From Dakich today...

He obviously lives in a bubble. Clearly most on both boards here don't want Alford and I gotta believe that it's a better sample than everyone he talks to. Everyone that calls his show wants Alford, but if you called him and expressed a different view he'd likely hang up on you, why would non Alford supporters call?

I'm sure that Glass is putting a lot of stock in knowing that the collection of mostly know-nothing morons who inhabit this place prefer someone other than Alford. I'd be the last guy to defend Dakich, but he's forgotten more about Indiana basketball and how this coaching search is going than anyone here knows. I wouldn't bet a nickel that Glass even knows this place exists. Ultimately, Glass knows where his bread gets buttered and if the big donors prefer Alford, that's who the next coach is going to be.
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I'm sure that Glass is putting a lot of stock in knowing that the collection of mostly know-nothing morons who inhabit this place prefer someone other than Alford. I'd be the last guy to defend Dakich, but he's forgotten more about Indiana basketball and how this coaching search is going than anyone here knows. I wouldn't bet a nickel that Glass even knows this place exists. Ultimately, Glass knows where his bread gets buttered and if the big donors prefer Alford, that's who the next coach is going to be.

He literally referenced this specific website when he fired Crean lol you have no clue
I'm sure that Glass is putting a lot of stock in knowing that the collection of mostly know-nothing morons who inhabit this place prefer someone other than Alford. I'd be the last guy to defend Dakich, but he's forgotten more about Indiana basketball and how this coaching search is going than anyone here knows. I wouldn't bet a nickel that Glass even knows this place exists. Ultimately, Glass knows where his bread gets buttered and if the big donors prefer Alford, that's who the next coach is going to be.

Dakich wanted Crean to stay and criticized IU for not supporting Crean.

And no, Alford will not be the next coach.
He literally referenced this specific website when he fired Crean lol you have no clue

Okay, so Glass may be aware of this colony of idiots. I never said he wasn't. I expressed my doubt. That doesn't change anything and your post proves that you're the kind of semi-literate idiot I was referring to.
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Dakich wanted Crean to stay and criticized IU for not supporting Crean.

And no, Alford will not be the next coach.

That doesn't mean Dakich doesn't know how this process is going down.

Your last sentence is wishful thinking on your part and you're in no position to know anything.
Okay, so Glass may be aware of this colony of idiots. I never said he wasn't. I expressed my doubt. That doesn't change anything and your post proves that you're the kind of semi-literate idiot I was referring to.

You literally said you wouldn't "bet a nickel
Glass even knows this place exists"
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Okay, so Glass may be aware of this colony of idiots. I never said he wasn't. I expressed my doubt. That doesn't change anything and your post proves that you're the kind of semi-literate idiot I was referring to.

he clearly uses this site and others to take the pulse of fans. he'd be an idiot not too. he's in charge of the brand. too much info is way better than too little. ya, the big donors matter but us little folks put butts in seats.

my money says he's not touching Alford. well, unless everyone one else says no. we'd do much better with an Archie Miller type guy. Archie has done more at Dayton than Stevie did at Iowa. or at New Mexico. how can that be? lol
he clearly uses this site and others to take the pulse of fans. he'd be an idiot not too. he's in charge of the brand. too much info is way better than too little. ya, the big donors matter but us little folks put butts in seats.

my money says he's not touching Alford. well, unless everyone one else says no. we'd do much better with an Archie Miller type guy. Archie has done more at Dayton than Stevie did at Iowa. or at New Mexico. how can that be? lol

Here's yet another genius that can't write a coherent sentence. Tell me, genius, where do you park your butt in Assembly Hall? Does someone occasionally treat you to a ticket or are you a big donor?
Here's yet another genius that can't write a coherent sentence. Tell me, genius, where do you park your butt in Assembly Hall? Does someone occasionally treat you to a ticket or are you a big donor?

lighten up, francis

why are stevie truthers so damn militant?
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It there we're a market for BS Dakich would be a millionaire......I can't believe how he gets out on the floor during the game and does his dog and pony show...
I agree, I have said for long time he needs to stay off the damn floor, cannot believe they even allow that.
lighten up, francis

why are stevie truthers so damn militant?

You have to use a different part of your brain, located in your ass, to understand any type of truther/cult following.

Dakich has a very standard agenda for any sports radio personality. Sell his spot. His knowledge of IU and it's history does not trump outrage in his profession, so he chooses to play the fan base. He is in the business to make money, and I don't blame him one bit for what he does considering how many people actually cling on to his bs.
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I'm unable to listen to Dakich, but I would bet he's "mad" because he senses IU is conducting a coaching search like a bunch of bumbling fools, all with the delusional expectation that it will produce a difference making coach. Even though many of the people have changed, he probably sees the same dumb decision making and turf protection efforts that gave IU Davis, then Sampson, then Crean.
The question has always been - or at least for 17 years it has been - does the IU administration have the courage and ability to make ANY decent decision about the hiring of a new coach?
no way to tell for sure how well anyone, including Stevens, Donovan, Alford, or anyone else, will do.

that said, virtually every major program in the country has someone who had great success at a non major before they got there.

very few have that success translate over.

not saying Archie wouldn't, just saying he couldn't be considered a "home run" till he does.

if i'm doing the hiring, i talk to Randy Wittman first, but no one is a guarantee, and someone virtually nobody's ever heard of could work out great.
I was all in with Wittman in 2008, but not now because I want our next coach to be around for at least 15-20 years. At his age that would be unlikely. Same with Woodson. Speaking of Woody, did anyone hear what Dakich said about him? If Woodson was ever hired, World Wide Wes would be involved
Remember DD said"it's done" a few days ago and most of us laughed and wondered if it was his lunch or dinner he was referring to. He is nothing but a provocative mouthpiece looking for attention.