He's back.

Saw this opinion piece and agreed with a good chunk of it.

In particular, I think this line is on point:
"Mr. Trump’s performances as he traipses around the country again are reinforcing the illusion of that choice. Instead of telling them consistently and repeatedly what they are actually getting if they vote Democrat, he is merely reminding them what they will get again if they vote Republican."
Thank God IDK one person stupid enough to vote for the dems. Thats like committing suicide. You have a clueless ditz and a sex change sanctuary. Thats madness.
All the other drooling adults that ride the short bus with you love Trump too?
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This is almost as sick of a burn as when Trump called Nikki Haley out for not calling in the National Guard to defend the Capitol on January 6. Or when he owned the British by bringing up the embarrassing fact that the US Revolutionary War soldiers were able to take over the airports and rammed the ramparts.
Shorter Ohio Guy: it doesn’t matter that my candidate is really stupid and incompetent because your candidate is really stupid too.
I am better off than when he was president. My 401(k) and savings are all significantly in better spots. Plus, I don’t have to wear a mask around people or stay away from crowds. I also stand to make a lot more in selling my house now than at any time during Trump’s presidency.
I I I I I I I I what a sweet Dem
Shorter Ohio Guy: it doesn’t matter that my candidate is really stupid and incompetent because your candidate is really stupid too.
Not really. I’m not sure what context that Harris quote came from. Or if it’s even an actual quote.

It takes a special kind of stupid to think Revolutionary War era soldiers storm British occupied airports.
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Just a D. A D that is functioning, which Biden was not.

I feel bad for Biden, all he's been through with his failing cognition AND lacking a functioning D...
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Or bc he’s a far left wokeee living in a college town who’d vote cori bush if he had the chance
You keep saying that kind of stuff and it’s really not true. Thanks to gerrymandering, Ohio is essentially governed by the far right and the moderate right.

Part of my job is to play nice in the sandbox with those folks. There are a select few I could even vote for, given the aforementioned political landscape.
Dems would get far more respect if they stuck with Jan 6 and trump’s behavior being disqualifying. The Harris glow up is as disingenuous as it gets
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You keep saying that kind of stuff and it’s really not true. Thanks to gerrymandering, Ohio is essentially governed by the far right and the moderate right.

Part of my job is to play nice in the sandbox with those folks. There are a select few I could even vote for, given the aforementioned political landscape.
No one with a brain is excited about Harris.
You keep saying that kind of stuff and it’s really not true. Thanks to gerrymandering, Ohio is essentially governed by the far right and the moderate right.

Part of my job is to play nice in the sandbox with those folks. There are a select few I could even vote for, given the aforementioned political landscape.
Gerrymandering eh. Then how does Trump win OH by almost double digits each time? He'll probably win it by 12+ this election.
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Tonight should be fun.

By all means Trump should be back on twitter. With all of his current crazy basically confined to his "Truths", many people aren't aware of how loony he is. Right now they're basically hearing about it by way of third party, since normal people3 don't hang out on truth social...

But now when he posts nonsense claiming Kamala faked her rally in Detroit and people like Stephen King and others point out that he's looney tunes, people will be able to read for themselves and know he's deranged...

Btw, how does it feel to know that you fell for Trump's latest round of lunacy?

Speaking of falling for stupid stuff. Nothing like taking an answer to a question out of context...Seriously is there any nonsense you won't fall for?

As US Vice President Kamala Harris emerges as the Democratic presidential frontrunner after Joe Biden's exit, social media users are sharing a video of her discussing the war in Ukraine as evidence that she has a low-level understanding of the conflict. But the clip is missing context; Harris was responding to a radio host who asked her to explain the situation "in layman's terms." (Translation-something Trump supporters would understand)...

Now contrast her response in layman's terms to her series of statements reflecting her actual total comprehension of the issues involved.

I still can't get over Trump calling anyone else dumb. Or his supporters somehow believing that he has some broad understanding of a conflict like Ukraine. He couldn't even find Ukraine on a map...

He thought Finland was part of Russia, thought Paris was in Germany and called Belgium a "beautiful city"...And he has the gall to call Kamala "dumb"? ...
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Gerrymandering eh. Then how does Trump win OH by almost double digits each time? He'll probably win it by 12+ this election.
Conservative state elected officials definitely reap the benefits of selective gerrymandering. Even John Kasich tried to fix it.
I really don't get how that guy inspires people. I get how he inspires you; it doesn't take much. However, others seem to be inspired, and I don't get it. He talks like he's in grade school and he thinks his audience maturity level is about the same.
It’s something the posters liking your posts.
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All she has to do is present herself better than Trump presents himself. The bar is so low there, it's practically laying on the ground.
Nope, her juice isn’t worth the squeeze. It’ll cause a complete train wreck.
All she has to do is present herself better than Trump presents himself. The bar is so low there, it's practically laying on the ground.
The bar is low to you...

The one thing I would hope Trump detractors have learned since 2016 or so, don't count him out. Its a difficult thing to fight against, something you don't fully understand, but I would hope by now his opponents have learned that he's a real threat. And no matter how horrible a person he is, how unqualified he appears to be, there are enough people that will vote to reelect him that either don't agree with that, that don't care, or that see a worse alternative on the other side.

There are really good, smart people, probably millions of them actually, that are going to vote for Trump in November. Acknowledging that, trying to have an understanding on why that is, is probably important for those that are resolved to beat him.
I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t want trump. No one should ever support equity of outcomes.

Frank Luntz playing Mr Obvious...

Republican pollster Frank Luntz suggested that while former President Trump has the issues on his side, his “persona” is contributing to the drop in the polls in the race against Vice President Harris.

“If it’s about issues, Trump is much more likely to be successful. If it’s about attributes, Harris is much more likely to be successful, because quite frankly, people like her more than they like him. It’s something that, if he’s watching this right now, his head is exploding — and that’s part of the problem,” Luntz said over the weekend in a CNN interview.

“He has lost touch with the people that he needs, and she is in perfect touch,” Luntz added, pointing to the bolstered energy during Harris’s recent campaign rallies.

“Donald Trump should be winning based on those beliefs, and they are widely, and the spread is significant. And yet he’s not. And the reason why, in the end, is Donald Trump the persona,” Luntz added.

She's on tape stating that we don't say Merry Christmas in this country and we can't call the 9/11 hijackers terrorists but yeah she's a moderate.
Just curious. When you read this shit, does even a tiny part of your brain say, "Whoa, slow down, that's so crazy maybe I shouldn't just take this at face value?" Or do you pretty much automatically believe every attack anyone makes against a Democrat, no matter how obviously stupid it is?
Just curious. When you read this shit, does even a tiny part of your brain say, "Whoa, slow down, that's so crazy maybe I shouldn't just take this at face value?" Or do you pretty much automatically believe every attack anyone makes against a Democrat, no matter how obviously stupid it is?
It’s the bolded, except he doesn’t recognize obviously stupid things are obviously stupid.
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The bar is low to you...

The one thing I would hope Trump detractors have learned since 2016 or so, don't count him out. Its a difficult thing to fight against, something you don't fully understand, but I would hope by now his opponents have learned that he's a real threat. And no matter how horrible a person he is, how unqualified he appears to be, there are enough people that will vote to reelect him that either don't agree with that, that don't care, or that see a worse alternative on the other side.

There are really good, smart people, probably millions of them actually, that are going to vote for Trump in November. Acknowledging that, trying to have an understanding on why that is, is probably important for those that are resolved to beat him.
I totally get all that. On the flipside, I think it's a mistake for people to just automatically assume Harris is going to step in it and lose votes because she didn't win the primary in 2020.