Gov. Pritzker calls up National Guard, declares disaster after Texas buses 500 migrants to Chicago

You're a unique challenge, danc, but I stand by my earlier statement that I'm usually respectful to posters - - even you. I think serious posters see that.

And it's absolutely hilarious that you whined to the mod about me for referring to someone as an "asshat" (would "tinfoil hat" have been better?) while, in the same sentence, you referenced me, as you usually do, as "bowel." You're a piece of work. See? I said "work" instead of something else that would have been more suitable.
“Asshat”? He has called me much worse than that.
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You're not very bright. No intelligent person would make factual assumptions about someone they've never met (i.e. me) and know nothing about. I thought only danc did that.

I'm the grandson of immigrants. My ancestors weren't here during the Civil War era so stop defaming them with the "didn't have the balls" bullshit. Their lives were profiles in courage. They came here not knowing a soul, without fluency in the language or money in their pockets, but with an unwavering commitment to making a better life for themselves and their families. They succeeded despite enormous obstacles including closed doors (jobs and housing), mockery and disrespect. I know, because I witnessed some of it.

Yes, I am proudly pro-immigrant. For me, it's personal. No, I don't believe in open borders. But I do believe that people who enter this country, legally or illegally, are worthy of respect. And DeSantis' little stunt was disgustingly disrespectful and cruel.
Did your grandparents follow the established immigration laws and procedures? Did they become citizens?
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You're not very bright. No intelligent person would make factual assumptions about someone they've never met (i.e. me) and know nothing about. I thought only danc did that.

I'm the grandson of immigrants. My ancestors weren't here during the Civil War era so stop defaming them with the "didn't have the balls" bullshit. Their lives were profiles in courage. They came here not knowing a soul, without fluency in the language or money in their pockets, but with an unwavering commitment to making a better life for themselves and their families. They succeeded despite enormous obstacles including closed doors (jobs and housing), mockery and disrespect. I know, because I witnessed some of it.

Yes, I am proudly pro-immigrant. For me, it's personal. No, I don't believe in open borders. But I do believe that people who enter this country, legally or illegally, are worthy of respect. And DeSantis' little stunt was disgustingly disrespectful and cruel.
Again with the disrespectful and cruel. It is a bullshit claim. "They should have been dumped in a major metropolitan area with higher crime and lower incomes" because that is less cruel then giving them a flight to the richest areas in the country. "No jobs where the richies are...." "Martha's Vineyard is only 20,000 people and no resources....." So when these folks show up in rural town anywhere else, that is a-okay. When they land in an area where the rich left lives, we'll that is the height of cruelty. "It gets cold in MV in the winter." Do you loving people have the plan to make them live on the streets for months? If not, the cold doesn't matter. "It is a housing crisis here." Newsflash, that is happening everywhere, including the places these 2 million people are "supposed" to go. "They were tricked." These people don't give a rats ass where they go now. They got their ticket to everything America can offer. All out social services will kick in. Catholic charities will kick in. That means dividing up the available pie even more so the poor we already had here....meh...your story isn't as politically juicy so to the back of the lines with you.

Immigrants are fine when the rules are followed and you have control of your points of entry. 2 million walking across the border uninvited and not following any rules whatsoever for economic reasons is an invasion.
Again with the disrespectful and cruel. It is a bullshit claim. "They should have been dumped in a major metropolitan area with higher crime and lower incomes" because that is less cruel then giving them a flight to the richest areas in the country. "No jobs where the richies are...." "Martha's Vineyard is only 20,000 people and no resources....." So when these folks show up in rural town anywhere else, that is a-okay. When they land in an area where the rich left lives, we'll that is the height of cruelty. "It gets cold in MV in the winter." Do you loving people have the plan to make them live on the streets for months? If not, the cold doesn't matter. "It is a housing crisis here." Newsflash, that is happening everywhere, including the places these 2 million people are "supposed" to go. "They were tricked." These people don't give a rats ass where they go now. They got their ticket to everything America can offer. All out social services will kick in. Catholic charities will kick in. That means dividing up the available pie even more so the poor we already had here....meh...your story isn't as politically juicy so to the back of the lines with you.

Immigrants are fine when the rules are followed and you have control of your points of entry. 2 million walking across the border uninvited and not following any rules whatsoever for economic reasons is an invasion.
It should be mandatory that any illegal that fits the age requirement should have to serve two years in the US Military when they get here.
Just to wrap this up. They complained when the immigrants were moved to New York and Chicago too. The complaint isn't about where they were moved, it was that the border states had the audacity to step out of line and provide an opportunity for these people to be moved elsewhere at all.

50 people show up in Martha's Vineyard, a few hundred in New York and Chicago, and suddenly the people who have been calling red border state people racist for all of their arguments against unfettered immigration started rolling out the same arguments. It is really easy to change your Twitter avatar or your profile picture while sipping chardonnay while staring at the ocean from the deck of your posh home in the MV and claim you are a humanitarian, it is quite different to welcome them into your home space.

They need to send several hundred a day to all of these places so they can show all of us haters how loving and kind people would handle the inflow.
Again with the disrespectful and cruel. It is a bullshit claim. "They should have been dumped in a major metropolitan area with higher crime and lower incomes" because that is less cruel then giving them a flight to the richest areas in the country. "No jobs where the richies are...." "Martha's Vineyard is only 20,000 people and no resources....." So when these folks show up in rural town anywhere else, that is a-okay. When they land in an area where the rich left lives, we'll that is the height of cruelty. "It gets cold in MV in the winter." Do you loving people have the plan to make them live on the streets for months? If not, the cold doesn't matter. "It is a housing crisis here." Newsflash, that is happening everywhere, including the places these 2 million people are "supposed" to go. "They were tricked." These people don't give a rats ass where they go now. They got their ticket to everything America can offer. All out social services will kick in. Catholic charities will kick in. That means dividing up the available pie even more so the poor we already had here....meh...your story isn't as politically juicy so to the back of the lines with you.

Immigrants are fine when the rules are followed and you have control of your points of entry. 2 million walking across the border uninvited and not following any rules whatsoever for economic reasons is an invasion.
I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish here because most of what you've put in quotes I didn't say.
Look in the mirror

when did she use humans as pawns?

You can't say look in the mirror unless that would actually fit. You just don't like the poster but maybe at least attempt a relevant response
Did your grandparents follow the established immigration laws and procedures? Did they become citizens?
Yes and yes.

Just to be clear and to reiterate, I'm not promoting open borders and only a fool would argue that the current situation at our southern border isn't a mess. I'm not defending the way it's being handled.

My comments were limited to DeSantis's use of vulnerable men, women and children as pawns to make a statement and/or to score political points. He stuck his nose where it didn't belong. The migrants in question weren't even in his state. They were promised expedited job opportunities and housing - - in Boston. Officials on Martha's Vineyard didn't know of the incoming flights until 20 minutes before arrival and, accordingly, had no opportunity to prepare.

Fortunately, and no thanks to DeSantis, it appears the people of Martha's Vineyard have stepped up and provided immediate humanitarian aid. There are still good people in the world.
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Just to wrap this up. They complained when the immigrants were moved to New York and Chicago too. The complaint isn't about where they were moved, it was that the border states had the audacity to step out of line and provide an opportunity for these people to be moved elsewhere at all.

50 people show up in Martha's Vineyard, a few hundred in New York and Chicago, and suddenly the people who have been calling red border state people racist for all of their arguments against unfettered immigration started rolling out the same arguments. It is really easy to change your Twitter avatar or your profile picture while sipping chardonnay while staring at the ocean from the deck of your posh home in the MV and claim you are a humanitarian, it is quite different to welcome them into your home space.

They need to send several hundred a day to all of these places so they can show all of us haters how loving and kind people would handle the inflow.
'It's quite different to welcome THEM into your home space'.

That mindset is why people say it's cruel. It's not from landing in some barren, cold place.

Maga has reacted as if DeSantis just shipped and dumped raw sewage from Florida. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference just reading the reactions between people or sewage.

Add in that reports have stated that these people were out right deceived to manipulate them to get on the plane, weren't shown a modicum of human decency once on the plane, didn't notify anyone that they were coming to be prepared and brought a media crew to record the reaction.


We're dealing with people seeking asylum and they're being looked down at like they are human sewage.

That's pretty cruel even for a grade A asshole.

Also you're trying too hard if you're selling this 'we got to show them what it's like!'. Where do you live, Shoals? It's laughable if you really think 50, 500 or 5000 people are going to buckle a city.

No this was just another dumb political event to appeal to Maga and to get on Fox news.

Just like his dumb 'stop woke' campaign....or his dumb suspension of the AG....or his dumb 'election security bust'....or his dumb public fight with Disney and now his dumb immigration event (which last I checked Florida's border was a majority of water and not close to Mexico but, he's got to be seen on TV!!!).

He knows that a couple weeks after he has his little media events it will get shot down but that's not the point. He got to be on right wing TV.

It's all predictable and dumb.

It's not virtue signaling, he's Maga-signaling.

What will it be next week?
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How is it cruel to take them where they can get help?
It sounds like these communities are stepping up to the plate. I keep looking for such stories here in Chicago, and hope to see some.

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How is it cruel to take them where they can get help?

They didn't take them to where they could get help. They took them to where they thought it would be inconvenient for dems.

If it was about getting them help, then they would have coordinated it with the other state and come up with a plan for assisting them with the people at the destination.

Big difference between dropping people off unannounced at a residence or location that isn't equipped to handle that and being a mature adult and coordinating with the governor of the other state on if they can assist with the overflow of immigrants and where they would like them dropped off.

It was a childish political stunt that used immigrants as pawns. Stop trying to put lipstick on a pig
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She’s so Fing EVIL!!! Evil evil evil. Totally inhumane. Dems should be embarrassed. Dogs couldn’t make it 30 days in a Hampton Inn
Fortunately her sphere of influence is relatively limited. It's not like she's governor and/or running for president.
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You don't think anybody in DeSantis' office tipped them off? Really?

I wasn't a fan mostly b/c while, sure, it shaved 10k off the loans for those with federally backed loans, the real predatory shit wasn't touched b/c it's private.

So yeah, it was one of those "promises made, promises kept" things which are usually bad policy.
I didn't say they weren't tipped off. I'm just saying the media are the ones making a big deal out of it. In the scheme of things, 50 people arriving on a private jet is neither abuse nor a real strain on any system in one of the wealthiest places on earth.
You're a unique challenge, danc, but I stand by my earlier statement that I'm usually respectful to posters - - even you. I think serious posters see that.

And it's absolutely hilarious that you whined to the mod about me for referring to someone as an "asshat" (would "tinfoil hat" have been better?) while, in the same sentence, you referenced me, as you usually do, as "bowel." You're a piece of work. See? I said "work" instead of something else that would have been more suitable.
If you want to ignore the mod's request, you shouldn't whine when someone points it out, Bowel.

You said 'work' because you got your dick slapped - you're not fooling anyone.
Yes and yes.

Just to be clear and to reiterate, I'm not promoting open borders and only a fool would argue that the current situation at our southern border isn't a mess. I'm not defending the way it's being handled.

My comments were limited to DeSantis's use of vulnerable men, women and children as pawns to make a statement and/or to score political points. He stuck his nose where it didn't belong. The migrants in question weren't even in his state. They were promised expedited job opportunities and housing - - in Boston. Officials on Martha's Vineyard didn't know of the incoming flights until 20 minutes before arrival and, accordingly, had no opportunity to prepare.

Fortunately, and no thanks to DeSantis, it appears the people of Martha's Vineyard have stepped up and provided immediate humanitarian aid. There are still good people in the world.
Hey Bowlmania I knew this was going to burn so you you may have to pivot a little or you can simply add Desantis to your orange man bad list. Maybe make him orange man bad #2? By him sending a few illegals to the so called woke “all are welcome” rich liberal elitists in Martha’s Vineyard the lefties are unhinged. They love illegals but only if they are a 1000 miles away. They prefer to just put a woke sign in their yard and be done with it. It is comical but so predictable that the states that deal with the illegals daily send a few to your elitist liberal buddies and you go nuts. All you guys want to do is put a woke sign up I am very glad he made you put some skin the in the game.

So if Trump does not run you will soon pivot to Desantis man bad!
I didn't say they weren't tipped off. I'm just saying the media are the ones making a big deal out of it. In the scheme of things, 50 people arriving on a private jet is neither abuse nor a real strain on any system in one of the wealthiest places on earth.
yes, but it's exactly what DeSantis wanted. Although it's starting to backfire a bit. I mean, he should have seen it coming. He's more savvy than that.
And there it is…..when nothing else works, toss out the old R card. Even if it isn’t remotely analogous.

Desantis will end up being Trump on steroids to people on the left.
Yep, that was predicted as soon as he became governor.

It doesn't matter who Republicans nominate - they're all evil to Dims. Hell, they accused Romney of cruelty to animals!
Yes and yes.

Just to be clear and to reiterate, I'm not promoting open borders and only a fool would argue that the current situation at our southern border isn't a mess. I'm not defending the way it's being handled.

My comments were limited to DeSantis's use of vulnerable men, women and children as pawns to make a statement and/or to score political points. He stuck his nose where it didn't belong. The migrants in question weren't even in his state. They were promised expedited job opportunities and housing - - in Boston. Officials on Martha's Vineyard didn't know of the incoming flights until 20 minutes before arrival and, accordingly, had no opportunity to prepare.

Fortunately, and no thanks to DeSantis, it appears the people of Martha's Vineyard have stepped up and provided immediate humanitarian aid. There are still good people in the world.
I beg to differ I bet you are all for open borders just as long as the illegals stay in red states. But once they come to your liberal buddies the whole game changes for you. All of a sudden your lib elites are such great people for taking in a few illegals. Yet states like Texas have to deal with tens of thousands of them and not a peep from you. I bet you have an " all are welcome " sign up in your yard. Are you willing to take on a few of them? I am gueesing no you are not you are simply a woke virtue signal guy who lives in an all white neighborhood.
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sending a few illegals to the so called woke “all are welcome” rich liberal elitists in Martha’s Vineyard the lefties are unhinged.
You don't read much do you, bailey? The people on Martha's Vineyard have been extremely welcoming.

What do you do all day, bailey, other than follow me around?
Hey Bowlmania I knew this was going to burn so you you may have to pivot a little or you can simply add Desantis to your orange man bad list. Maybe make him orange man bad #2? By him sending a few illegals to the so called woke “all are welcome” rich liberal elitists in Martha’s Vineyard the lefties are unhinged. They love illegals but only if they are a 1000 miles away. They prefer to just put a woke sign in their yard and be done with it. It is comical but so predictable that the states that deal with the illegals daily send a few to your elitist liberal buddies and you go nuts. All you guys want to do is put a woke sign up I am very glad he made you put some skin the in the game.

So if Trump does not run you will soon pivot to Desantis man bad!

Just because Trump is an immoral POS doesn't make desantis any better.

You just love immorals pieces of crap. Says more about you than bowl.
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It sounds like these communities are stepping up to the plate. I keep looking for such stories here in Chicago, and hope to see some.

Great! Since they are so welcoming, send them more. They can certainly afford it.

When will they be moving into the Obama compound, which @UncleMark would do?