Harris vs. Trump 2024

I disagree. You really think a Trump would have beaten Obama in 2012? No chance in hell, IMO.
i think you're looking in the wrong direction. and i'll share with @Aloha Hoosier too. i think the voter biomass has moved considerably since then. i think trumpism and progressivism today would make a romney look anachronistic. that time has passed and is why haley had no chance. we're in a new world order. for both parties. harris is way left and could have chosen a shapiro or someone more moderate but she didn't. she went with walz

and to you both again, that's just my opinion. i could be totally wrong
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They aren’t all MAGA. Polls are showing that Trump is leading among the demographic that doesn’t follow politics at all. The low information sector. They recognize his name. “Hey, I’m going to vote for him. I heard of him!” Sad.
No worse than voting for Kamala, because she aint Trump. Sad.
here's what the worst about harris and posters like you and hickory and some others. you're dishonest. you have no principles. harris has a progressive record. harris and biden promised to be transformative. they set out playing the race card and vowed to open the border bc trump was treating brown people cruelly, attack cops bc they target blacks so let's defund and implement bail projects, we're green so let's go after the oil companies fracking etc, and let's be transformative. largest social safety net in history. forgive student loans. medicare for all. cradle to grave benefits.

but now harris lies. and you lie. oh no no no. we're not progressives. no that's not us. we really didn't want those things in 2021. i mean wtf. at least bernie sanders and warren and others are true to themselves. they say progressive shit. yes. that's right. we think it'll work. do it. keep going with progressive policies! you and harris on the other hand think we're all deaf and blind. that we didn't read it. didn't hear it. it's bizarre
They talk from both sides of their mouths...Kamala has flat out lied to them----THeir response?---SO has Trump. Bernie laid it out---"she aint changed---she's saying this shit to get elected..."

They hid Joe's health...Forced him out. Then swooped in KH----Worst ratings ever for a VP. SO bad that they wanted to remove her from the ticket. ANd now push her as some saving grace. Yet she has no idea...None.
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They talk from both sides of their mouths...Kamala has flat out lied to them----THeir response?---SO has Trump. Bernie laid it out---"she aint changed---she's saying this shit to get elected..."

They hid Joe's health...Forced him out. Then swooped in KH----Worst ratings ever for a VP. SO bad that they wanted to remove her from the ticket. ANd now push her as some saving grace. Yet she has no idea...None.
For someone who claims you didn’t follow politics so much, you parrot the Trump and MAGA talking points just as well as those who don’t claim to not be following politics. Exactly the same. You weren’t being honest, were you?
For someone who claims you didn’t follow politics so much
Both can be true. There's a lot of low information low interest Trump voters that don't follow politics. If he's being honest, that he lives in a small town makes perfect sense as it fits the dynamic. They believe and regurgitate the firehose of bullshit because it's all they ever hear from their peer group and never even consider questioning it.

They're not MAGA whack jobs in that they're not rabid cultish fans of a populist celebrity figure like some here are .. but they're as misinformed. Hopefully he's not a racist, or a he-man woman hater, or an over curious self hating transphobe, or an incel, or a worm brained imbecile .. ie the rest of Trump's base.

fwiw - I'm sick of all of them... they're not normal ... none of this shit is normal ..

That some habitually lying orange opportunist clown with a shit filled diaper and a 4th grade vocabulary can sow this much chaos and division on a supposedly educated populace is too much to fathom sometimes.
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Both can be true. There's a lot of low information low interest Trump voters that don't follow politics. If he's being honest, that he lives in a small town makes perfect sense as it fits the dynamic. They believe and regurgitate the firehose of bullshit because it's all they ever hear from their peer group and never even consider questioning it.

They're not MAGA whack jobs in that they're not rabid cultish fans of a populist celebrity figure like some here are .. but they're as misinformed. Hopefully he's not a racist, or a he-man woman hater, or an over curious self hating transphobe, or an incel, or a worm brained imbecile .. ie the rest of Trump's base.

fwiw - I'm sick of all of them... they're not normal ... none of this shit is normal ..

That some habitually lying orange opportunist clown with a shit filled diaper and a 4th grade vocabulary can sow this much chaos and division on a supposedly educated populace is too much to fathom sometimes.
Now address the chaos and division fomented by those perpetually pushing a false narrative of racism that gave rise to thousands of cops being injured, billions in business lost, and a country divided. A party that thrives on dependency and victimhood.

Or perhaps the false narrative pushed by the virtue signaling cult that shut down businesses, kept kids masked up unnecessarily, and set same up to fall woefully behind when we all new the data on kids was pure bullshit.

The only explanation is low information low interest woke voters who believe the false narratives perpetuated by the radical left and the media that force feeds them the lies they spew: soros is a bogeyman etc. informed people would understand how to vet propaganda from reality. Where to find 990s. How to understand them. Alas….

But not the woke wormed brained low information vapid virtue signalers. I’m sick of them all.

Woke and toke baby
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