Harris vs. Trump 2024

No the bias is absurd. 60 minutes is another lefty show. He should be done.
I strongly disagree. This fear of the media is a relatively new development and frankly it's just an excuse by people like Trump who don't like to account for the crazy things they say.
I strongly disagree. This fear of the media is a relatively new development and frankly it's just an excuse by people like Trump who don't like to account for the crazy things they say.
No she’s only been on the lefty shows. He relents too much. He was president. We know him. Warts and good. Vance not so much. Walz not so much. So they debated. Time to vote

Msm is incredibly biased. Don’t give them the opp at this point
No she’s only been on the lefty shows. He relents too much. He was president. We know him. Warts and good. Vance not so much. Walz not so much. So they debated. Time to vote

Msm is incredibly biased. Don’t give them the opp at this point
I think running from the press is unseemly. I’m not one that believes in retreating and hiding. Fight, fight, fight, right?
More cowardice from Trump. He won't do "60 Minutes" interview. Harris says yes.

Wrong. He agreed to the interview provided they issue an apology for the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation lie. Meanwhile, Kamala just ducked the Dave Ramsey interview. But that different, right?

He’s the last Republican to win anything. Maga won. And young dems skew hard left. Pubs need centrist candidates. Not old guard.
He’s the last Republican to win the presidency, he is not the last Republican to win anything- look at the Congress you’ll need when Trump and MAGA are sent to the hell of deficit wideners
I strongly disagree. This fear of the media is a relatively new development and frankly it's just an excuse by people like Trump who don't like to account for the crazy things they say.
Trump has done numerous interviews. Nobody gives a shit about 60 minutes anymore.
Have copies of my hometown newspaper published in the 1890s. The copies came into my possession from the grandson of the publisher and editor.

This newspaper back in the time it was published had to be the only news source available to most of those living in my hometown.

The bias for a single party and the slamming of those in the other party was amazing. For example, an opponent of the editor's party was described as follows, "He is a licentious lizard whose slimy presence would disgust even a pole cat".

Can only conclude the hometowners were aware of the extreme bias of the publisher and may have both taken his bias with a grain of salt, or automatically voted for the victims of his bias.

Thinking those of us today who have identified certain media sources as biased, just like my 1890 hometowners, aren't swayed and/or go in an opposite direction.
You overlooked something important -- back then, publishers were liable for what they published, including letters to the editor.

So, if someone (say, Great Grandpappy McMurtry) slandered someone back them by calling him a moron or idiot or imbecile or liar in a letter to the editor, both the newspaper and Great Grandpappy McMurtry would be liable under the local laws of libel/slander/defamation. As a result, newspapers screened not only their own reporters but also the content of all the letters to the editor they published.

But not now.

The infamous federal Section 230 immunizes Yahoo, The Hoosier, Facebook and all other websites on which Great Grandpappy McMurtry posts. If slandered, your only choice is to track him down while the publisher goes scot-free.

There can't be any doubt that Section 230 contributes to the poison on the internet today.
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You overlooked something important -- back then, publishers were liable for what they published, including letters to the editor.

So, if someone (say, Great Grandpappy McMurtry) slandered someone back them by calling him a moron or idiot or imbecile or liar in a letter to the editor, both the newspaper and Great Grandpappy McMurtry would be liable under the local laws of libel/slander/defamation. As a result, newspapers screened not only their own reporters but also the content of all the letters to the editor they published.

But not now.

The infamous federal Section 230 immunizes Yahoo, The Hoosier, Facebook and all other websites on which Great Grandpappy McMurtry posts. If slandered, your only choice is to track him down while the publisher goes scot-free.

There can't be any doubt that Section 230 contributes to the poison on the internet today.
It’s also stuffshot. Not Pete Jones or mike Stevens or the name of your company etc.

So what progressive policies do you like
I believe most newspapers of that era were extreme partisan prints, usually financially supported by the political party apparatus. Hyper sensationalism and 'yellow journalism' were the norm in hundreds (maybe thousands) of papers across the country.

It wasn't until the early 1900s that Hearst, Pulitzer, etc found they could be more profitable selling advertising and running independent papers, rather than running partisan papers.
You should Google James Callender and Jefferson and Adams and Hemings and hermaphroditic and see what freedom of the press meant back then. Back then, all those publishers had liability but were still brave enough to publish it anyway because they knew they were right.

Today, Twitter, X, Facebook etc. have no idea what lies/slander their web sites are publishing, but they still have undeserved immunity under Section 230. Sad.
She just lost Manchin.

This is a silly post by Manchin.

The longest true fillibuster in history is only 24 hours, 18 minutes.

Nowadays, we have a stupid Senate "rule" that basically lets cowards say only "I declare a fillibuster!" (instead of standing at a lectern for 24 hours, 18 minutes) and then tie up legislation for months, not mere hours.

Manchin is a doofus, along with his mining family. He should be part of Trump's self/-serving, self-profiting family.
Of course I would. I'm not a coward like Trump is. Also, I wouldn't have the massive numbers of lies to try to keep straight in my head.
C'mon, dude. At least be a little turthful. And stop with the "he lies"---Of course he does. So does KH and Waltz---I know, I know---his lies are more, and far worse.

Balh, blah and blah.

THis appraoch gets old, and tiresome. Ya dont think KH has a box full of lies to keep track of? Or Waltz?

The mods have been extremely biased---and you know this. So why walk into that dungeon, a month or so from election day?
Yes, Republicans weren't cowards. That's a very new development that came along with Trump and the MAGA crowd. The cowards need to go.
If I wasnt already convinced you are a troll, AND a democrat---I am now. One of the worst answers I have ever seen. Trump has done many, many interviews----some in hostile, not to friendly confines.

What about Harris? Name one interview where she was pressed? Name an interview where she was "attacked"? Name an interview where she was asked tough, hard questions----and given a pass for basically ignoring the questions-----A BUNCH. Like, well, all of them.

Kamala what is your take on fixing the economy....??

"You see, I was born in middle class....where people cut their grass......

C'mon, dude.
Republicans shouldn't cower from the networks. Reagan wouldn't. Bush wouldn't. This new MAGA dominated GOP has a yellow streak.
Moderators are not the reason that Trump started blabbing about eating dogs and cats.

No amount of favoritism by moderators can steer Trump away from just being stupid,
Moderators are not the reason that Trump started blabbing about eating dogs and cats.

No amount of favoritism by moderators can steer Trump away from just being stupid,
what policies of progressives do you like?
cradle to grave benefits?
open borders?
C'mon, dude. At least be a little turthful. And stop with the "he lies"---Of course he does. So does KH and Waltz---I know, I know---his lies are more, and far worse.

Balh, blah and blah.

THis appraoch gets old, and tiresome. Ya dont think KH has a box full of lies to keep track of? Or Waltz?

The mods have been extremely biased---and you know this. So why walk into that dungeon, a month or so from election day?
I don’t know what to tell you except if you don’t understand that Trump has taken lying to unprecedented levels you’re not living in the real world.
I actually have tried to tone down my posts. You, not so much.
no you haven't. orange man is bad. he's a doofus. he's stupid. you post like an uniformed middle schooler. so let's hear it. you are so in on harris what do you like? what are the policies of hte last administration? cradle to grave benefits? gov welfare expansion? lifting remain in mexico etc. do you like walz as a progressive.

you have walz who is a progressive and harris who supported defund and the rest and is the second most liberal senator of this century so let's hear it. what policies do you like? or are you here just to bleat trumpppppppp
I don’t know what to tell you except if you don’t understand that Trump has taken lying to unprecedented levels you’re not living in the real world.
Dont care---his unprecedented lying doesnt excuse nor dismiss the countless lies of Harris/Waltz. Not sure why you continue this approach??
what policies of progressives do you like?
cradle to grave benefits?
open borders?
Everyone see that?

McMurtry once again deflects away from criticism of Trump. McMurtry is Trump's protector. He can't defend Trump in any other way.
Everyone see that?

McMurtry once again deflects away from criticism of Trump. McMurtry is Trump's protector. He can't defend Trump in any other way.
why won't you ever answer? what policies of progressives do you like?

i defend trump's record. border. prices. energy. all of it. don't put words into my mouth.
I strongly disagree. This fear of the media is a relatively new development and frankly it's just an excuse by people like Trump who don't like to account for the crazy things they say.
CBS said they would not fact check----But they did. And when Vance tried to call them out, they cut the mic's.

C'mon, bro.

Was Waltz fact checked---live? Ummm.....Nope
Everyone see that?

McMurtry once again deflects away from criticism of Trump. McMurtry is Trump's protector. He can't defend Trump in any other way.
Trumps an idiot. Loud mouth. This and that. Ok, we have settled that.

Now, can you answer the question?
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If I wasnt already convinced you are a troll, AND a democrat---I am now. One of the worst answers I have ever seen. Trump has done many, many interviews----some in hostile, not to friendly confines.

What about Harris? Name one interview where she was pressed? Name an interview where she was "attacked"? Name an interview where she was asked tough, hard questions----and given a pass for basically ignoring the questions-----A BUNCH. Like, well, all of them.

Kamala what is your take on fixing the economy....??

"You see, I was born in middle class....where people cut their grass......

C'mon, dude.
Not a troll or a Democrat. I’m a longtime Republican, who like many other Republicans, has determined that Trump should never be President again. You should have seen the countless opeds and open letters from Republicans like me if you’ve paid attention. Many of them are from the Trump administration and saw his unfitness up close and personal. It’s not about Harris, it’s about him. Soon as you accept that you’ll understand where I’m coming from.
Not a troll or a Democrat. I’m a longtime Republican, who like many other Republicans, has determined that Trump should never be President again. You should have seen the countless opeds and open letters from Republicans like me if you’ve paid attention. Many of them are from the Trump administration and saw his unfitness up close and personal. It’s not about Harris, it’s about him. Soon as you accept that you’ll understand where I’m coming from.
Give me your reasoning as to why Trump shouold never be POTUS, again? I am curious. What did he do from 2016-2020 that has made you and "many other" Republicans come to the conclusion, he should never again be POTUS.

And save me the, "he's a liar, adulterer, etc....So what. He was his first go around.

So what is it about his POLICY, his govering, that makes you and many others, feel he should not be POTUS.
Give me your reasoning as to why Trump shouold never be POTUS, again? I am curious. What did he do from 2016-2020 that has made you and "many other" Republicans come to the conclusion, he should never again be POTUS.

And save me the, "he's a liar, adulterer, etc....So what. He was his first go around.

So what is it about his POLICY, his govering, that makes you and many others, feel he should not be POTUS.
He doesn’t have the character, integrity or mental fitness to be President. His mental acuity, such as it is, is in decline too. Age is catching up with him and he’ll lose the race. He’s the declining old man in the race now. The guy can’t be trusted with national security information and wouldn’t have a clearance if it didn’t come with the job. He cannot be Commander in Chief. Don’t waste your time on this, I’m a Republican who will never vote for Trump. I’ll write in a Republican instead.