Hay Jeopardy! nerds


Jeopardy James hammers Richards in tweets. Says he treated people badly backstage AND says his podcast comments were bad enough to deserve firing.

A guy wins a few million and - boom - he’s an expert
Gauche, tacky - tacky would be good for you.
Looks like Miyam and Ken for the remainder of the year.

Search ongoing for a permanent host. I'm thinking neither of them currently want the role?

Looks like Miyam and Ken for the remainder of the year.

Search ongoing for a permanent host. I'm thinking neither of them currently want the role?

My wife really likes her, but that's probably mostly because of The Big Bang Theory, which my wife loved, and her new show (forget the name, it has something to do with cats), which she really likes too. I liked Big Bang, but don't care for the new show. I actually thought Richards was the best (I didn't know anything about his baggage and didn't care that he was a producer), but Levar Burton was my close second choice.

This guy that's winning huge right now is almost unbelievable with his range of knowledge. He comes up with the answers to some of the most obscure questions (I know I got that backward ;) ).
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My wife really likes her, but that's probably mostly because of The Big Bang Theory, which my wife loved, and her new show (forget the name, it has something to do with cats), which she really likes too. I liked Big Bang, but don't care for the new show. I actually thought Richards was the best (I didn't know anything about his baggage and didn't care that he was a producer), but Levar Burton was my close second choice.

This guy that's winning huge right now is almost unbelievable with his range of knowledge. He comes up with the answers to some of the most obscure questions (I know I got that backward ;) ).

I was fine with Richards as he did well, but the show wasn't going to risk the baggage.

Jeopardy might be in trouble, there seems to have developed a cult of personality around Alex. I see all the time "we must honor Alex with the selection" and "Alex wouldn't have wanted this". That second one is true, but it is a problem. There isn't going to be another Alex. No matter who the choice is, many are going to be upset. This might be the time to bite the bullet and change the show some (I don't know how). It skews old, which is terrible for advertisers. 4 out of 5 Jeopardy viewers are over 55. Though, since it is syndicated, maybe that doesn't matter as much.

The guy winning now may be better than James, Ken, or Brad. He's at least in their league. But he's boring. I don't know why, I enjoyed watching Ken's run and he's boring, but this guy takes it to a new level. I sure hope they don't consider him for the spot when/if his run ends.
I was fine with Richards as he did well, but the show wasn't going to risk the baggage.

Jeopardy might be in trouble, there seems to have developed a cult of personality around Alex. I see all the time "we must honor Alex with the selection" and "Alex wouldn't have wanted this". That second one is true, but it is a problem. There isn't going to be another Alex. No matter who the choice is, many are going to be upset. This might be the time to bite the bullet and change the show some (I don't know how). It skews old, which is terrible for advertisers. 4 out of 5 Jeopardy viewers are over 55. Though, since it is syndicated, maybe that doesn't matter as much.

The guy winning now may be better than James, Ken, or Brad. He's at least in their league. But he's boring. I don't know why, I enjoyed watching Ken's run and he's boring, but this guy takes it to a new level. I sure hope they don't consider him for the spot when/if his run ends.
It's a tough thing to replace Alex. He wasn't an actor or broadcaster in another genre. So pretty much all he did was Jeopardy. Tough to find a replacement. Richards probably would have been best but he appears to have been a dirtbag and got found out.
Looks like Miyam and Ken for the remainder of the year.

Search ongoing for a permanent host. I'm thinking neither of them currently want the role?

Not sure about Bialik, but Jennings has pretty much said he wanted the gig. I don't think that's a question. His prior bad tweets are likely the issue. Apparently Bialik also has some baggage as well with some anti-vax stuff.

Richards was a dirtbag, so I get why he needed to go. But the Jennings or Bialik stuff is just stupid. If that's what's keeping either of them out of the full time gig then that's just ridiculous. It's all been quite poorly handled.
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I was fine with Richards as he did well, but the show wasn't going to risk the baggage.

Jeopardy might be in trouble, there seems to have developed a cult of personality around Alex. I see all the time "we must honor Alex with the selection" and "Alex wouldn't have wanted this". That second one is true, but it is a problem. There isn't going to be another Alex. No matter who the choice is, many are going to be upset. This might be the time to bite the bullet and change the show some (I don't know how). It skews old, which is terrible for advertisers. 4 out of 5 Jeopardy viewers are over 55. Though, since it is syndicated, maybe that doesn't matter as much.

The guy winning now may be better than James, Ken, or Brad. He's at least in their league. But he's boring. I don't know why, I enjoyed watching Ken's run and he's boring, but this guy takes it to a new level. I sure hope they don't consider him for the spot when/if his run ends.
Agree that it seems there is an Alex cult.

I’m enjoying watching this current guy dominate. He’s bold on the Daily Doubles.
I was fine with Richards as he did well, but the show wasn't going to risk the baggage.

Jeopardy might be in trouble, there seems to have developed a cult of personality around Alex. I see all the time "we must honor Alex with the selection" and "Alex wouldn't have wanted this". That second one is true, but it is a problem. There isn't going to be another Alex. No matter who the choice is, many are going to be upset. This might be the time to bite the bullet and change the show some (I don't know how). It skews old, which is terrible for advertisers. 4 out of 5 Jeopardy viewers are over 55. Though, since it is syndicated, maybe that doesn't matter as much.

The guy winning now may be better than James, Ken, or Brad. He's at least in their league. But he's boring. I don't know why, I enjoyed watching Ken's run and he's boring, but this guy takes it to a new level. I sure hope they don't consider him for the spot when/if his run ends.

I disagree. Where do you see this attitude? Is there a Jeopardy forum or organized Jeopardy venue larger than the Jeopardy subreddit? No one on there talks like that. They are, almost to a person, wanting to get this done and are fine with Buzzy, Ken, Bialik, LeVar...sure each may have their own favorite but no one is waiting for the second coming of Alex. That's bullshit.

Sony is the on who can't seem to make up their minds.
I disagree. Where do you see this attitude? Is there a Jeopardy forum or organized Jeopardy venue larger than the Jeopardy subreddit? No one on there talks like that. They are, almost to a person, wanting to get this done and are fine with Buzzy, Ken, Bialik, LeVar...sure each may have their own favorite but no one is waiting for the second coming of Alex. That's bullshit.

Sony is the on who can't seem to make up their minds.
I see a lot of comments in Facebook Jeopardy posts. It might be age, older Jeopardy fans may use Facebook more than Reddit?

Or it is just a small but vocal Facebook users.
I see a lot of comments in Facebook Jeopardy posts. It might be age, older Jeopardy fans may use Facebook more than Reddit?

Or it is just a small but vocal Facebook users.

I don't doubt there are a few oddballs and cranks that think like that. But really, it's not the prevailing attitude among those who are "fans of the show" in that sense. All they want is a host who carries on the tradition of Jeopardy, that is, a respectful host who will let the game be about the game and not about the host. That is, not a Drew Carey "game show host" type. Most of the ones we have seen fit this bill.
Stolen from Reddit:

"After 0.0137 long years, the Mike Richards era is finally coming to an end. To put things in perspective, on the day of Mike's first episode as permanent host, Joe Biden was president, the Dolphins were leading the AFC East, and the milk carton currently in my fridge was about 90% full. There are newborns getting out of the hospital today who weren't even born yet. What a long, strange trip it's been."
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I like both Bialik and Jennings, a lot. In his current run, Ken Jennings seems much more relaxed and personable with the contestants than he was before. Maybe because that was right after Alex died.

I would be happy with either as the permanent replacement though.
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I like both Bialik and Jennings, a lot. In his current run, Ken Jennings seems much more relaxed and personable with the contestants than he was before. Maybe because that was right after Alex died.

I would be happy with either as the permanent replacement though.

I don't really have strong opinions on this, but I wonder why Bialik would be considered over Jennings. Jennings would be a lifer, the next Alex. Jeopardy is his thing. There would be nothing else. I don't know that you could say the same for Bialik, who as an actress has had several roles previously and may indeed one day want to move on to other projects. Jennings just seems to be the obvious choice between these two. Other than Alex, he IS Jeopardy.

But whatever. It's comically stupid that they've yet to name a permanent host. Just get on with it. It seems likely that it will be Bialik. She's fine.
I don't really have strong opinions on this, but I wonder why Bialik would be considered over Jennings. Jennings would be a lifer, the next Alex. Jeopardy is his thing. There would be nothing else. I don't know that you could say the same for Bialik, who as an actress has had several roles previously and may indeed one day want to move on to other projects. Jennings just seems to be the obvious choice between these two. Other than Alex, he IS Jeopardy.

But whatever. It's comically stupid that they've yet to name a permanent host. Just get on with it. It seems likely that it will be Bialik. She's fine.
Ken Jennings' Omnibus podcast is pretty good.

I prefer him over Bialik, but I rarely watch the show.
Are we excited by the first openly transgender champ?

Then I clicked on the link the first thing under the headline was a video of Matt Amodio - I was suddenly very confused, assuming that he just announced he was trans, weeks after he finished his run.

I treat all Jeopardy winners the same - they aren’t as good as Ken Jennings or Jeopardy James.
She's keeping her roll on though. About 40 games, I think, now second only to Ken in wins and 3rd behind Ken and James in dollars.

She just squashes people. She doesn't make all-in bets like James, but her correct answer percentage is crazy good.

They need to change the rules back to 5. I read an interview with one of the 5 time champions who said that because of the stay as long as you can rule it has caused people to really study jeopardy and not just attract normal trivia nerds but a new group of professional trivia people. Then playing several times they gain a huge advantage on the buzzer timing and question cadence. So once the players can answer most the questions, that timing advantage is huge.

My complaint is almost none of the games are close
They need to change the rules back to 5. I read an interview with one of the 5 time champions who said that because of the stay as long as you can rule it has caused people to really study jeopardy and not just attract normal trivia nerds but a new group of professional trivia people. Then playing several times they gain a huge advantage on the buzzer timing and question cadence. So once the players can answer most the questions, that timing advantage is huge.

My complaint is almost none of the games are close
Heard the same interview. It was with an NPS Professor who was a five-time champion. I think five might not be enough, but 10 maybe would be. This current streak seriously has become boring with runaway victories nearly every night. I think the streak for those alone is at least eight.
They need to change the rules back to 5. I read an interview with one of the 5 time champions who said that because of the stay as long as you can rule it has caused people to really study jeopardy and not just attract normal trivia nerds but a new group of professional trivia people. Then playing several times they gain a huge advantage on the buzzer timing and question cadence. So once the players can answer most the questions, that timing advantage is huge.

My complaint is almost none of the games are close

You should watch tonight.
I was too, it seemed simple. But that is how trivia works, if you know the answer it is easy.

They still should change the rules for number of visits. Oh, and select me as as a contestant.
I'm undecided on the rule change issue. Amy's run was kind of boring, I have to admit. But the payoff of seeing a long-standing champ unseated is pretty nice. To this day, I actually still remember watching when Ken finally lost.
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I'm undecided on the rule change issue. Amy's run was kind of boring, I have to admit. But the payoff of seeing a long-standing champ unseated is pretty nice. To this day, I actually still remember watching when Ken finally lost.

it’s just that Amy’s run came so soon after Matt’s. And really, Matt’s wasn’t that far removed from James’, relatively speaking. I think a long running champion is good for the show. Just not so frequently as we’ve seen the last couple of years.

The odd thing about Matt is that he should have lost his first game. The other dude completely flopped the last…comically easy…question in DJ which would have had Matt trailing into FJ, where they all answered correctly. We were that close to not remembering Matt at all.

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