Harris Laughing

when she’s too dumb to answer a question intelligently.

She seems more intelligent when she is laughing. She is a total embarrassment. She sets back the cause of women of color generations.

She seems more intelligent when she is laughing. She is a total embarrassment. She sets back the cause of women of color generations.

HAHAHAHAHAHA I think that's dubbed. That nonresponsive answer can't be real. Was like listening to a convo with me and my stoker:

Her: Would you like to go and grab some pasta tonight? Maybe Napoli?
Me: I know. I hate her too. You were right for sure

I will say with Harris and Pete and others we're seeing the consequences of affirmative action and vote pandering. Harris is really, really dumb. We're circling the drain with these politicians. This admin hires by the color of your skin and your fluency in wokeness and hashtags. The last one was pure nepotism. We need a reboot.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I think that's dubbed. That nonresponsive answer can't be real. Was like listening to a convo with me and my stoker:

Her: Would you like to go and grab some pasta tonight? Maybe Napoli?
Me: I know. I hate her too. You were right for sure

I will say with Harris and Pete and others we're seeing the consequences of affirmative action and vote pandering. Harris is really, really dumb. We're circling the drain with these politicians. This admin hires by the color of your skin and your fluency in wokeness and hashtags. The last one was pure nepotism. We need a reboot.
Where were you from 2016 - 20120.. That's some dang good "republican" misdirection. We could have used you the last 4+ years bro!! But now we see, even a peacock shed's when it's necessary.
that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

Makes me really question the “I did my own research” crowd.
that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

Makes me really question the “I did my own research” crowd.
LOL yeah it's way off. The "This is Real" is a pretty good tell hahaha
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that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

LOL. I wonder how COH is going to spin this...
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that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

Makes me really question the “I did my own research” crowd.
You are totally correct. "We" should do better. Zero debate I swear.

Is Kamala VP Quality material? Are WE properly represented by Kamala? Is Kamala a blubbering idiot? It Kamala a political plant due to political race baiting, be damned if she helps create WW3 because the USA is the weakest it's EVER been perceived? WEAK... NEVER EVER 225+ YEARS, EVER Weaker, Still want to support Kamala? giggle giggle giggle..

The giggles were added for dramatic purpose.. I'm running for Vice President in 2024. Think it will help? Your comments are encouraged!!
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that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

Makes me really question the “I did my own research” crowd.
Post the accurate version.
Why would I think that’s edited after this enlightened explanation of the Russian invasion?
'Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically that's wrong.'
She's a moron. I know that. She flunked the bar. You have people in California without an undergraduate degree sitting for that bar. If you can't beat out whatever percentage of your fellow test takers necessary to pass in that state you've got issues....

But her answer wasn't on topic. The quote and answer above are the same topic
That's what you bring? Really, you bring that? I should Juwan Howard your head.
I bring her actual quote to the actual questions?
But it leaves out all the laughing. I think she laughs because she is not very good at speaking very well when asked a pointed question and it's a good way to kill some time while she comes up with an answer.
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You hittin the breweries today brother? There's no way that's not edited
Geeze I wish I could blame this incompetence on too much beer. Yeah, it’s edited, but not misleading.. The edit did her a favor by shortening her incompetent senseless word pile.
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Geeze I wish I could blame this incompetence on too much beer. Yeah, it’s edited, but not misleading.. The edit did her a favor by shortening her incompetent senseless word pile.
She's obviously not very bright; gets put into complex, perhaps even no-win scenarios/situations, and gets rattled so sounds even worse. She was a terrible pick. She's the living embodiment of the downside to virtue-signaling and vote pandering
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But it leaves out all the laughing. I think she laughs because she is not very good at speaking very well when asked a pointed question and it's a good way to kill some time while she comes up with an answer.
As far as I am concerned, you almost nail this. Obviously I have a VERY caustic way, that is mostly intentional due to my perception of political shift.
As "rupub" as I may seem, I'm not. I am economically conserv and Socially moderately conservative. We can go into this deeper later, but I expect GOAT to ban me when he sobers up later. Anyway..

As much as I totally disrespect Kamala, and know that I perform professionally 1 million x time better than here bought and paid for ass, I understand why she does the things she does. I get it.
She was placed in a position because she was easy,, I don't mean it "that way", but she wouldn't turn it down, she wouldn't fight it, WHO WOULD? But she was too stupid to think about the possible things that she JUST MIGHT HAVE TO ANSWER FOR, being the most powerfull woman on the planet. Instead , we get a teenage girl as VP who giggles because she's ill prepared and intellectually incapable of doing the job. She never had to plan for it, all she had to do was sleep with the right people. Giggle Giggle Giggle... (if she can succeed as VP giggling, then by freakin God I can become MOD here by giggling) right @TheOriginalHappyGoat
She's obviously not very bright; gets put into complex, perhaps even no-win scenarios/situations, and gets rattled so sounds even worse. She was a terrible pick. She's the living embodiment of the downside to virtue-signaling and vote pandering
Makes you wonder if people at the top of the food chain even give a damn about the country. Even though Biden is a horrible person/candidate/president I can understand how and why he is where he is. I can’t understand Harris. There had to be scores of people who knew how dumb and incompetent she is and would have advised against her being selected. Or is the only thing that matters these days in government individual aesthetics?
when she’s too dumb to answer a question intelligently.


fwiw - She's far smarter than you are. This is a fact. Get over it..

This stupid shit is not political discussion, it's gossip. You really need to step away from the news, you've become a complete whack job.
Makes you wonder if people at the top of the food chain even give a damn about the country. Even though Biden is a horrible person/candidate/president I can understand how and why he is where he is. I can’t understand Harris. There had to be scores of people who knew how dumb and incompetent she is and would have advised against her being selected. Or is the only thing that matters these days in government individual aesthetics?
I honestly don't know. I've been drinking all day so my analogy may fail. I relate most things to soccer. Boooo. I know. Many/most teams play a 4-4-2. You may not know what that is but it's the players and how they line up in formation. Imagine a foosball table. Well if you get the ball on the attack you never really have to beat 7, 8, or 9 guys. You usually only have to beat 2. The two directly ahead of you. The other 6 or 7 aren't close enough. So if you get to be a big state AG, Gov, US Senator, I don't think you have to beat as many people as one would think to get a shot at or near the top. Once you are in Congress etc you're in a tiny pool and only have to beat a few people. In Harris' case the other minorities at or near her level, of which there aren't/weren't many

I don't think the people at the top of the food chain in politics are our best and brightest - from either party
Makes you wonder if people at the top of the food chain even give a damn about the country. Even though Biden is a horrible person/candidate/president I can understand how and why he is where he is. I can’t understand Harris. There had to be scores of people who knew how dumb and incompetent she is and would have advised against her being selected. Or is the only thing that matters these days in government individual aesthetics?
Actually we are the problem, You know damn good and well that EVERY one setting around "that table" was having a WTF moment (for years), but they wouldn't stand up to be a patriot.
We have our squabbles of how stupid the "other side" is, but I will not allow myself to thing that any democrat would thing that she is capable. They (just like the pubs I am supposedly beholden too) would think Romney is capable.
This (kamala/ Mitt) is a corporate card table picking from the cards that poll the least worse. ;;;; WE are picking from the LEAST WORSE. EFF this 2 party system.

fwiw - She's far smarter than you are. This is a fact. Get over it..

This stupid shit is not political discussion, it's gossip. You really need to step away from the news, you've become a complete whack job.
How many try’s did it take her to pass the bar? Lol.
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I honestly don't know. I've been drinking all day so my analogy may fail. I relate most things to soccer. Boooo. I know. Many/most teams play a 4-4-2. You may not know what that is but it's the players and how they line up in formation. Imagine a foosball table. Well if you get the ball on the attack you never really have to beat 7, 8, or 9 guys. You usually only have to beat 2. The two directly ahead of you. The other 6 or 7 aren't close enough. So if you get to be a big state AG, Gov, US Senator, I don't think you have to beat as many people as one would think to get a shot at or near the top. Once you are in Congress etc you're in a tiny pool and only have to beat a few people. In Harris' case the other minorities at or near her level, of which there aren't/weren't many

I don't think the people at the top of the food chain in politics are our best and brightest - from either party
Combine that with zero accountability because of sex and race and I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
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fwiw - She's far smarter than you are. This is a fact. Get over it..

This stupid shit is not political discussion, it's gossip. You really need to step away from the news, you've become a complete whack job.
Poor little incel. Saturday night and all alone. Go away little incel.
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that Twitter video making the rounds is so misleading. It was a two part question. The video omits the first part of the question and the second part of the answer. It’s embarrassing we’ve come so far that people lack the skepticism to investigate something that seems so far off kilter.

Makes me really question the “I did my own research” crowd.

do you have the full vid?
Five bucks says not a single poster will walk back the partisan nonsense they spewed after you provided the actual facts.
Do you really think the “actual facts” are an improvement? Harris’ banal chattering Is what she does well. The only difference between her chatter and her cackle is that the chatter takes more time. She cannot get beyond victims in anything she does. If you compare that answer to her lecture about the root causes of the US border problem, or of the root causes of street violence in the United Stares, you’ll hear the same f*cking speech. She has no substance. She is worthless.
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