Gabbard a Terrorist

yeah i have no idea. good question. i will say tho off topic that the coen brothers did an absolutely masterful job with no country. i watched it again recently and it is so well done
It's a perfect film. My favorite of the 21st century and in my top 5-10 of all-time. Think we had this debate before. I rank it way higher than There Will Be Blood.
Haven't read Suttree.

I really, really liked the Road and it's easily in my top 5. I read that when my daughter was only like one or two months old, so a brand new dad, and it really struck a cord with me about fatherhood.
have you read any of the richard ford books?
It's a perfect film. My favorite of the 21st century and in my top 5-10 of all-time. Think we had this debate before. I rank it way higher than There Will Be Blood.
the gas station scene is one of the greatest scenes ever. i've seen it ten times and still bust out with nervous laughter at his reaction to finding out that he married into it
That's why I started this.

Nope. Best one or best one to start with?
oh my god i'm so genuinely jealous. at your station in life this is such the perfect time to read them. it's the frank bascombe series. start with the sportwriter. then independence day (pulitzer). lastly lay of hte land. they are perfect. when you get through the sportswriter and to the end of independence day you'll have that same feeling you had with your newborn and it feeling like this was written for you. it's wonderful in too many ways to express. i guarantee you will be immensely pleased you put yourself into frank's world. he's us with teh ability to capture all of the emotions and angst of marriage and divorce and teens and career in simple, perfect prose....
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Dude loves him some mountain ranges and storms, too:

"The jagged mountains were pure blue in the dawn and everywhere birds twittered and the sun when it rose caught the moon in the west so that they lay opposed to each other across the earth, the sun whitehot and the moon a pale replica, as if they were the ends of a common bore beyond whose terminals burned worlds past all reckoning."


"All night sheetlightning quaked sourceless to the west beyond the midnight thunder-heads, making a bluish day of the distant desert, the mountains on the sudden skyline stark and black and livid like a land of some other order out there whose true geology was not stone but fear. The thunder moved up from the southwest and lightning lit the desert all about them, blue and barren, great clanging reaches ordered out of the absolute night like some demon kingdom summoned up or changeling land that come the day would leave them neither trace nor smoke nor ruin more than any troubling dream."
“Five wagons smoldered on the desert floor and the riders dismounted
and moved among the bodies of the dead argonauts in silence, those right pilgrims nameless among the stones with their terrible wounds, the viscera spilled from their sides and the naked torsos bristling arrow-shafts.

Some by their beards were men but yet wore strange menstrual wounds between their legs and no man's parts for these had been cut away and hung dark and strange from out their grinning mouths.

In their wigs of dried blood they lay gazing up with ape's eyes at brother sun now rising in the east.”

No one else writes like that. Thats the genius of McCarthy.
I agree we don’t know re Harris. I find that troubling.

But I don’t get the out over my skis part—I’m asking a question as to how he defines a hack.

Re Tulsi, she might have flipped support, but on what issues, exactly has she flip flopped on? I can list some for Harris, it appears, but I’m ignorant on Gabbard’s positions (past or present).
Tulsi is adamantly opposed to military aid for Ukraine like MTG like Gaetz, etc the MAGA wing. I honestly desire to know why is that opposition? I want to know why Russian expansionism is a good thing?
oh my god i'm so genuinely jealous. at your station in life this is such the perfect time to read them. it's the frank bascombe series. start with the sportwriter. then independence day (pulitzer). lastly lay of hte land. they are perfect. when you get through the sportswriter and to the end of independence day you'll have that same feeling you had with your newborn and it feeling like this was written for you. it's wonderful in too many ways to express. i guarantee you will be immensely pleased you put yourself into frank's world. he's us with teh ability to capture all of the emotions and angst of marriage and divorce and teens and career in simple, perfect prose....
Just ordered the first one, The Sportswriter.
I wonder how the movie they are working on for Blood Meridian is going to handle the scenery, the storms, and the geography. To me, his prose makes those things exagerrated. I know the term "Biblical" is used a lot with him, but I think of it more as stark, powerful, BIG. Like the people are one-tenth their real size and the mountains are enormous and the storms more ominous and maybe surreal (also overused to describe his writing).

I wonder if they'll try to capture that or just go with some really good landscape cinematography. My guess is the latter, but I also think you could capture the spirit of the book through some type of really cool animation, like some of the advanced stuff on Love Death and Robots on Netflix.
They’ll never make a satisfactory Blood Meridian movie. It’s not possible. Will never happen.
Haven't read Suttree.

I really, really liked the Road and it's easily in my top 5. I read that when my daughter was only like one or two months old, so a brand new dad, and it really struck a cord with me about fatherhood.
I’ve read Suttree probably 3 times. It’s more of an acquired taste for me because it’s more of a stream of consciousness narrative. I really really learned to appreciate that book, especially when I learned a lot of the characters in it are real people from McCarthys past. There’s a really cool website that details all of it. It’s incredibly cool.

Just ordered the first one, The Sportswriter.
amazing. this is just the little teaser appetizer to the pulitzer winning indpendence day. independence day is the great american novel. it's the book that walker percy and richard yates and so many others dreamed of writing but couldnt
They’ll never make a satisfactory Blood Meridian movie. It’s not possible. Will never happen.

I’ve read Suttree probably 3 times. It’s more of an acquired taste for me because it’s more of a stream of consciousness narrative. I really really learned to appreciate that book, especially when I learned a lot of the characters in it are real people from McCarthys past. There’s a really cool website that details all of it. It’s incredibly cool.

three times! wow! interesting stuff hoops. i'm going to check out that website
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They’ll never make a satisfactory Blood Meridian movie. It’s not possible. Will never happen.

I’ve read Suttree probably 3 times. It’s more of an acquired taste for me because it’s more of a stream of consciousness narrative. I really really learned to appreciate that book, especially when I learned a lot of the characters in it are real people from McCarthys past. There’s a really cool website that details all of it. It’s incredibly cool.

I would love to see Tarantino try something different, and make this movie while trying to scrupulously stick to the story and the dialogue. Scorcesee about 20 years ago would have been great, too.

I'm not sure how you can adequately portray a 7 foot tall albino with global alopecia who needs to be a great actor? Could even Daniel Day Lewis pull this off? Some weird CGI of Russell Crowe? Tom Hardy? Meryl Streep?
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I would love to see Tarantino try something different, and make this movie while trying to scrupulously stick to the story and the dialogue. Scorcesee about 20 years ago would have been great, too.

I'm not sure how you can adequately portray a 7 foot tall albino with global alopecia who needs to be a great actor? Could even Daniel Day Lewis pull this off? Some weird CGI of Russell Crowe? Tom Hardy? Meryl Streep?
daniel day is obviously the gold standard. again off topic i love tom hardy. he's a big mma guy and enters himself into tournaments and shit. like now. his oldddddd testatment scene with arthur in peaky blinders is one of my all time favorite scenes as well. i agree with @Hoopsdoc1978 that blood is going to be a stretch to adapt
daniel day is obviously the gold standard. again off topic i love tom hardy. he's a big mma guy and enters himself into tournaments and shit. like now. his oldddddd testatment scene with arthur in peaky blinders is one of my all time favorite scenes as well. i agree with @Hoopsdoc1978 that blood is going to be a stretch to adapt
I assume you've seen Warrior with Hardy? That's cool he does that.
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I would love to see Tarantino try something different, and make this movie while trying to scrupulously stick to the story and the dialogue. Scorcesee about 20 years ago would have been great, too.

I'm not sure how you can adequately portray a 7 foot tall albino with global alopecia who needs to be a great actor? Could even Daniel Day Lewis pull this off? Some weird CGI of Russell Crowe? Tom Hardy? Meryl Streep?
John Goodman would have been perfect 25 years ago. He’s to old now.
Does this make Harris a hack? Compare her policy proscriptions in her failed 2020 primary bid to what people are saying is her present stance. Policy wise, I think she changed just as much as Tulsi did, didn't she?
We only know her flip flops from leaks. She doesn’t have the courage to face the full press and be questioned.

Maybe her nut job VP will do that job.
I said policy specifics aside...

Sure, Harris has "evolved" from the 2020 primary to today. That's not atypical. Still doesn't compare (in my thinking) to the kind of "transformation" Gabbard has undergone.
Evolved. Such utter bullshit. Whatever the polls say she needs to get elected will be her policies. And we will only know that through leaks and off the record statements.
Evolved. Such utter bullshit. Whatever the polls say she needs to get elected will be her policies. And we will only know that through leaks and off the record statements.
Exactly then it’ll be a bait and switch. Calif and the second most lib senator out of a 109 or whatever ucla found. We know who she is. He’ll look at her vp pick.
Tulsi is awesome. I may have to vote for Trump because she might be in the cabinet. She has has a great power of negotiation and speaking. If she is a terrorist then I am proud to be a terrorist.

The american citizens are at war with the Democrat Party and the quicker everyone understands it then faster we can get back on track. The current Dems have become one of the worst political organizations in the history of the world. They are danger to the world. Time to eliminate the Democrats and their propaganda machine. They are putting freedom and democracy at risk. They shut down the primaries then select the puppet they want to run for president. They want war everywhere. From the border to Ukraine to the Middle East.
Tulsi is awesome. I may have to vote for Trump because she might be in the cabinet. She has has a great power of negotiation and speaking. If she is a terrorist then I am proud to be a terrorist.

The american citizens are at war with the Democrat Party and the quicker everyone understands it then faster we can get back on track. The current Dems have become one of the worst political organizations in the history of the world. They are danger to the world. Time to eliminate the Democrats and their propaganda machine. They are putting freedom and democracy at risk. They shut down the primaries then select the puppet they want to run for president. They want war everywhere. From the border to Ukraine to the Middle East.
@DANC @snarlcakes @Joe_Hoopsier
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Tulsi is awesome. I may have to vote for Trump because she might be in the cabinet. She has has a great power of negotiation and speaking. If she is a terrorist then I am proud to be a terrorist.

The american citizens are at war with the Democrat Party and the quicker everyone understands it then faster we can get back on track. The current Dems have become one of the worst political organizations in the history of the world. They are danger to the world. Time to eliminate the Democrats and their propaganda machine. They are putting freedom and democracy at risk. They shut down the primaries then select the puppet they want to run for president. They want war everywhere. From the border to Ukraine to the Middle East.
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And she called it out, in big media quickly, as I recall through my sleepless night with the TV. Or I dreamed it. The chic's got balls. In a good way, not democrats way.

Bigger question, what does it take to properly deliver a negative reinforcement to DC, that they need to stop their shit? Cam someone draw the line, please?

According to Joe, a few F-16s.
Evolved. Such utter bullshit. Whatever the polls say she needs to get elected will be her policies. And we will only know that through leaks and off the record statements.
did you fail to notice the following occurence?

Prior to 2016 Primaries: Most republicans were vocal about being against Trump
After 2016 Primaries: Most republicans were kissing Trump's ass

Think that was just an honest flip flop of opinion or they realized they wanted to get re-elected and must change their opinion?

Supporting what (or who) you need to in order to get elected isn't something unique to one party. The only questions are will they actually support what they claimed to support (follow through after election) and do they have to compromise their values (supporting orange turd) in order to get elected.
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