
hashtag uncommitted. That doesn't feel very good!
yeah does not give you the warm fuzzy.....posts like that just irk me. But I'm old, I don't try to understand the mental games these kids play on social media. Maybe telling Izzo, I'm still on the market, but the price has to be right?
Call me when a decision is made. Until then, get off my lawn.
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yeah does not give you the warm fuzzy.....posts like that just irk me. But I'm old, I don't try to understand the mental games these kids play on social media. Maybe telling Izzo, I'm still on the market, but the price has to be right?
Call me when a decision is made. Until then, get off my lawn.
It seems less like a mental game and more like a little commercial for the recruit (hey I’m visiting IU I’m a big deal) and also for IU (we’re cool we have NBA Jam and Woody). IU produces it.

I get it’s promotion, but like you it doesn’t do much for old man me. A few years ago that Brian Kelly LSU recruit video came out and I was surprised the recruits thought it was cool to spin around back to back with Brian Kelly. Classic generational divide.
yeah does not give you the warm fuzzy.....posts like that just irk me. But I'm old, I don't try to understand the mental games these kids play on social media. Maybe telling Izzo, I'm still on the market, but the price has to be right?
Call me when a decision is made. Until then, get off my lawn.
Just feels disrespectful to me. You are on, or just finished, a visit to a school that pulls out all the stops for you and then you post their video with #uncommitted. Sort of like saying "that nerd Felix asked me to the prom, but to all the football players, I'm still uncommitted". Anyone following you knows you're uncommitted, because, well, you haven't committed.


I know the hashtag uncommitted thing seems bad but it’s put there so oldfu$&s, Twitter newbies and thirsty fan bases don’t go overboard thinking he’s committed. Thats happened by the way. 😂😂😂
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Just feels disrespectful to me. You are on, or just finished, a visit to a school that pulls out all the stops for you and then you post their video with #uncommitted. Sort of like saying "that nerd Felix asked me to the prom, but to all the football players, I'm still uncommitted". Anyone following you knows you're uncommitted, because, well, you haven't committed.


Those videos and instagram graphics look like what commitment videos and graphics used to, and often still do, look like. If he didn't put the uncommitted part in there, his world would blow up more than it already is with questions on whether he's committed or not.

Also...I think leveraging for NIL money is a MUCH bigger deal and process than most probably think about. Outside of eliminating all the questions, the stress, etc... of making a decision early, even in the fall... I don't know why more of these top, top kids don't wait until the spring. Literally everyone has room in the spring any more...and the spring is when NIL values end up being inflated. The Rutgers dude getting 2M is a prime example.
The hashtag is what they all do. As someone else said, if you saw the picture of him in an IU uniform, he’d immediately get messages from IU fans and others asking if he committed. It means nothing other than he didn’t commit last weekend.
I know the hashtag uncommitted thing seems bad but it’s put there so oldfu$&s, Twitter newbies and thirsty fan bases don’t go overboard thinking he’s committed. Thats happened by the way. 😂😂😂
even a #committed doesn't mean what it should. Ask McNeely.
I'll get excited when they show up in Bloomington next August, NOT wearing a goddam boot on their foot.
Calm down frowny. The only one getting twisted is a couple of you over a hashtag. 😂😂
i'm fine. I actually caught a bunch of smallmouth bass and couple nice walleye this weekend, without having to drive 300 miles north into northern Wisconsin. So that's a moral victory in my world.

My point is that nothing is really set in stone until the kids arrive on campus next August.
I don't live in the social media world...for a I don't know the protocols. But you do make a valid point, he would be getting bombed with questions right now if he didn't let it be known that he didn't make any final decisions yet.

Actually....what really got me twisted was thinking about the infamous IU walking boot. But I'm better now.
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i'm fine. I actually caught a bunch of smallmouth bass and couple nice walleye this weekend, without having to drive 300 miles north into northern Wisconsin. So that's a moral victory in my world.

My point is that nothing is really set in stone until the kids arrive on campus next August.
I don't live in the social media world...for a I don't know the protocols. But you do make a valid point, he would be getting bombed with questions right now if he didn't let it be known that he didn't make any final decisions yet.

Actually....what really got me twisted was thinking about the infamous IU walking boot. But I'm better now.
Any excuse to go to Wisconsin this time of year is a good one. Late father in law lived in Manitowoc.
FWIW, Sleepers seems to feel Haralson to IU, but now favoring UK for Mullins, which I found surprising. Feels like they've heard something. They feel the issue w IU is PT if we get Haralson, and have Rice and Carlyle on board. Personally, from watching Mullins in the 1 game, I feel like he's definitely a 2-3 year player. Nice shooting form, but physically to me, looks like he needs to get a lot stronger for college, so being in a rotation and playing with other good players wouldn't seem to be a big issue, but they are talking about him possibly starting assuming UK gets JJ and of course they have his buddy MM, which may be an attraction. Hate to see him at UK.
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I know the hashtag uncommitted thing seems bad but it’s put there so oldfu$&s, Twitter newbies and thirsty fan bases don’t go overboard thinking he’s committed. Thats happened by the way. 😂😂😂

he posted himself in IU garb, so i think that's a +.

he was just clarifying that he hadn't committed b/c he knows the twitterverse is insane.
Yes. This is a Michigan state vs IU battle from what people are saying.
He has several other visits scheduled though, right? MSU, KU, Mizzou (I think... there's one oddball in there at least), ND and Auburn? maybe others. Don't recall UK or Lville which is sort of surprising, unless he eliminated them.
He has several other visits scheduled though, right? MSU, KU, Mizzou (I think... there's one oddball in there at least), ND and Auburn? maybe others.
Mizzou is the oddball. Hes really not serious about them.
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FWIW, Sleepers seems to feel Haralson to IU, but now favoring UK for Mullins, which I found surprising. Feels like they've heard something. They feel the issue w IU is PT if we get Haralson, and have Rice and Carlyle on board. Personally, from watching Mullins in the 1 game, I feel like he's definitely a 2-3 year player. Nice shooting form, but physically to me, looks like he needs to get a lot stronger for college, so being in a rotation and playing with other good players wouldn't seem to be a big issue, but they are talking about him possibly starting assuming UK gets JJ and of course they have his buddy MM, which may be an attraction. Hate to see him at UK.
Supposedly UK is out. From what’s going around on other forums it’s now a UConn vs IU battle. The other thing people are saying(not sure how true) is IU will try to outbid anything UCONN offers. Like up to double. I know HC has a ton of money right now.
Supposedly UK is out. From what’s going around on other forums it’s now a UConn vs IU battle. The other thing people are saying(not sure how true) is IU will try to outbid anything UCONN offers. Like up to double. I know HC has a ton of money right now.
Don't know if you ever listen to Sleepers, but they had a bit yesterday on Mullin's in home visits this week(IU, UConn, UK, UNC and UM). That was the first time I'd heard either of them say UK and they both did. Made me think they'd heard something from someone they trusted. I don't think I ever heard either of them comment on the "secret visit" the Mullins family supposedly made to IU in the last couple of weeks that a few on here said happened.
Don't know if you ever listen to Sleepers, but they had a bit yesterday on Mullin's in home visits this week(IU, UConn, UK, UNC and UM). That was the first time I'd heard either of them say UK and they both did. Made me think they'd heard something from someone they trusted. I don't think I ever heard either of them comment on the "secret visit" the Mullins family supposedly made to IU in the last couple of weeks that a few on here said happened.
It did happen. It wasn’t really a secret other than they didn’t want people to know until after the visit. Sleepers guys are entertaining and that’s about it.
It did happen. It wasn’t really a secret other than they didn’t want people to know until after the visit. Sleepers guys are entertaining and that’s about it.
they are entertaining and they often present good views and information because they follow so many teams. I hated how much they hated on IU last year for instance and they were 100% correct in the end. They just kept saying the roster was a mess and made no sense. I didn't want to hear it, but they were right. And, fwiw, they have given IU tons of credit for the roster this year, but are still questioning CMW and I'd say that's fair too. I hope he proves them 100% wrong this year, but that's not a view exclusive to Sleepers. CMW has some critics to quiet and I hope uses that as motivation.
He may be a better fit for Woodson, but not for IU. He would accel as a 4yr college wing. Harrelson is likely looking for a fast track, which is not conducive to winning.
While Sisley is kinda a Brian Evans/ Eric Anderson type with a possible 4 yr. stay, Harralson is a talent you don't pass up on. That's why Woody keeps looking at the Monteverde players. He got 2 good ones and one is in the pros now. While I'm from southern Indiana and a couple counties from Sisley's school, I want a team that moves the ball with speed. I think Sisley would be great but take a year or two to develop. If IU can get Sisley too , all the better.
While Sisley is kinda a Brian Evans/ Eric Anderson type with a possible 4 yr. stay, Harralson is a talent you don't pass up on. That's why Woody keeps looking at the Monteverde players. He got 2 good ones and one is in the pros now. While I'm from southern Indiana and a couple counties from Sisley's school, I want a team that moves the ball with speed. I think Sisley would be great but take a year or two to develop. If IU can get Sisley too , all the better.
Ironically, Sisley is now a Monteverde kid as well...

I think Sisley is worthy of an IU offer because he has some size, he's athetic, and he can shoot.

Wherever he goes, it'll be interesting how his career plays out. He just left his childhood home, the school he's always played for, to go to Monteverde. Probably a good move for his basketball development, but it has to say something about his basketball aspirations. He wants to be an impactful college player, and ultimately a pro, I'm sure. That mindset is great, you don't ever want someone that's just comfortable being a bench role player...but in this new age, with all the NIL/Portal temptations...its MUCH more difficult to keep guys like Sisley, and develop them at the same school for multiple years.
Ironically, Sisley is now a Monteverde kid as well...

I think Sisley is worthy of an IU offer because he has some size, he's athetic, and he can shoot.

Wherever he goes, it'll be interesting how his career plays out. He just left his childhood home, the school he's always played for, to go to Monteverde. Probably a good move for his basketball development, but it has to say something about his basketball aspirations. He wants to be an impactful college player, and ultimately a pro, I'm sure. That mindset is great, you don't ever want someone that's just comfortable being a bench role player...but in this new age, with all the NIL/Portal temptations...its MUCH more difficult to keep guys like Sisley, and develop them at the same school for multiple years.
I'd agree I think Sisley made a very smart move to get to Montverde so he can face better athletes and competition in games and practices. Seems to have a good motor and nose for the ball, but in the game I saw in Rock Hill he was getting burned on D on the perimeter. Great that he has all year to learn to compete with better athletes vs not seeing it until he walks out in his first college practices and open gyms.
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i'm fine. I actually caught a bunch of smallmouth bass and couple nice walleye this weekend, without having to drive 300 miles north into northern Wisconsin. So that's a moral victory in my world.

My point is that nothing is really set in stone until the kids arrive on campus next August.
I don't live in the social media world...for a I don't know the protocols. But you do make a valid point, he would be getting bombed with questions right now if he didn't let it be known that he didn't make any final decisions yet.

Actually....what really got me twisted was thinking about the infamous IU walking boot. But I'm better now.
where? im jealous
Albeit geographically sensible, it does appear that the visits have been scheduled in priority order. I don't know where Sisley fits short term at Purdue, but Painter has out worked everyone to get him. I like having Mullins and now Reibe with him during the visit.
Albeit geographically sensible, it does appear that the visits have been scheduled in priority order. I don't know where Sisley fits short term at Purdue, but Painter has out worked everyone to get him. I like having Mullins and now Reibe with him during the visit.
He may end up at Purdue...I'm sure Painter is giving him the "TKR Pitch" as we speak.

"Oh, of course you'll play on the perimeter Trent. Don't go to IU, they'll play you how they play Malik Reneau! Yuck! You'll have all the freedom in the world to play on the perimeter if you come here!"

Fast forward 4 years..."Coach Painter?... Ive been working real hard on my outside shot, I used to shoot them all the time...any chance I could take just 1 three next game?"
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He may end up at Purdue...I'm sure Painter is giving him the "TKR Pitch" as we speak.

"Oh, of course you'll play on the perimeter Trent. Don't go to IU, they'll play you how they play Malik Reneau! Yuck! You'll have all the freedom in the world to play on the perimeter if you come here!"

Fast forward 4 years..."Coach Painter?... Ive been working real hard on my outside shot, I used to shoot them all the time...any chance I could take just 1 three next game?"
That was one of the funnier switcheroos of all time, especially given that they had Zach and Furst and still couldn't find any minutes for TKR on the wing. I've heard a couple interviews and he seems to fit the PU vibe and I think is probably happy with his decision, but I'd think any pro aspirations he had are long gone. I know Sleepers thinks a lot of him and that he's going to have a big breakthrough, but he's going to have his hands full with Ballo and Reanu this year. I also think he's going to find it tougher sledding without Zach to draw defenders.
That was one of the funnier switcheroos of all time, especially given that they had Zach and Furst and still couldn't find any minutes for TKR on the wing. I've heard a couple interviews and he seems to fit the PU vibe and I think is probably happy with his decision, but I'd think any pro aspirations he had are long gone. I know Sleepers thinks a lot of him and that he's going to have a big breakthrough, but he's going to have his hands full with Ballo and Reanu this year. I also think he's going to find it tougher sledding without Zach to draw defenders.
will be interesting how the rest of that team transitions without the big canuck in the middle. Did I see Katz (?) or some service rank the top 40-80 players in the B1G this year, and they ended with B Smith as #1. The kid has been better than expected, but c'mon, life is going to be a lot different without Edey in the middle drawing double/triple teams.