Funny case of over-zealous city enforcement


Hall of Famer
Jun 19, 2001
Dad builds toddler an awesome fort out of old cardboard boxes. City then sends him a letter stating that the fort violates the city code prohibiting "waste materials or junk on premises," giving them 14 days to take it down.

What makes the story hilarious is that, instead of tearing it down after a few days like he probably would have done, the dad is instead collecting more cardboard to reinforce the structure so that it will last the full two weeks!
This post was edited on 4/6 10:41 AM by Noodle

Tear down that wall!
I would think the city would encourage repurposing waste material

Ya know, it is all about sustainability. Probably helps with climate change too.
Re: I would think the city would encourage repurposing waste material

well, on a hot summer day I would imagine that rain-soaked cardboard would provide some cooling on the inside, especially if you get the windows arranged properly to take advantage of prevailing winds--a nice little swamp cooler for your fort!

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