Haley for President Question

(Republican voters only) Who would you have voted for if Haley was the Republican nominee?

  • I would have voted for Haley

    Votes: 22 88.0%
  • I would have voted for Biden / Harris

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • I would have voted for JFK

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • I would have stayed home

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Honestly, I don't know.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 18, 2014
Republican / Trump voters only.

If Haley had been the nominee instead of Trump with either Biden or Harris as the opposition, would you have voted for her? Honest answers.

If you feel that it would have depended on whether it was Biden or Harris, that's OK. Please respond as such.
Republican / Trump voters only.

If Haley had been the nominee instead of Trump with either Biden or Harris as the opposition, would you have voted for her? Honest answers.

If you feel that it would have depended on whether it was Biden or Harris, that's OK. Please respond as such.

I wouldn't have had any problem voting for Nikki Haley. I can't say I'm an enthusiastic fan of hers. But I'm not an enthusiastic fan of many politicians these days. And it seems like most of the ones that I do genuinely like don't ever get anywhere -- which probably goes a long way towards explaining why the place I'd like to see the country go and the place I think the country's gone and looks likely to continue to go are two very different places.
Wrong question.

Question should be: who would you have voted for in the primary if Trump had not run?
Of the candidates who ran, I think DeSantis would've been a stronger candidate than Haley. But, for whatever reason, Haley was more popular among the NeverTrump set.

There are things about DeSantis that I like -- but, man, he has some impulses that are decidedly *not* conservative. And that's been off-putting to me. I first noticed it when he crossed swords with the cruise lines for requiring passengers to have a "vaccine passport" to board one of their ships. DeSantis basically sought to force them not to. And I thought "Wait, these are their ships. They can have whatever vaccine policy they want. And, given what happened with some of the ships as the pandemic got underway, it's understandable that they'd want to require vaccination."

He's done several other things that I think were swerving out of government's lane -- or, at least, anything that would be called conservative government.
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Of the candidates who ran, I think DeSantis would've been a stronger candidate than Haley. But, for whatever reason, Haley was more popular among the NeverTrump set.

There are things about DeSantis that I like -- but, man, he has some impulses that are decidedly *not* conservative. And that's been off-putting to me. I first noticed it when he crossed swords with the cruise lines for requiring passengers to have a "vaccine passport" to board one of their ships. DeSantis basically sought to force them not to. And I thought "Wait, these are their ships. They can have whatever vaccine policy they want. And, given what happened with some of the ships as the pandemic got underway, it's understandable that they'd want to require vaccination."

He's done several other things that I think were swerving out of government's lane -- or, at least, anything that would be called conservative government.
DeSantis lost the day he decided to take on Disney. That was the dumbest decision he's ever made.
Disney's got more money than the Democrats and Republicans combined X 10.
  • Haha
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Of the candidates who ran, I think DeSantis would've been a stronger candidate than Haley. But, for whatever reason, Haley was more popular among the NeverTrump set.

There are things about DeSantis that I like -- but, man, he has some impulses that are decidedly *not* conservative. And that's been off-putting to me. I first noticed it when he crossed swords with the cruise lines for requiring passengers to have a "vaccine passport" to board one of their ships. DeSantis basically sought to force them not to. And I thought "Wait, these are their ships. They can have whatever vaccine policy they want. And, given what happened with some of the ships as the pandemic got underway, it's understandable that they'd want to require vaccination."

He's done several other things that I think were swerving out of government's lane -- or, at least, anything that would be called conservative government.
BTW, I think this cruise line issue stands as a pretty good litmus test distinguishing conservatism from right-wing populism.

The conservative view is "Since I respect private property rights, a cruise ship operator's policy to require passengers to be vaccinated prevails over a would-be passenger's right to board the operator's ship without having been vaccinated."

The populist view "No cruise ship operator can require I put some foreign substance in my body in order to be one of their customers. And it's appropriate for government to use its power and leverage to force the cruise company to relent on these intrusive policies."

I'm staunchly in the camp of the former on these kinds of things. I'm fine with somebody not getting vaccinated. That very much is their business and theirs alone. However, that doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to bend to their will.
Of the candidates who ran, I think DeSantis would've been a stronger candidate than Haley. But, for whatever reason, Haley was more popular among the NeverTrump set.

There are things about DeSantis that I like -- but, man, he has some impulses that are decidedly *not* conservative. And that's been off-putting to me. I first noticed it when he crossed swords with the cruise lines for requiring passengers to have a "vaccine passport" to board one of their ships. DeSantis basically sought to force them not to. And I thought "Wait, these are their ships. They can have whatever vaccine policy they want. And, given what happened with some of the ships as the pandemic got underway, it's understandable that they'd want to require vaccination."

He's done several other things that I think were swerving out of government's lane -- or, at least, anything that would be called conservative government.
Desantis is the most competent candidate by far. There was nothing in Haley’s background to select her. Desantis’ problem is he’s at once a douchebag and a baby
DeSantis lost the day he decided to take on Disney. That was the dumbest decision he's ever made.
Disney's got more money than the Democrats and Republicans combined X 10.
I don't agree with that.

And, honestly, while I have my share of issues with DeSantis, what he did with Disney isn't really among them. They chose to take him on, not the other way around. And I simply don't think that Disney was entitled to the sweetheart deal the state had given them with the Reedy Creek district.

Moreover, I think Walt would be utterly disgusted at these things being done in his name. In fact, I'm downright certain of it.

We've since learned that Bob Chapek wanted to stay out of the "Don't Say Gay" issue -- but he got bullied into it by Bob Iger. And it wasn't the only thing where Iger was kneecapping Chapek from the sidelines.
That had nothing to do with it
I disagree. The media turned against him ALOT after that. I don't necessarily want to go down the conspiracy route, but Disney controls a decent chunk of the media. They painted DeSantis as over-reaching in that fight, and little reminders of that over a couple of months helped turn public opinion against him.
He didn't do himself any favors in the debates (his best chance of improving upon his demeanor, which frankly, isn't great), but the image was already painted by that point.
That had nothing to do with it
Yeah, I don't think it had any impact one way or the other.

DeSantis lost because a whole lot of Republicans are intent on sticking by Trump's side -- which I'd guess had a lot to do with the indictments, lawsuits, etc. that have been thrown at him.

Nobody could've prevented Trump getting nominated a 3rd consecutive time.
I disagree. The media turned against him ALOT after that. I don't necessarily want to go down the conspiracy route, but Disney controls a decent chunk of the media. They painted DeSantis as over-reaching in that fight, and little reminders of that over a couple of months helped turn public opinion against him.
He didn't do himself any favors in the debates (his best chance of improving upon his demeanor, which frankly, isn't great), but the image was already painted by that point.
DeSantis won reelection as FL-GOV by 20 points after all the Disney thing went down....which is pretty remarkable considering he'd only won in 2018 by the slimmest of margins. I think it was roughly 0.5% his first go.

The Disney contretemps didn't hurt DeSantis politically. It probably helped him.
As a note, the purpose of this thread is not so much to debate who would have won the primary if Trump was not an option, it was to discuss whether Trump voters would vote for Haley if she was the nominee (a discussion McMurty and I were having in another thread).
McMurty tends to believe that some would not vote for her in the general election. I disagree and think Haley would have wiped the floor with Biden or Harris. So I was curious to see what the results would be amongst our group here.

So far, most would have stuck to their guns and voted Republican except for one person who voted for Harris / Biden. I can't see the individual results, so I am curious who that one person is.
I’d vote for any Republican nominee over Harris or Biden (or any Dem). My order of preference would have been…

1) Vivek
2) DeSantis
3) Whomever

I’m not a Haley fan and would have been disappointed if she were the nominee, but against Biden or Harris…she most certainly could have counted on my vote. No question.
As a note, the purpose of this thread is not so much to debate who would have won the primary if Trump was not an option, it was to discuss whether Trump voters would vote for Haley if she was the nominee (a discussion McMurty and I were having in another thread).
McMurty tends to believe that some would not vote for her in the general election. I disagree and think Haley would have wiped the floor with Biden or Harris. So I was curious to see what the results would be amongst our group here.

So far, most would have stuck to their guns and voted Republican except for one person who voted for Harris / Biden. I can't see the individual results, so I am curious who that one person is.
The point is, the power in the Republican Party now is in the MAGA wing, not the old school Republican wing. Thus Haley could never BE the nominee.
The point is, the power in the Republican Party now is in the MAGA wing, not the old school Republican wing. Thus Haley could never BE the nominee.
Human beings are remarkably adaptive.
You know that joke about the definition of insanity being trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Eventually, the MAGA faction is going to figure out that they can't win another significant election unless they get somebody that appeals to the middle. They are going to have to learn to compromise eventually.......I hope.

There are now two votes for Biden / Harris. I am not saying this to ridicule people, but I am genuinely curious which two posters voted that way and why.
Human beings are remarkably adaptive.
You know that joke about the definition of insanity being trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Eventually, the MAGA faction is going to figure out that they can't win another significant election unless they get somebody that appeals to the middle. They are going to have to learn to compromise eventually.......I hope.

There are now two votes for Biden / Harris. I am not saying this to ridicule people, but I am genuinely curious which two posters voted that way and why.
Wrong. Those 2 posters are either lying or dumb as f*ck. As is anyone else that would vote for those 2 evil a$$hats. And I can guarantee you those 2 are NOT conservatives.
Wrong. Those 2 posters are either lying or dumb as f*ck. As is anyone else that would vote for those 2 evil a$$hats. And I can guarantee you those 2 are NOT conservatives.
Don’t burst a vein, bud. Settle down. Breath in, breath out.
Oh yeah. Struck a nerve with girly man. One of those votes is clearly you aloha. I’ll pray for you.
Nope. I just noticed you were having a leg kicking hissy fit and I was worried you might stroke out. You good now?

Obviously I voted Haley. She was my choice in the primaries. You weren’t aware?
Human beings are remarkably adaptive.
You know that joke about the definition of insanity being trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Eventually, the MAGA faction is going to figure out that they can't win another significant election unless they get somebody that appeals to the middle. They are going to have to learn to compromise eventually.......I hope.

There are now two votes for Biden / Harris. I am not saying this to ridicule people, but I am genuinely curious which two posters voted that way and why.
If I had to guess, I would say they're probably two of the Dream Teamers playing 5G chess.
The point is, the power in the Republican Party now is in the MAGA wing, not the old school Republican wing. Thus Haley could never BE the nominee.

This is what scares me about '28 and beyond. The primary system is bound to give us more extremism vs. moderation.
So who are the two that voted for Biden / Harris? Please feel free to share why you feel this way.

This is a judgement free zone. It's a safe space.
Human beings are remarkably adaptive.
You know that joke about the definition of insanity being trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Eventually, the MAGA faction is going to figure out that they can't win another significant election unless they get somebody that appeals to the middle. They are going to have to learn to compromise eventually.......I hope.

There are now two votes for Biden / Harris. I am not saying this to ridicule people, but I am genuinely curious which two posters voted that way and why.
Wrong. Those 2 posters are either lying or dumb as f*ck. As is anyone else that would vote for those 2 evil a$$hats. And I can guarantee you those 2 are NOT conservatives.
I realize this board is not really representative of the electorate at large but Haley voters voting Dem is not all that rare. First off the Dems have an actual staffed position titled the National Republican Engagement Director. There was a PAC (PIVOTPAC) which was originally known as Haley voters for Biden and has raised over $400,000. They made a huge ad buy on Facebook the same day Haley dropped out, so it's reasonable to assume that formed much of the impetus for Haley's continued support in the later primaries...

Now they're engaged in a huge back and forth with Haley, as she sent them a cease and desist order (which they have so far ignored) becuase they changed their name to Haley voters for Harris once Biden dropped out. Not only are these folks by and large ex-Haley voters. But they have contributed $$ to show their support. $400,000 to Biden, and that number will likely grow under Harris. And for those who will cynically try and claim these are "just Democrats", let me point out that $$ raised by PACS is a lot more restrictive in terms of how it can be used in a campaign. If they were Democrats they could have just contributed the money directly to the campaign where the candidate has virtual carte blanche on how they choose to spend the money...

I realize this board is not really representative of the electorate at large but Haley voters voting Dem is not all that rare. First off the Dems have an actual staffed position titled the National Republican Engagement Director. There was a PAC (PIVOTPAC) which was originally known as Haley voters for Biden and has raised over $400,000. They made a huge ad buy on Facebook the same day Haley dropped out, so it's reasonable to assume that formed much of the impetus for Haley's continued support in the later primaries...

Now they're engaged in a huge back and forth with Haley, as she sent them a cease and desist order (which they have so far ignored) becuase they changed their name to Haley voters for Harris once Biden dropped out. Not only are these folks by and large ex-Haley voters. But they have contributed $$ to show their support. $400,000 to Biden, and that number will likely grow under Harris. And for those who will cynically try and claim these are "just Democrats", let me point out that $$ raised by PACS is a lot more restrictive in terms of how it can be used in a campaign. If they were Democrats they could have just contributed the money directly to the campaign where the candidate has virtual carte blanche on how they choose to spend the money...

While I understand and agree with the post, it doesn't make much sense in this context though. The whole point of this poll was to determine if any Trump voters would not vote for Haley. If Haley were still in the race, I'm pretty sure that the "Haley for Biden / Harris" voters would still be voting for Haley.