He's back.

You realize that was the left cult doing that Covid nonsense. We were in Naples fla and the difference was night and day. Bars were packed. School masks and the rest were the left not right with the unnecessary duration
So President Donald John Trump had no power or sway over any type of national COVID response whatsoever?

Man, he sounds like he's not worth a sh*t for a leader who let his country down in easily one of the top 2-3 worst moments for the US this century. I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to vote for him again.
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Are you serious? You’re putting Covid at the hands of Trump? Are you that far gone?
Orange Jesus’s response was something to behold. Like investing bleach or maybe a lot of light to kill it. Marcus Welby he’s not. I know I’m dating myself and many here won’t get the reference. But I don’t care.
Do you remember who was president in March 2020? Was Trump's official stance something along the lines of, 'the buck stops here, unless there's a global pandemic. In that case I got nuthin'?

Seriously, for as much as people here want to lay blame for things that aren't always necessarily a president's fault, a lot of people here give Trump a big fat pass for how he mishandled COVID.
“Mishandling covid”

Ask people like myself and I’ll tell you Trump making Fauci the face of covid and going along with covid precautions even into summer 2020 was the biggest mistake of his presidency. That handing public health policy over to the CDC, Pfizer and Moderna was the height of stupidity

Ask people on the left and they’ll tell you he is responsible for 100’s of thousands of unnecessary deaths and Trump didn’t treat Covid with the requisite seriousness.

In hindsight, my position is the correct one of course, but the point is the country largely disagrees on Covid and what Trump’s requisite reaction should have been to it.
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So President Donald John Trump had no power or sway over any type of national COVID response whatsoever?

Man, he sounds like he's not worth a sh*t for a leader who let his country down in easily one of the top 2-3 worst moments for the US this century. I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to vote for him again.
Federalism. The left cult used it as a virtue signal to the detriment of businesses, kids etc. to prolong matters at local levels
I'm insinuating that my total earnings, savings, investments and net worth are higher than they were in 2019. Kind of like I typed it out...
So despite your salary being cut, your robust stock portfolio allowed you a level of protection over the ridiculous inflationary cost increases, that most with declining salaries haven't?

Sure, I understand.

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It's a fair point to make. Especially when the general question is 'are you better off than you where when Trump was in office?' or some other type of non-sense like that.
Retired at 60 and now retired 7 years and have made more under the current administration than the previous one. Made money under both administrations but not going to give either credit. I’ve just managed our investments to our benefit.
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I do wonder at this point if it’s a Trump problem or if as a whole the country is just more collectivist than we would like it to be. The majority of Americans seem to be yearning for the managed decline best exemplified by European governments. I just have a hard time believing that DeSantis or Haley wouldn’t be looking at a similarly tight race.

I still think this is a 50/50 race and am not as pessimistic as you but the fact that Harris has been able to open up a popular vote lead in such a short time should make even the most confident Trump let take a pause.
Your last paragraph…”Harris able to open up a popular vote lead”…the key words here are “in such short time”. You could have just as easily said “so close to the announcement”. It was well known the Democrats would get a burst of energy coming on the heels of plague-ridden brain, Biden. It gave them a new rallying cry, but it will subside once people realize it’s not about personalities, but policies.

That was a great video, BTW. It certainly fired my ass up. Voting day can’t get here soon enough! I think Americans are ready to get back to strong, assertive leadership after 4 years of that weakling, old coot whose “major” accomplishment was kowtowing to the relatively few LBGTQ+ clowns in women’s clothing. No matter how socially acceptable he makes them, other people will still be laughing on the inside. You know, from the party who likes to call US weirdo’s.
Do you remember who was president in March 2020? Was Trump's official stance something along the lines of, 'the buck stops here, unless there's a global pandemic. In that case I got nuthin'?

Seriously, for as much as people here want to lay blame for things that aren't always necessarily a president's fault, a lot of people here give Trump a big fat pass for how he mishandled COVID.
I do, indeed. But if you’re seriously laying blame at Trump’s feet for a global pandemic that still ravaged countries that completely shut their borders down then you’re a seriously unserious person.

I don’t think I’ll be able to vote for Trump but saying things like “he screwed up COVID!” when every country in the world made mistakes and not giving him credit for the part his admin played in Warp Speed means that - again - you’re not to be taken seriously.
I do, indeed. But if you’re seriously laying blame at Trump’s feet for a global pandemic that still ravaged countries that completely shut their borders down then you’re a seriously unserious person.

I don’t think I’ll be able to vote for Trump but saying things like “he screwed up COVID!” when every country in the world made mistakes and not giving him credit for the part his admin played in Warp Speed means that - again - you’re not to be taken seriously.
@dbmhoosier this is why trump will lose and I don’t believe any of your polls. Ranger dislikes progressive bs every bit as much as I do and if he cant pull the trigger for trump Harris will win relatively easily. This post means more to me than your pollls.

We fckd up going with trump. DeSantis after what he did in fla should be the nominee
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Orange Jesus’s response was something to behold. Like investing bleach or maybe a lot of light to kill it. Marcus Welby he’s not. I know I’m dating myself and many here won’t get the reference. But I don’t care.
I agree but he also gets credit for Warp Speed and the left gives him none.

And every country made major mistakes. Him included.
I do, indeed. But if you’re seriously laying blame at Trump’s feet for a global pandemic that still ravaged countries that completely shut their borders down then you’re a seriously unserious person.

I don’t think I’ll be able to vote for Trump but saying things like “he screwed up COVID!” when every country in the world made mistakes and not giving him credit for the part his admin played in Warp Speed means that - again - you’re not to be taken seriously.
You're moving the goalposts. This was in response to his dumb question about whether or not people are better off than when he was president. It's a dumb question that he expects people to cherry pick the answer to.

No, COVID wasn't his fault.
What is the funding source? How are you paying for the things listed?
Like? There are many things on that list that produce ROI not spending. What are you referring too? Deportation? Simple, use whatever we are funding the UN with and send the bad actors home. Half the sh!t the Biden admin funds like the Paris treaty...Thats gone day 1. Any green climate change funding...BuhBye! The military is a given you can't let it go to sh!t and technology has to keep up. What else are you referring too?
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You're moving the goalposts. This was in response to his dumb question about whether or not people are better off than when he was president. It's a dumb question that he expects people to cherry pick the answer to.

No, COVID wasn't his fault.
Fine. If you’re asking the most simple question which is “all things factored in are you better off now than during COVID” then fine. But that’s as dumb a question as there is. Of course everyone is better off now that a global pandemic is over and the abhorrent lockdowns - driven by the left mostly - are over.
@dbmhoosier this is why trump will lose and I don’t believe any of your polls. Ranger dislikes progressive bs every bit as much as I do and if he cant pull the trigger for trump Harris will win relatively easily. This post means more to me than your pollls.

We fckd up going with trump. DeSantis after what he did in fla should be the nominee
To be clear - I don’t think I can forgive him for Jan 6.

I’m slowly realizing January 6 is more nuanced than I had originally thought and putting some background behind the Stop the Steal nonsense. But I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive it even with all the background, context and nuance.
The hypocrisy runs deep in this one.

Hate President DJT for alleged involvement with 'other' women, but is all in on an actual 'other woman'...who was screwing Willie Brown, who was married at the time.
Ohhh let's not forget the showers shall we?
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I agree but he also gets credit for Warp Speed and the left gives him none.

And every country made major mistakes. Him included.
Some of his most devoted followers want to ignore the vaccination that came out of Warp Speed faster than anyone expected because they're also anti-vaxx. It has to be a real conundrum for them. Well, Trump pushed Warp Speed, the vaccine was developed, he was vaccinated and urged everyone else to be vaccinated and he does deserve credit for that.
To be clear - I don’t think I can forgive him for Jan 6.

I’m slowly realizing January 6 is more nuanced than I had originally thought and putting some background behind the Stop the Steal nonsense. But I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive it even with all the background, context and nuance.
I don’t feel that way about Jan 6 for a number of reasons but I also do not believe the election was stolen and if that’s a disqualifying event for some people I get it and don’t blame them. I can understand it.

What I don’t get is the sudden glow up of Harris. Like she’s somehow new and not who we thought she was
To be clear - I don’t think I can forgive him for Jan 6.

I’m slowly realizing January 6 is more nuanced than I had originally thought and putting some background behind the Stop the Steal nonsense. But I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive it even with all the background, context and nuance.
If they ever identify the pipe bomber you will.
Some of his most devoted followers want to ignore the vaccination that came out of Warp Speed faster than anyone expected because they're also anti-vaxx. It has to be a real conundrum for them. Well, Trump pushed Warp Speed, the vaccine was developed, he was vaccinated and urged everyone else to be vaccinated and he does deserve credit for that.
His followers turned anti-vax because of the ill-informed mandates being slapped on by the Biden administration. But yes, the MAGA inability to discern how helpful the vaccine was to saving lives is analogous to the TDS inability to give credit for Warp Speed.
@dbmhoosier this is why trump will lose and I don’t believe any of your polls. Ranger dislikes progressive bs every bit as much as I do and if he cant pull the trigger for trump Harris will win relatively easily. This post means more to me than your pollls.

We fckd up going with trump. DeSantis after what he did in fla should be the nominee
If he loses it will be because he didn't take global warming seriously enough 🙄

I don’t feel that way about Jan 6 for a number of reasons but I also do not believe the election was stolen and if that’s a disqualifying event for some people I get it and don’t blame them. I can understand it.

What I don’t get is the sudden glow up of Harris. Like she’s somehow new and not who we thought she was
The election was stolen.
Harris is a groomed stooge.
Check out Maya Harris/James Alefantis/Podesta....

You'll figure out the 'glow up'.
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Bernie Sanders pollster. We're winning people. Learn what a response bias is and that Republicans take vacations in the summer.

Given how honest our media is I can't imagine why Trump felt he needed to get back on X.

The two proposals are different. KH specifically said "service and hospitality workers". Trump is including "tips" in the form of bonuses paid to people like hedge fund managers, and compensation to greedy CEOs who choose to refer to their paid incentives as "tips". If you can't see who Trump is pandering to, I don't know what to tell you...

This is exactly the kind of mentality that results in people like you blindly praising Trump for giving up his $800,000/yr or so "salary". Meanwhile he raked in millions by the use of his properties to house military, host foreign dignitaries, and basically be a conduit for any type of GOP event for 4+ yrs. If you pay a bill for services rendered at a Trump property (which are exhorbitant to begin with), you're just putting those funds in Trump's pocket...Not sure why you can't grasp that?
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@dbmhoosier this is why trump will lose and I don’t believe any of your polls. Ranger dislikes progressive bs every bit as much as I do and if he cant pull the trigger for trump Harris will win relatively easily. This post means more to me than your pollls.

We fckd up going with trump. DeSantis after what he did in fla should be the nominee
I got this coach. @BadWakeboarder take your panties off, sack up, and put your whitey tighties back on. We need you to win. Also, Gomez is going to be in Auburn. If you say this around her, I can't save you. She's crazy. What's your favorite app.? I'll bring it to Auburn. Good talk.
Statistics? What percentage of protesters at the January 6th rally were Biden supporters? It's a decent assumption.
I think there are a few dozen variables, which many of those could be considered "Main inputs or Critical" that you have forgotten to add into your little sampling plan here.
Very good though, for an elementary level case study.
Trump is including "tips" in the form of bonuses paid to people like hedge fund managers, and compensation to greedy CEOs who choose to refer to their paid incentives as "tips". If you can't see who Trump is pandering to, I don't know what to tell you...
What is your basis for believing this? I haven’t seen it anywhere. Bonuses are distinct category of compensation (taxed higher than salary) and never have I seen them referred to as tips.

I know you’re not drawing this conclusion simply because Harris said “service and hospitality”. That is implied.

Cite your source or be exposed as a dishonest shill once again.
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I think there are a few dozen variables, which many of those could be considered "Main inputs or Critical" that you have forgotten to add into your little sampling plan here.
Very good though, for an elementary level case study.
The fundamental failure here is your assumption that if Aloha rejects the unevidenced accusation that the culprit is A, then he must be claiming it was B. You're completely ignoring the most likely scenario, which is that he doesn't have any idea who the culprit is.
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The two proposals are different. KH specifically said "service and hospitality workers". Trump is including "tips" in the form of bonuses paid to people like hedge fund managers, and compensation to greedy CEOs who choose to refer to their paid incentives as "tips". If you can't see who Trump is pandering to, I don't know what to tell you...

This is exactly the kind of mentality that results in people like you blindly praising Trump for giving up his $800,000/yr or so "salary". Meanwhile he raked in millions by the use of his properties to house military, host foreign dignitaries, and basically be a conduit for any type of GOP event for 4+ yrs. If you pay a bill for services rendered at a Trump property (which are exhorbitant to begin with), you're just putting those funds in Trump's pocket...Not sure why you can't grasp that?
Love It Wow GIF by Wrexham AFC

Impressive, even for you Cosmo🤣