Hire Beard

He would be a massive upgrade to what we have now. However we will have several equal to or better candidates to choose from that don't have the extra baggage.
Name them. Don't you think UK and UL were interested in whoever you name? They're not really candidates if they aren't interested. When IUNorth has tried to answer that, the first names he lists are Stevens, Oats, and Pearl. Pearl is the only 1 of those 3 that might have an interest and I don't think he's an option either with his age, and current success at Auburn. But, still worth a call. Bennett, Wright, TJO, Barnes... those guys aren't options either, imo.
I just see a pretty strong correlation between non-IU grads and those most interested in taking on a coach with issues. Maybe he's an alum and doesn't fit that description like you do, but I don't believe that's the case.

I don't know why you're not proud of your Lincoln Trail CC education. Shout it from the rooftops bro.
lol good one Bro. I have an MBA but not from Lincoln trail.
As for your assumption…coaches with issues. Coaching is a career and many coaches have had “issues”. Are they not allowed to move on from that mistake or learn from that mistake?
lol good one Bro. I have an MBA but not from Lincoln trail.
As for your assumption…coaches with issues. Coaching is a career and many coaches have had “issues”. Are they not allowed to move on from that mistake or learn from that mistake?
It appears mistakes are not allowed at all. One mistake and you are out.
You know there are levels of severity when it comes to mistakes. Make a big enough one and doors start to close.
I am still waiting to see the crimes he was charged and convicted of? Once the sentence is handed down let me know.
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Though I bet if they had a few people on here on the jury they would have gotten a conviction without a doubt. No wonder people think there is no such thing as an unbiased jury.

Now the third-degree felony charge is dismissed, and so is the threat of up to 10 years in prison. Travis County District Attorney José Garza announced Wednesday that based on the case evidence and the fiancee’s wishes not to prosecute, he likely could not get a conviction.
Name them. Don't you think UK and UL were interested in whoever you name? They're not really candidates if they aren't interested. When IUNorth has tried to answer that, the first names he lists are Stevens, Oats, and Pearl. Pearl is the only 1 of those 3 that might have an interest and I don't think he's an option either with his age, and current success at Auburn. But, still worth a call. Bennett, Wright, TJO, Barnes... those guys aren't options either, imo.
I've listed plenty of other names. I list those unlikely guys, every time, because Dolson would be negligent to not reach out to them. And we're 4 years removed from Stevens having interest. I've said, in basically ever post I've listed him in that its unlikely...and it is. But he did have interest 4 years ago, but obviously not enough. Maybe less now, maybe more?

You sound like a fussy toddler. Woodson has to go... Those guys would never come... How do we know those guys would be good... whaaaaaa....

We're less then 3 months from dramatically improving the state of our program. That's exciting. Whether its Ben McCollum or Brad Stevens, or some other dude no one has mentioned yet. There are dozens, if not a hundred or so, coaches that will put IU in a better spot than we're in right now.
I just see a pretty strong correlation between non-IU grads and those most interested in taking on a coach with issues. Maybe he's an alum and doesn't fit that description like you do, but I don't believe that's the case.

I don't know why you're not proud of your Lincoln Trail CC education. Shout it from the rooftops bro.
I wonder what percentage of IU fans are not alumni. I would venture to guess it's in the area of 90.
You don’t understand the brand damage and risk to the university that would come with this hire. It’s not about convicted or not.
I haven’t seen one comment about ole miss damage? I see praise on ESPN about how well they are playing. I didn’t see the media bashing St. John’s for hiring Pitino.
Did Texas Texh get blasted for hiring RMK after IU fired him? I think this is a made up argument of damage to the brand. The damage to the brand is being done by not winning.
I haven’t seen one comment about ole miss damage? I see praise on ESPN about how well they are playing. I didn’t see the media bashing St. John’s for hiring Pitino.
Did Texas Texh get blasted for hiring RMK after IU fired him? I think this is a made up argument of damage to the brand. The damage to the brand is being done by not winning.
There won't be much flack or push back until it flares up again. No one was talking about Sampson's issues at IU when we were 20-2...until the IU internal investigation findings came out...then it quickly blew up, and nuke missiled our program. Maybe nothing ever comes up from all this ever again. I hope so, for Beard, and for everyone else involved. I just believe there will be enough other viable candidates, that would ALSO be successful at IU, that risking the flare up...or risking Beard recreating such an incident...isn't worth it.
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There are dozens, if not a hundred or so, coaches that will put IU in a better spot than we're in right now.
Most decent high school coaches would put us in a better spot than we're in right now. We can't let that be the bar (and I know you're not suggesting that it should be), but the "Coach X would be better than Woodson" sentiment is both true and also says nothing.
Most decent high school coaches would put us in a better spot than we're in right now. We can't let that be the bar (and I know you're not suggesting that it should be), but the "Coach X would be better than Woodson" sentiment is both true and also says nothing.
Of course. I just don't get the constant negativity on what we're about to go through. Indiana is still one of the most prestigious jobs in the country. And there are a lot of good, smart, coaches out there. People are crapping on Mark Pope right now...he basically had to start over, and Kentucky has been a top 10 level team for mutliple weeks. And he was probably their 3rd, 4th, 5th?? choice? When and if IU has to audible and go with their 4th or 5th choice, and they produce results similar to what Pope has produced...that would be one of the top 2-3 seasons we've had since RMK.
Name them. Don't you think UK and UL were interested in whoever you name? They're not really candidates if they aren't interested. When IUNorth has tried to answer that, the first names he lists are Stevens, Oats, and Pearl. Pearl is the only 1 of those 3 that might have an interest and I don't think he's an option either with his age, and current success at Auburn. But, still worth a call. Bennett, Wright, TJO, Barnes... those guys aren't options either, imo.
Is Chris Beard your cousin or something? How do you know Beard is even interested in the, not yet open, IU job? At this point the other guys you listed are just as realistic.
I haven’t seen one comment about ole miss damage? I see praise on ESPN about how well they are playing. I didn’t see the media bashing St. John’s for hiring Pitino.
Did Texas Texh get blasted for hiring RMK after IU fired him? I think this is a made up argument of damage to the brand. The damage to the brand is being done by not winning.
I looked for 30 seconds and the articles on the Beard hire at Ole Miss talk about the DV issues extensively. I see references to "desperation" and "questionable ethics" and explanations as to why they did it. Ole Miss basketball didn't have much to lose, they're bottom of the barrel already. IUBB despite being terrible for 25 years is still very valuable with a lot to lose.

When IUBB hires a coach, there will be countless articles written about it, and basically every one will include the DV allegations. Same will go for all the op-eds, interviews, and podcasts about the hire -- we'll get the firestorm of DV discussion like on this board. That is not good.

Fair or not, IU will to some extent be viewed as okay with DV. This is a big problem for people who run the university whether you care about it or not.

And, if Beard has any issues at IU, the damage to IU will be significant. Pam and Scott would be fired.

If I were doing the coaching search, and Beard really wanted the job, I would check into his story with PIs, etc. But my guess is he screwed up and there is no angle that clears his name to such an extent it wouldn't be a PR nightmare to hire him. He would have done this already if he could.
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I looked for 30 seconds and the articles on the Beard hire at Ole Miss talk about the DV issues extensively. I see references to "desperation" and "questionable ethics" and explanations as to why they did it. Ole Miss basketball didn't have much to lose, they're bottom of the barrel already. IUBB despite being terrible for 25 years is still very valuable with a lot to lose.

When IUBB hires a coach, there will be countless articles written about it, and basically every one will include the DV allegations. Same will go for all the op-eds, interviews, and podcasts about the hire -- we'll get the firestorm of DV discussion like on this board. That is not good.

Fair or not, IU will to some extent be viewed as okay with DV. This is a big problem for people who run the university whether you care about it or not.

And, if Beard has any issues at IU, the damage to IU will be significant. Pam and Scott would be fired.

If I were doing the coaching search, and Beard really wanted the job, I would check into his story with PIs, etc. But my guess is he screwed up and there is no angle that clears his name to such an extent it wouldn't be a PR nightmare to hire him. He would have done this already if he could.
Ok an article is written? Who cares? What’s that do? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
All the PR around our bball hire mentions DV and how IU is okay with that issue out there. That is very bad. Duh.
Not really, if Beard came in and was winning, He would be the king of Indiana. Now they may have some purple headed women on campus demonstrating but so be it
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Nice confirmation you’re totally out of touch.
How so? You honestly think if Beard came in and won at IU, anyone would care he had this issue in his past? We elected a president with 34 felonies. People want results, not choir boys
How so? You honestly think if Beard came in and won at IU, anyone would care he had this issue in his past? We elected a president with 34 felonies. People want results, not choir boys
Keep your whack job hillbilly politics off the basketball board.

TIA ..
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Yep stuffed guys in trash cans, etc. But Beard has been tried and convicted in a court of law. Oh wait no just by message board guys.
Please tell me you aren’t that dumb to think the only people who have beat their wives are the ones sitting in jail? Maybe I’m underestimating you.
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he doesn’t coach football so I don’t know
They wouldn’t hire Urban Meyer if he asked to work for free and he hasn’t done a tenth of what Beard has done. Hell they fired a guy for lying about the number of letters he received at New Hampshire.
Dumb and we are talking about Beard. So buzz off dude
Dude, never call someone exponentially smarter than you are dumb. It only highlights your lack of intellect and self awareness.. Example: Beard's name does not start with T. Now, either un-slack your inbred jaw, or GFY.... or both.
No he hired hookers for recruits. Also charges were dismissed on Beard
That doesn’t mean he didn’t beat his girlfriend you jackass. Neither Beard nor his girlfriend denied that he put hands on her, she simply changed her story from assault to “self-defense”. Laying hands on a woman is an absolute no-no…but not surprised you would try and justify it.
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Lol no it would not. There is no way the state is going to bring a domestic violence case to trial where the alleged victim sides with the accused. You're an idiot. Trials cost time, and they cost money. A public defender right out of law school would have a field day with the states case in this instance, let alone a big time attorney that Beard could afford to hire.

Nearly 40% of domestic violence cases go unprosecuted and of that 40%, nearly 80% are because the victim refuses to testify/cooperate.

It actually does happen from time to time, depending on what other evidence exists. Not routinely, not regularly, but on the occasions where a prosecutor thinks they can still prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, they will try.

I lost a (non-DV) battery trial where the victim no-showed but the State had other evidence.

I also had a former client, who I repped on an unrelated matter, that was a DV victim and she refused to testify and plead the 5th. Jury convicted her husband anyway. Not sure what other evidence they had. I think they got her declared unavailable in order to overcome hearsay objections and convinced the Judge her statements to the police were non-testimonial, so the confrontation clause wouldn't apply, and then used her statements on the scene when the police showed up. IIRC
Dude, never call someone exponentially smarter than you are dumb. It only highlights your lack of intellect and self awareness.. Example: Beard's name does not start with T. Now, either un-slack your inbred jaw, or GFY.... or both.
Who is throwing out the insults tough guy? The fun comment was in context to your common reply. Also anytime you want to discuss this in person let me know.

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