would require some unknowns, namely how he and his program would jive with P4 level players. But if they Added bonus, he has 2 players on his Drake team that could come with him and probably start, and 1 of them would be an All B10 level player.
-Wade...IndyResident opened my eyes to him. His LSU wire tap issues obviously a concern. But if we're researching and interviewing Beard, Wade's stuff is fair game too, especially now that we're in NIL era. Coaching wise, he wins, he's had NBA talent, and I think he style of play would be really fun to follow, and could be great for IU.
-DeVries...has the benefit of showing his program can translate up to P4, and he can beat elite teams. It'll be interesting to see what WVU does the rest of the year with his son out for the year. I'm not as sold on him as I am of McCollum or Wade. But he'd be good at IU, I'm sure.
-Byington, Calhoun, McMillan, Schertz maybe...all coaches that have had some successes, that run an appealing overall program and style, that I think would have a good chance of success at IU.

If our next coach comes from this list...the odds, are incredibly high, in my opinion, that Indiana will get back to being a really good, if not great, program again very soon.
The only two guys on that list that are viable and interest me are Beard (after he answers 2 important questions) and Williams.
I personally like Williams and wonder what he could do with the resources of IU. Quite likely a lot.
I find McDermott not being on your list interesting. He would also be coming to IU to finish out his career chasing that elusive NC.
And speaking of controversial choices: I have had the pleasure of watching Pat Chambers coach at FGCU & PSU. Not sure what to think about his time at PSU. But his FGCU teams play hard, are competing for a conf championship and his players seem to love playing for him. I doubt he will get a look. Would have been better than the current staff.

If your wife snatched your reading glasses and broke them your immediate reaction would be to strangle, punch, and bite her? That's adequate self-defense? Over broken reading glasses?

Good Lord, you're defending this?
But they were brand new Oakleys!
The only two guys on that list that are viable and interest me are Beard (after he answers 2 important questions) and Williams.
I personally like Williams and wonder what he could do with the resources of IU. Quite likely a lot.
I find McDermott not being on your list interesting. He would also be coming to IU to finish out his career chasing that elusive NC.
And speaking of controversial choices: I have had the pleasure of watching Pat Chambers coach at FGCU & PSU. Not sure what to think about his time at PSU. But his FGCU teams play hard, are competing for a conf championship and his players seem to love playing for him. I doubt he will get a look. Would have been better than the current staff.
Basketball perspective...Beard makes a lot of sense. I'm just in the camp that the off the court stuff makes it not worth it.

If they do hire him...I'll just have to trust that Dolson, Whitten, etc... have access to more and better info than I do, and feel comfortable with him as a person leading the program.

I would be excited if they hired Williams, yes.
Basketball perspective...Beard makes a lot of sense. I'm just in the camp that the off the court stuff makes it not worth it.

If they do hire him...I'll just have to trust that Dolson, Whitten, etc... have access to more and better info than I do, and feel comfortable with him as a person leading the program.

I would be excited if they hired Williams, yes.
You'd be excited for buzz Williams? I'd be more excited for buzz lightyear.
You'd be excited for buzz Williams? I'd be more excited for buzz lightyear.
A tad more excited than I would be for Mick Cronin. No clue why.

But the nice thing...both of them would have good success at IU.
IU hasn’t hired an established P5 coach to lead its men’s basketball program since Kelvin Sampson, and he won over 70% of his games. Now is the time to go big and get someone proven.

IU farted around and kept hiring retreads and assistants to be the head football coach until it pulled its head out of its butt and hired a proven successful head coach. Now look where the program is.
IU would only hire Beard if they wanted a sure fire winner. I have no reason to believe that's their objective, or at least their history has not demonstrated a desire to hire a winner in basketball. I believe they just got lucky on Cignetti. I really hope I'm wrong this time! I do expect a new coach in a couple months but I'm pessimistic about the replacement they will choose. Decision making hasn't been a strong suit for IU admin.
I wouldn't say that, either. I think over the past decade or more of athletic hires, IU has gotten quite a few right. Moren, Cig, Yeagley, Mercer, Stanton, Aird.
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1000000% BS. Breaking a pair of reading glasses doesn't give you the right to beat the piss out of somebody, especially a woman half your size no less. Just absolutely coward and disgusting behavior.

He's got serious anger management problems coupled with a drinking problem which makes coaching at a fishbowl like Indiana an absolute disaster waiting to happen.
Libel much? You’re making a lot of accusations without real knowledge
but neither did their competition. Moving up in competitive tiers is a big deal. VERY few make it look at seamless as Cig did. It's a much bigger risk than you're allowing.
I'm a huge Cig fan, but I'm not kidding myself - he benefited greatly from low expectations. I don't believe teams started taking us seriously at least until we waxed Nebraska.

He also brought a lot of great players from a great team. And his staff.

A lot of things had to come together to make last year one for the history books, but I think Dolson did his homework and made an informed decision. I know a lot of us on the FB board had Cig as one of the top choices - his only negative was his age. He's proved to be a young 60-ish.
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If your wife snatched your reading glasses and broke them your immediate reaction would be to strangle, punch, and bite her? That's adequate self-defense? Over broken reading glasses?

Good Lord, you're defending this?
How do you know she didn't punch him in the face, while he was wearing the glasses.

You know zero about it.
How do you know she didn't punch him in the face, while he was wearing the glasses.

You know zero about it.
If he stayed in that toxic relationship, it shows very poor judgment - and maybe indicative of his character. Lots of red flags.
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If he stayed in that toxic relationship, it shows very poor judgment - and maybe indicative of his character. Lots of red flags.
We don't know how the relationship was before then. Obviously this was heat-of-the-moment stuff, but we don't know what the relationship was like before that.

That's what Dolson is paid to find out.
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How do you know she didn't punch him in the face, while he was wearing the glasses.

You know zero about it.
The following excerpts have never been disputed as far as I've read so it seems like the self defense began without her physically touching him:
She told police she approached Beard in a guest bedroom and, after Beard ignored her, she became frustrated and took his eyeglasses from his hand and broke them.
"I realize that my frustration, when breaking his glasses, initiated a physical struggle between Chris and myself."

We don't know how the relationship was before then. Obviously this was heat-of-the-moment stuff, but we don't know what the relationship was like before that.

That's what Dolson is paid to find out.
You would tell your son, your best friend, me, Zeke to terminate any relationship the day after our significant other made false allegations, especially with the repercussions from them. If they don't they would have extremely poor judgement like OneWayStreet said and not someone I could be trust stewarding my NBA team much less my alma mater.
The following excerpts have never been disputed as far as I've read so it seems like the self defense began without her physically touching him:

You would tell your son, your best friend, me, Zeke to terminate any relationship the day after our significant other made false allegations, especially with the repercussions from them. If they don't they would have extremely poor judgement like OneWayStreet said and not someone I could be trust stewarding my NBA team much less my alma mater.
I don't deny that. But I've also known tempestuous relationships that have worked out.

Again, it's Dolson's job to determine if this was a one time thing or a pattern. I think that makes a difference, but I realize many of the perfect people posting here don't agree.
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I don't deny that. But I've also known tempestuous relationships that have worked out.

Again, it's Dolson's job to determine if this was a one time thing or a pattern. I think that makes a difference, but I realize many of the perfect people posting here don't agree.
I just think it's not worth basketball wins to bring that baggage along and anything that might happen in the future. Hence my worry about judgement especially hearing that he's known to drink. I hope Dolson both cares about winning games and the reflection of the coach's tenure on the University. There are plenty of coaches Indiana can hire that will win games and at least get us back on the path on being a blue blood.
I just think it's not worth basketball wins to bring that baggage along and anything that might happen in the future. Hence my worry about judgement especially hearing that he's known to drink. I hope Dolson both cares about winning games and the reflection of the coach's tenure on the University. There are plenty of coaches Indiana can hire that will win games and at least get us back on the path on being a blue blood.
You were happy when they hired Woodson! That says all we need to know about you!

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